Google blocking search results

Let's be honest here, your average Internet User doesn't know how much of an agenda Google has.

It's Google's Right to do what they want with their search engine, but we really need to get the word out that they manipulate the results with political ends.

Other urls found in this thread:

Even if this is just an algorithm mistake, we really ought to be letting people know these algorithm mistakes are important

Protecting us all

no prob for me. u in the US?

It could be a regional thing. Google does kow-tow to the Chinese Government from what I hear.

lol actually when i googled handgun it brought up local outdoors store having sales on handguns.

Fake and gay

We live in a matrix. Everything we see, read and hear on social media and in MSM is filtered to manipulate you. Even Google brainwashes you pic related

Google simon of trent then duck duck go it.

working for me
stop being a faggot

Search under shopping. NOT FAKE

they've never allowed shopping searches for weapons

Pics of a search under the "shopping" tab? Maybe this is an American phenomenon



You of all meme flags should accept that as a private company Google can do what it wants

UK for one. and those are paintbal guns dumbass

>It's Google's Right to do what they want with their search engine, but we really need to get the word out that they manipulate the results with political ends.

Free Market works the best when the consumer is informed

hasn't hit slavland yet...

> Free Market
> Regulations
Are you being retarded on purpose?


>using google to buy guns

Google "YouTube" on a browser that your not signed onto an account withy and no web history, look at the first videos that are suggested, all anti trump anti gun bullshit

Naturally, Google's leanings in restricting videos doesn't even need to be mentioned.

I'm in the US and get these same results. Ditto for AR-15

It's getting about time to unplug Google.

Google thinks Stephen Paddock is most famous for his being a real estate investor.

>tfw the AMWF poster got a job at Google

This will end well

Hopefully the James Damore Situation will help people get the word out that Google is a political actor

BurGUNdy. You cannot convince me that not a single person paying Google isn't selling something that is burgundy.

Roses are red
Niggers steal bikes
Google is run by Christ killing kikes

>trying to buy guns from searching google shopping

Google is filled with cia niggers


Make those an "Alt-Right" Symbol and watch Google ditch them faster than the Space Shuttle.

WTF google!

Pornhub is at it too

Try typing any disparaging word about ((them)) and see it gets filtered, yet try it with other races and it’s fine

As we go into the Internet Age, we really ought to be teaching our friends and family that this stuff happens.