>mom walked out on her
>she got abused as a child
>her dad was killed
>friend committed suicide in front of her
Why does this angel have to suffer so much?
Mom walked out on her
As long as they don't take away her new imouto everything will be okay.
>Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
I'm going to be Dorothy's wife.
There is one (1) spy hidden in this image
Hey Ange thanks for not killing my friend so she could kill herself
That's not a spy, that's a creature from Hell.
I'm now more convinced than ever that Beato will die
She has to pay for having such a sinful lewd body.
So is Ange going to pretend to be Princess and fake her death? Will they finally run away to Casablanca? Why can't they just kill the Duke? He only has Gazelle protecting him.
It's been a long time since I've loved a character as much as Ange.
Also I just noticed that Beato and Chise somehow got into last week's Ange collage.
Ange was preparing her for the control betrayal, now that she knows this pain she will help Ange.
At least she found a way to cope with it.
Her friend didn't just commit suicide in front of her, her friend committed suicide as a gift to her. I'm not sure if that's better or worse but it's important
>loving an autistic lizard
why do anime girls do this?
Lots of new Daisies, too
Beato is her daughter-wife
It's the law.
>I am the Princess, and so are you. No, she's the two of us together.
And Chise
Give it time user, Angels are already saved.
I'm honestly having a hard time deciding whether my favorite character is Ange, Beato, or Dorothy.
It's Dorothy.
I imagine how happy Inchou must've been here
Why can't they all be your favorite?
Doro is obviously the more interesting one, Ange "I will become an autistic robot for my girlfriend I met when I was 7" is too contrived. Ange has a nice costume, though.
>tfw you didn't get to kiss the woman you admired before you died
It was a great gift. If Dorothy shot her, she would have carried the weight for the rest of her life. She is largely irresponsible for what happened to her mother and her father, but this time the gun was in her hand.
Because favorite means "the one above all others"
I would read that book.
>plotfag coup in the control
Best day of my life.
*not responsible
After watching episode 1 I decided that it will be Ange, no matter what happens. This episode gave me a hard time, but I'm staying strong.
>implying there wasn't an alternative to killing her
I don't know if someone I cherish commited suicide and said it was ''A gift for me'' I'd become emotionally scarred
>the final episode will be a first episode rerun
How mad?
Someone please post the "foreshadowing".
Can you bring a double agent back to the good side?
As mad as if it was a series re-cap.
I want a British dub for this show with a variety of British dialects
how does that work?
She can become a pseudo-double agent, or triple agent.
post rare beatos
There are no good sides. Both sides ruthlessly use people, including little girls, to murder each other and dispose of one another when they've outlived their usefulness.
The Commonwealth is evil. The Kingdom is evil. The only decent people in this entire show are ostensibly the main characters.
post beato and princess
It has the properties of both being a daughter and a wife
Pretty sure it's Doro m8
Why did nobody on the train seem to care about the gunshot? Trains might have been loud back then the shot should still have been audible.
Only Princess, Beatrice and Dorothy are good. Chise and Ange are murderers.
I don't know what this facial expression is meant to convey
Ange only kills bad people
Probably thinking about honey
Beautiful tits have a price
an exposed double agent drug addict has no official place other than the grave
I guess the girls could've like faked failing the mission or faked killing her, but while the main girls may be good girls, they're not so good as to risk themselves for some traitorous girl who isn't even part of the group. well, Doro offered some "options" but they could'be never worked out, Ange would have finished the girl if the girl had actually surrendered
The conductor that was suppose to fetch the blanket was probably knocked out. I'm sure other conductors probably noticed him so they are searching the cabins for suspicious individuals. They will definitely investigate the gunshot but nothing will really come out of it. This person won't have her real identity with her and there won't be a trace of Dorothy or Ange behind. It will just written on the news as a "woman who committed suicide on the train"
Conspiring patricide and a massacre of the royal family. Her coup will be followed by a massive purge for certain.
More or less the primary accomplice to the deaths of at least a hundred people by now.
Probably smothered quite a few men to death with those massive tits.
The perfect woman.
This scene was too cute.
Princess just wants equality because she knows how it was to live with the commonwealth.
>Probably smothered quite a few men to death with those massive tits.
She's even more of a hero, then.
Beato looks so daam happy and comfy
She's looking right at the camera
Little girls should suffer as much as possible, even if they're in big girl bodies.
Any webms of that killshot?
well, they're "good" in the sense that while they prioritize their own wellbeing and their friends, they're not actively being evil. sometimes they do nice things to others, even.
but heck, their job includes killing and lying and at the end of the day, they ARE prioritizing themselves.
as Dorothy was told earlier in the series, there's no white and black, only gray and black; the girls are gray
>Conspiring patricide and a massacre of the royal family
You don't know that, maybe she will just put them in jail until they've been indoctrinated to the way of the gay.
This didn't look like the 25th at all. No decorations and everyone seemed to work like normally.
Also I really like those dresses. Especially Ange's tights.
Beato is gray
What was the point of Prefect's drug use?
Elevens don't really get Christmas.
>Ange would have finished the girl if the girl had actually surrendered
Nah. She had a change of heart.
that is never going to work, some people will fight back and they must be killed
furthermore, rotting in 19th century jail is hardly much better than murder
white pigeons desu
Never seen a pub decorated much on christmust.
>they know about Ange's personal attachment to Princess
How could a spy slip up so easily?
When is this supposed to take place? If it's Pre-Dickens, Christmas wouldn't have been nearly as big of a deal
>Conspiring patricide
The king isn't her father.
>that line
So prefect was jealous of Ange and Dorothy proximity, and endedp up being right by acident, referencing Ange's reuniting with Princess?
So what exactly was she injecting herself with? Some sort of medicine? She had clearly run out from what was in the suitcase, hence her willing to kill herself before she would have died anyway.
I mean, if I'm right she expected to die the moment this all started, otherwise she would not have wasted time in the bar and instead gone to get whatever it was she needed to stay alive. Instead, she knows she is found out, and decides to have fun one last time, just like the Christmas from may years ago.
she was an obsessive, lonely wreck of a traitorous double agent spy
there's... nothing odd about her doing drugs to ease the pain
Always with the fucking cards
c. 1900
The distant look in her eyes after taking it made me think some kind of opioid, but you can't say that out loud on Jap tv
It was drugs. The enemy was her only way of getting more of it, and that kep her loyal to them.
>implying the traitor didn't mean Dorothy
No, Ange planned the entire thing so that Dorothy and Iinchou could face off and have their heartwarming suicide.
>So what exactly was she injecting herself with?
She didn't need it to stay alive you dolt, it was just a drug addiction. Presumably what her handler was using to control her.
Hm, in that case I might expect more. Who knows, could just be nips not caring enough to do historical research in English
I kinda thought it was drugs given the withdrawal symptoms, but I kinda expect someone second best to Ange would be able to kill anyone/secure a supply instead of becoming a heroin addict that turned.
It's even more sad when you realize she was probably the only person left who really loved her.
You could tell they were thinking about it a bit in their terms when the dude asked Iinchou "are you spending Christmas with anyone?" Not really what Westerners would say about Christmas, but nips use it as a romantic holiday.
To suppress the pain of not being Dorothy's girlfriend.
The old Ange wouldn't have been kind enough to give them that moment, so Prefect's point stands.
WHY THE FUCK does she have to suffer so much?
It's not fucking fair no other character got this much shit
Beato exists.
>affecting ange in any way
Only Princess has that effect on her.