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Wow, more allegations. Surely these ones will be true!
It must be true.
so a prostitute wants out of jail and is ready to suck dick for this? wow.
What a stupid fucking article
>Get me out of jail and I’ll tell you about manafort!
>previously interviewed by NBC
If she was legit and had something, NBC would have had her flown first class to the US with citizenship papers waiting for her.
But she has several things going against her:
1: fucking prostitute
2: in jail
Either of those issues automatically discredit any kind of testimony she could give.
All this is is shit tier clickbait.
OP fucking kill yourself
>A model named Nastya Rybka says she will spill information on Trump and Russia to get out of a Thai jail
Literally the headline
>washington post
audible kek
>random russian prostitute
this is how desperate the left has become
Gee, this is nothing like that dumbass movie that's about to come out at all...
>BREAKING: another worthless bimbo looks for attention, more news at 6
>pay $1 to read this
Surely this time drumpf is finished, 105th times the charm
check out all these mad Ivans
Seems like the whore (or her handlers) thought of a way to make big money. American leftists are very stupid and you can make money with their stupidity if you have a good game plan.
This will encourage other whores that have peed on the Donald to come out from hiding. I think this has potential. Fuckkkk
I don't think there's anything wrong with watersports, mind you.
this will abslutely be the beginning of the end of trumps presitendcy he cannot recover,
Oh no, you got me now. Surely THIS time I'll become a moral relativist!
Fuck your paywall trash. Washington Compost has shown they're not to be trusted, repeatedly.
Not an argument. KYS
Thai hooker =/= Russian model.
You just make up a story after reading the headlines, don’t you?
>just a thai hooker
sure thing friendo
I have info on Trump.
Rybka has been behaving most stupid and inconsistently ever since the yacht sex scandal started. First, she claimed in a video she was gang raped on the yacht, then in a couple hours refuted this statement, then expressed her support to Navalny (the Russian opposition politician who did the investigation) even though earlier used to be a fierce Putin fangirl, and now this.
All in all, if you feel like trusting a stupid whore who managed to get her 15 minutes of hype by means of involuntarily capturing some important words in a video about how much of an "oligarch huntress" she was. well, then Rybka is just the source for you. Now she can say whatever she wants, she can imagine Trump personally visited the yacht and fucked her while himself being fucked by a reptiloid from Nibiru—all of this means jackshit in absence of hard proofs, like that video, and she has none.
Funny, they say the same thing about Hillary and Obama.
google Seth Rich faggot
>rich guys fucking a prostitue on a yacht
Impeachment naow, reeeeeee Trump!
This Bjorn is full of shit. It's *me* who has info on Trump and I'm wiling to tell the media everything if they pay for my first class flight and hookers.
are you an escort? pls escort me.
No, I really have info on Trump.
Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is the 45th and current President of the United States, in office since January 20, 2017. Before entering politics, he was a businessman and television personality.
Not sure if someone cares, but there's a lot of porn of her on the internet
Q predicted this
maybe there's more, not sure
Of course we care mother fucker.
opinion discarded
Oh look it’s CIA propaganda.
>Washington post
>Jeff bezos
>American oligarch
>Wants to monopolise everything g
>Anti trump
I'm sure this is reliable, and objective.
listening to whores..even worse than listening to kids
Don't know after what happend with Jr this promises.
This one's the most hilarious. It was her first "sex performance" as she calls it and it involved Rybka standing on a Moscow embankment offering herself to random people passing by, until one of them agreed and fucked her right on the spot, while her "sex coach" was filming.
Think for yourself what goes on in her head, the head of her sex coach, the oligarch that agreed to have an affair with such a woman, and what the general state of mind of the Russian society is like.
>this time it’s true
>I know Trump is bad because I love pop culture and pop culture hates Trump