Why were sliders ever mentioned if they never mattered

Why were sliders ever mentioned if they never mattered.

The author never got that far.

I thought the guy who wasn't the MC was a slider.

he was an esper


the fuck is a slider?
In that picture it shows dabura, but he is a demon

Aren't sliders people from another dimension/parallel reality?

I thought Kyon was the slider since he went through the alternate reality without Haruhi then came back.

Demons traditionally reside in hell, a different dimension to earth. Slider is someone who travels between parallel worlds/dimensions.



I mean Kyon eventually became a slider but thats about all

By that logic he's also became a time traveler. Maybe by the end of the series kyon was supposed to be all four in way.


best version
Hokuto no Ken & Suzumiya Haruhi - Suzumiya Haruoh no YOUtsu (Doujinshi)

Not really. He was the only one who remembered the other world so he was the only one who "slid". The others were not really the same individuals, just the version from another reality. So he's the only one who could be called a slider.



Was she really a slider? She was Haruhi's alter ego that existed in two timelines simultaneously.

Sliders were bought up again later in the LNs, when Kyon wonders if one will appear IIRC. The author probably had vague plans for them before he lost interest in the series.

She slid between the two timelines so hard they merged into one.

This is the slider.

Wasn't that the same reality, just altered?

alternate reality. and he managed to come back from it.

Kyon is a slider and I find it curious that most people fail to see it.

An altered reality is still different reality even if it uses the same world as base.

Best hair in anime.

Haruhi is an isekai... and Kyon hates it!
Hmmm, where are the manju?

That's basically what a slider is. Also she was not present much in b, only in a.

Watahashi was Kyon's alter ego and I'm pretty sure she only existed in one of the timelines.

Trunks is also a slider.

Kyon traveled between realities in Dissapearance.

>Premise is interesting
>Everyone besides Haruhi seems intriguing
>mc is nice

>waiting something to actually happen
Its was one of the worst thing i watched and eventually read.
And it fucking got nowhere.

>muh supernatural
It's a slice of life.

I was fooled by it and actually read 6 volumes until i got that nothing will happen and status quo win.
Since then Kyoani was always "do not expect anything" mark for me.
And why the fuck people keep bringing this pile of shut recently anyway.

I see it more like "Kyon's adventures" show. So you're supposed to enjoy weird "episodic" shit he has to go through, but not necessarily expect any end goal. I've never read LNs though.


Wasn't there a scene, when Kyon was in the past, talking to young impressionable Haruhi, mentioning meeting aliens, time travelers, and espers, but when she asks about sliders he says he's never heard of one. Lo and behold, they remake the world, all this supernatural stuff exists, but there's still no sliders. It's a slow running gag basically.

This is correct. Also in Kyons very first monologue in LN 1 he mentions it took him some times to realize time travelers, espers and aliens (among others) didn't exist but he doesn't mention sliders. So this was used to illustrate how the the three groups exist because of Kyon at the end of the day.

>tfw we will never have college Haruhi

But when he went to the past, everything was normal, so that indicated that he was in the orignal reality and that Nagato had temporarily (and if Kyon wanted her to, permanently) distort the world to be different. Then at the moment of distortion Kyon watched Nagato from a distance as she herself became distorted into a real girl

If you knew you didn't like it, why bother reading it?

Imagine a world where we got animated college Haruhi. How many shitty college SOL shows would we have by now?

But they do exist.

Sadly, the snack bag was empty.

What exactly is a Slider anyway?

Hamburgers for snacking.

I liked this Asakura the best

I want that forehead.

That's a fucking meatball with bread on it.


Holy shit you're right

Hamburgers are just meatballs that don't bounce.

>Sup Forums in a nutshell