So did Isayama tell them this in 2013 already or did he just make it up now?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Also Billy.
He already had the ending figured out when he started, so maybe.
>human melting
>possibility of fake hero being ackerman
>ackerman being made through titan science
failed ackerman experiments confirmed
what is wrong with you? you do nothing but make people hate it, normal posting would be fine, as soon as sticky was gone, here you are again
he did have the general idea of how the world was but the actual ending was pretty gruesome as he said before but not the same now
it's willy officially
Also he never said anything about how the ending is.
Anyone have the CR rips or are they on the Goddess?
actually he did say, it was similar to the mist, his words were "something that would betray the fans"
probably releasing all the colossals
The most recent interview he clarified it was not literally, and also said he's going towards the ending he though at the start, which no one knows anything about.
>he's going towards the ending he though at the start
link or didn't happen
he said quite a few times that he will do an ending that would not betray the fans
Erwin cat a cute
dumb frog poster
Pay attention to what you read, user.
Armin a cute.
A cute babby.
>it used the main character’s deep, intrinsic beliefs of what’s right to corrupt the main character himself, leading him to act in contrary ways. What the audience believed to be correct is also flipped upside-down.
Isayama came up with some kino shit.
Hitler Armong and GRIM REMINDER confirmed?
>it used the main character’s deep, intrinsic beliefs of what’s right to corrupt the main character himself, leading him to act in contrary ways. What the audience believed to be correct is also flipped upside-down.
>The Hanged Man is one of the most mysterious cards in the tarot deck. It is simple, but complex. It attracts, but also disturbs. It contradicts itself in countless ways. The Hanged Man is unsettling because it symbolizes the action of paradox in our lives. A paradox is something that appears contradictory, and yet is true. The Hanged Man presents to us certain truths, but they are hidden in their opposites.
Now I will have to watch guardians of the galaxy to find out what he means. Someone spoils me, is it a good ending then?
It's a flick ending for a flick. Though it can be said that it happened the same thing that happened in The Mist, twisted agenda.
This poor child is EXTREMELY autistic. He refuses to speak. He only grunts loudly and points at things. He absolutely will no make eye contact and will resort to squealing like a pig and hitting his own head if you force eye contact with him. His mother has decided to euthanize him. Support Euthanasia, and you could save Erwin Smith.
>Pork on Pieck
It's shit.
SNK is pretty gruesome, but I admit I always considered it to be a story about hope. I always expected a happy ending.
>guardians of the galaxy
The first or the second?
Fuck off sick faggot.
>He absolutely will no make eye contact and will resort to squealing like a pig and hitting his own head if you force eye contact with him.
kek what the fuck
True. It should be a smug Pieck on a tsun Pork.
Hitler Armong and GRIM REMINDER was the first idea of Isayama. Now he changed that idea and make some similar to Guardians of Galaxy
he only watched the second probably, authors watch it in DVD and considering it's him he watched it in japanese dub
But he also says the ending will be the same though, so we're walking into the abyss anyways.
>that pic
Jean for peter? JM confirmed?
>I live so Erwin can die
Oh don't be cruel he's a little boy.
Reminder that Erwin deserved to die.
His resolve to push forward would fade as soon as he learned the truth about the titans.
Levi knows that people need something to get drunk on so they can continue fighting. Erwin wouldn't have that anymore after reaching the basement, but Armin still had a lot of dreams to fulfill.
That's the reason Levi decided to let Erwin die, but he couldn't say something that would make Erwin look so bad in front of others.
The mong is a bad person.
I have thousands of images which I have yet to rename, hence the name.
He'd become a NEET refuse to leave the basement.
They're just jealous of a little boy. They need to feel powerful somehow hating a fictional character.
can you upload the folder somewhere
The Mist is a movie about how quickly society falls apart and people turn on each other when faced with the threat of possible death, and the original ending is all about hopelessness and acting in a shortsighted way because you stopped believing. And there are people here who still would deny the GRIM REMINDER. Face it, it's inevitable.
I have seen that last panel several times. What is it from, a short story?
About what? Having a retardation aura?
Neetwin is very cute.
That's true.
Not sure where I could.
OK it's true. I really want a GRIM REMINDER and I think Isayama loves this poetry
Meant to be
>Thousands of mongwongs
There's something wrong with you.
Endgame right here, brothers.
I've heard it before.
Recordatory that in chapter 100 there will be a GRIM REMINDER but Eren does not agree with this plan and that is why he is on Liberio.
Isayama don't want you to feel happy, Isayama want you to feel and think.
Didn't know there was a cripplefag in these threads. Stumps are fucking repulsive.
How many chapters until the end? Are we in the final arc already?
With or without his arm, I love Erwin all the same.
To the people who don't want the GRIM REMINDER: why? Is it just because it would be too edgy? Im genuniely curious because in my honest opinion it's by far the most interesting way the series can go, and quite frankly it does seem like we're being set up for it. Sure, it will be pointless and sad but that's exacly why i think the message it would give about how there are no heroes in war and that hatred is a celf-perpetuating cicle would be so strong, and as such i think it would be far more interesting than any happier conclusion to the story.
Isayama did say that the Reiner and Bert reveal chapter was the midpoint of the story, so i'd say we're probably close to the end, yeah.
>Chapter 100 is the last chapter.
Because is predictable and literally normie tier.
Nigger don't joke.
>normie tier
It would be the ultimalte gargantuan normie filter.
Who will voice punished Eren? Yuki Kaji can't into deep voice acting anyway and without a new VA the twist will be ruined for animefags.
One word in their minds:REVENGE.
Predictable yes, but it can be done in a way we're not expecting while retaining the basis of the idea. "literally normie tier" is just not an argument
heh, nothing will be ruined, he's a voice actor, he can do many different voices besides anime won't be months apart, it would be weekly
Yuki Kaiji doing his Todoroki voice from BnhA would be just fine for punished Eren.
>It ends where it starts.
How are the three last chapters going to be then, fags? Place your bets.
The world is simply not ready for such Kino user.
Did anyone realize the stealth count down in the titles?
I want an interview with the MIGHTY Eren Kruger
>ctrl-f annie
>O results
Wtf /snk/?
Who would voice Porco and Pieck? The Cadets? Magath?
>Ackermans were Marle heroes
>royal family tried to annihilate them
>they're now eldian bitches
Really makes you think
KEK. Thank you user. You just made my day
Ok, here is Annie
not long since the thread started, and it's not like we have a stick up our ass so we need to talk about the character we like every minute, spamming is not good
Sorry, I'm a little busy.
Cheers mateys
Was meant to be ironic but okayy
Zip the folder and upload it to somewhere like
Chapter 55.
Normies always want the most predictable thing to happen.
You better be in the Chapter 100 spoiler thread.
Alma deserved to have her throat slashed and I would have done it myself.
>Next chapter is more warrior flashbacks
I might be away on work without a connection, so if I can't post it, I'll leave it in your hands.
She was a shit spy who got very lucky.
>next chapter is based again
I don't get it, how was Rod able to pass memories to Hisu?