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Correlation does not mean causality. I for one am glad that young people are opening their minds to other possibilities. The golden rule is the only 'religion' a person needs.
>1 post by this ID
nobody cares. get lost you goat fucking faggot. no bump. kys.
I think children are brainwashed into atheism because their schools convince them that """"god"""" is some invisible guy sitting up in the clouds.
truth hurts
which is why they started with religion in the first place
>being a feebleminded retard makes you less prone to depression
wow who would have thought
basically this
well that's a pretty good reason I'd say
all forms of christianity died with the boomers. every priest i know is shit
>being a feebleminded retard makes you less prone to depression
>we're only so depressed because we're so smart
if you were so smart you'd invent a solution to your depression
Atheists always beleive in a silly and self-contradictory conception of God so that they may dismiss it out of hand and don’t have to consider anything g for themselves.
>well that's a pretty good reason I'd say
Well that's not what the thing people call """god""" actually is.
die proxynigger
>falling for the atheism bluepill
The State Is Your God Now
Intersectionality and multiculturalism will make you happy
its actually insane how fast everything fell apart thanks to boomers, thousands of years of history went straight into the garbage because they are so susceptible to Jewish manipulation
religion was the first bluepill there ever was
Secularism is the real source of degeneracy in the modern world. Every communist, faggot, and nine out of ten Jews that are in powerful positions are atheists or otherwise “non religious”
That’s where you’re wrong. Atheism leads to nothing but the degeneration of the human spirit
This and
This (checked)
Ask an atheist about the concept of God being everything or something like that, they can’t even conceptualize the notion because they can’t picture a God being anything other than a man with a big beard. If they can’t dismiss the argument immediately, they don’t want to discuss it. This is because they know in their hearts that something connects us all, people have none it since the beginning of their existence, and to claim otherwise is going against the entirety of human evolution.
"Look over there! Millennials!"
We learned it by watching you, boomers
...and religion is a way to cope, like all bluepills. redpills however are the truth, no matter how horrible it is.
>feeble minded retard
>if you were so smart you'd invent a solution to your depression
Nah, when gays want to get fisted that doesn't really apply.
You need more rules than simply "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
ie. get fisted.
Thank God they’re snapping out of Christianity. Let’s hope they have strong anti-nigger morality, at the very least.
Personally there's nothing wrong with being an Atheist and it's the true redpill. After all, Christians are basically Jews 2.0. Why would we defend that?
Not all religions make the world seem easier. What’s more comforting; a total lack of responsibility or the ever present and critical judgement of God?
So it's better to believe something that is utterly unprovable and very likely not true? I choose the redpill here.
>>if you were so smart you'd invent a solution to your depression
fisting is ok as long as it is consensual fisting.
This. Secularism was a mistake.
I'd unironically prefer caliphate to the fucking clownworld that the left is unleashing on us. At least I'll have a chance with them due to conversion. Leftists are so pozzed and anti-white that there's no potential future for me there.
Has anyody ever considered it is really just at the same level but seems more common because of a much larger world population?
But top kek!
Correlation doesn't equal causation, or something, don't make me work against you when were supposed to be on the same side user, stop being dumb.
>Let’s hope they have strong anti-nigger morality
Kek, atheists are the most cucked of all whites
religion was intended to comfort, to make sense, to make order of chaos. all major religions have rewards. atheism has none but the truth. "the ever present and critical judgement of God" guides you and rewards you in the end, which makes it all worth it in the end.
>I'd unironically prefer caliphate to the fucking clownworld that the left is unleashing on us. At least I'll have a chance with them due to conversion.
sadly this.
>convert or die infidel
do I get anything else besides not dying?
>you get to help us kill other infidels
count me in
>All major religions have rewards
Significant sects of Judaism have no afterlife
>atheism has none but the truth
Atheism isn’t true.
Atheism and communism go hand-in-hand.
Atheism is the mother of all blue pills. From Communism to grotesque self indulgence atheism is the source of modern degeneracy
>opening their minds to other possibilities
That's not what atheism has ever been about. Atheism is the same as other lefty politics. A bunch of losers raging against the status quo. In this regard the micro penised, obese, banana loving mess that is the amazing atheist is the perfect embodiment of that (((movement))).
That's rich coming from the cult that adopts african babies because of "muh christian duty", feeds Africa so their population can explode at an exponential rate AND kisses nigger feet on top of it all.
There is no more cucked religion on this earth than Christianity. Even Islam is less self-destructive and that's sad.
>status quo
Should have said natural order.
I posted statistical evidence that you are incorrect
>Atheism and communism go hand-in-hand.
this. they want the government to be your god.
>grotesque self indulgence
You mean like American "Capitalism" (corporatism), which is overwhelmingly christian?
>That's rich coming from the cult that adopts african babies because of "muh christian duty", feeds Africa so their population can explode at an exponential rate AND kisses nigger feet on top of it all.
>pretending you don't know those are communist infiltrators.
Leftism is the plague, not atheism.
>not wanting to spread the word of god throughout the whole world.
I'm pretty sure most religions have a couple rules saying you have a responsibility to spread the gospel.
>Overwhelmingly Christian
Because Islam is destructive to just about everything else.
Being an atheist and developing a personal life philosophy to defeat depression is the true redpill.
Every atheist internet community is full-on leftist.
>Worshiping the Jewish god
>The year of some preachy kike 2018
>I'm pretty sure most religions have a couple rules saying you have a responsibility to spread the gospel.
That's the point. It's basically a spiritual communism, except that their faith is not rooted in reality which makes it even more pointless. It's a social virus that spreads like herpes a la feminism and marxism.
Are you fucking retarded?
