Why would anyone make a robot's ass so flat?
Why would anyone make a robot's ass so flat?
Her ass is only flat in that ED, because Ebata hates asses I guess.
She has a very nice butt.
I don't speak Black.
Sounds like heresy to me
Flat butts are small and cute. Fat butts are gross and fat.
dimension w
Thanks Sup Forumsnon. Image search failed cuz webm.
Resources were already expended in developing her other significant assets.
What about perky, fit butts?
user that's a dumb retarded opinion and you should feel bad for having it.
In Nippon land is really hilly, so japanese is obsessed with flat lands
The flat robutt accentuates her legs, and is perfect and sexy.
>perfect and sexy
I mean sure: if your definition of perfect and sexy is 10 y/o boy.
Based Uno Makoto.
Isn't that the guy who draws fat and gross futas?
This world would be boring without a large variety of butts. We wouldn't be able to appreciate the voluptuousness of big butts without flabby twigs of small butts and would wouldn't be able to appreciate the spunky cuteness and youthful efficiency of tiny butts without the sag and cellulite of large butts. There are many varieties of good and bad butts that come in all shapes and sizes.
>he calls that perky and fit
shut up, that's a perfectly tight ass.
10 y/o boys still have male skeletons, so the shape of the hips and angle of the legs is all off. Besides, have you ever seen a 10 y/o boy before? Those things are built like tree trunks, it's nothing like OP.
>10 y/o boy is most fitting sacrifice according to Crowley
Satan no.
Soft and squishy futas.
no one cared about 3hz until they did yuri
Thats gay as fuck senpai
>best piece of japanese media about androids in last 10 years is not even anime or manga
For shame.