Why did he do it?
Why did he do it?
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win the Super Bowl? isn't that Tom Brady
Cause I fucked you mom?
For the EGS man, for the EGS. It’s been almost a year and my girlfriend and I still laugh about this loser. Shame he took innocent people with him and didn’t just ghost himself straight off
Hard to say judging from the fact this fucking degenerate made weird fan-fix of Danny Phantomesque characters shooting up schools or being decadent in an animated school
To turn into a cartoon ghost girl with a dick and no butthole.
They deserved it. More and more I'm realizing none of these shooters were the bad ones. It's depressing how history drags heroes names through the mud.
For her.
Bad hair cut.
> with a dick and no butthole.
She figured it out, she figured it all out
this, ban powerpuff girls
he wanted to be the little ghost
Who is that?
probably the most embarrassing mass murderer of all time
Ember Ghost squad.
The retarded shit-show he made up.
Basically, there was this club of ghost girls who all look the same who trick living people into killing themselves or others, and those killed would then enter the squad as one of the girls (even the ones that used to be boys).
That's what he did it for. To get his Ghost vagina.
if you can even call it "mass"
46 shots with a shotgun at close range and only 3 kills lmao
There were only those people in the sore. She didn't want to kill anyone, most of the shots were after the murders to destroy goods in the store.
Take a look at him. We have access to destructive weapons with relative ease (nothing you can do to stop it in the US). He's fucking genetic waste with the presence of mind to realize just that. That will inevitably lead to deep, deep resentment that can't be overcome, not easily, anyways. Genetic waste also have a tendency to have shit conscientiousness, so it's unlikely they possess the discipline or drive to live a decently satisfying life. Solution in their corrupted minds=take out avatars of myself and/or people I hate.
Fucking biggot.
Probably the best skater of all time. He truly made skateboarding popular in the US.
He's like an evil version of Chris Chan.
Yeah, he was an autistic sperg tranny obsessed with shitty kids cartoons which he made his own even shittier fanfic version of, but on top of that he killed some people, so he's like a malevolent Chris Chan.
It was a spark of beauty in this ugly world, a flower that blossoms only for a day. You must be a real troglodyte to not appreciate that.
For a literal who shitty kids cartoon character???? This guy is the lowest of the low.
>evil is the same as mentally ill
Watch Jim's video on the guy
So he could go ghost. He's unironically jihadi tier because he believed in some bizarre afterlife that would reward him for his actions.
Not that I condone his actions, but I do empathize with him. He was a dysfunctional creep and waste of space who knew full well that the world wasn't for him and moreover was filled with people who would celebrate his inevitable suicide. So, he decided to take a couple along for the ride and introduce them to a side of suffering they would rather ignore or sneer at
*going ghost*