You children need to grow up and accept that when you die, you die forever.
You know what they say, "better them than us"
>developing a personal life philosophy
You mean your own little customized blue pill?
Give me a break. That's just narcissism.
I'm not talking about the powerful, I'm talking about the brainless masses that follow them.
That's only if you believe that foreigners are another species from you.
If you believe all human beings are the same species, then you have some responsibility toward their wellbeing.
Calling the gospel "communism" is about as retarded as saying that spreading freedom or democracy is "communism"
How fucking stupid do you have to be to "worship" a fucking government? This isn't North Korea and it's also not the fucking dark ages. People know how to read and think for themselves.
No one will ever do this again, and never did anyway unless it was under a statist commie's boot at the point of a gun. Then people will pretty much do WHATEVER YOU FUCKING TELL THEM TO DO.
>"we are all yahweh's children"
It's communism.
I want to be christian but i just don't believe in god and i try and change that but its just lying to myself i can't change my gut feeling
Most people who 'identify' as Christians aren't really Christians. My family is Catholic and it's huge. Of course the last genuine Catholics were my Grandparents. My mother and her sisters are devoted, but not to the level that older traditional Catholics were. My sister on the other hand only goes because it makes her feel good but at the sametime she's a heavy progressive and wants the Catholic church to change. Ultimately Christianity as a whole has been infiltrated by degenerate propaganda that's been slowly but surely corrupting the internal system. Libs have made it quite clear they want the Catholic Church to change and the Jew has been wanting to break the Church for centuries.
"significant sects"? among the absolute majority of all religions on the planet? not very significant. also, afterlife is not the only reward. not even the best one. being given a path by someone else that tells you what is wrong and what is right, what you should do, why you are here, being comforted by the present of some greater spirit, greater than you. that is a much better one if you ask me.
I hope gen z doesn't turn out like the faggot millennials. There's too many libtard progressives
maybe because life is becoming more difficult compared to boomer's easy mode in life? I can't wait to be renting out fucking cars to the growing poor class by 2040. We're almost there.
>How fucking stupid do you have to be to "worship" a fucking government?
Pretty fucking stupid.
And yet here we are.
>muh generation zyklon
I tried hard, but I just can't believe in something on faith (or more accurately the word of a very old book) alone. I don't know how religious people do it with such conviction. I wish I could, but I can't.
>Most people who 'identify' as Christians aren't really Christians
>no true scottsman isn't a fallacy when I use it.
>actively trying to delude yourself on purpose
Utterly pathetic.
>maybe because life is becoming more difficult compared to boomer's easy mode in life?
Whille Boomer politicians are much to blame including being the cornerstone for the counter culture in the 1960's, ultimately they still went to college and got degrees that were actually productive. Or rather the overall of them did. Boomer's have a greater sense of being money smart. I'm 28 years old, I'm not in debt, I'm very careful with my money, I can't say the same for those my age or younger who go to a heavily expensive college to get a bacherlors/masters in some pointless drivel like women studies, some stupid ass hobby (videogame design) or some liberal arts degree meanwhile drinking $300 worth of Starbucks per day. Most millennials are responsible for their shit position because they made poor choices.
>depression soars
>BPAs, porn and soy
>directionless society
>epidemic of whoring moms and fatherless children
>shit nutrition
checks out
No dude. I went through years of depression when I was younger because I thought life was meaningless, and therefore shit. But then I realised that was not the case and just because life really is meaningless in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't mean it's shit. You can have a happy and 'fulfilling' life even if you think there is no meaning to life and follows no religion. Needless to say too, it doesn't mean that because you don't have a religion you turn into a fucking degenerate, you just stop doing what think is right because of the values of a God and instead start doing it for your own values.
he still hasn't replied phoneposting retard
Your own values based on what? How do you have any confidence in the rightness of your completely-pulled-out-your-ass values?
It's true though. You can tell how Christian an individual is depending if they follow the fucking bible. You can't be part of a religion as some type of 'part time' job, it's your faith and its teachings, rules, and discipline represent your life and how you represent it. How can a Christian call themselves a Christian yet not only commit sin but promote it as well?
I totally agree with him; especially Catholics. Zero Catholics are Christian.
It pisses the fuck out of me when a Catholic claims they're Catholic yet will indulgence themselves in endless sex with strangers, promote gay marriage, and commit other acts of mortal sins.
Anyone who unironically supports Atheistic beliefs and pushes against theism should be gassed. This is what it always leads to. When a person has no church or God to derive an identity from, they seek pop culture instead.
If this is what you want, keep going. It'll make the Muslims' job much easier when they finally eradicate all Whites.
Based on my own logical thinking. What is right for me might be wrong for others, but fuck it, I don't live to please anyone.
No shit, everything mainstream is created to be addictive. Our entire societal structure is fucked to hell and culture poisoned.
Give up, dude. We’re fucked.
>"I need to worship a kike on a stick to be patriotic"
It’s only bothers me when Catholics routinely mock and betray Christ.
Jesus wasn't a kike you faggot mongolian subhuman asiatic hybrid chimera abomination snow nigger fishbrained finfuck.
Don't get the cause and effect mixed up
>cause: today's world is shit, nothing but wars and kikes bleeding us dry
>effect: if god existed, would he really let this happen to us?
Yeah, I know. I get it. You're a narcissist.
That's ultimately a byproduct. Once you get lax on treating the teachings like they're just jokes and only optional, you end up starting to have less of an attachment to the Church. My sister defends Muslims constantly and will go out of her way (no research at least) and say "well Catholics and Christians do the same!" and when I offer to show her statistics that say otherwise she declines to see them.
>'I have no idea what the words "cause" and "effect" mean'