What does Sup Forums think about wageslavery?
What does Sup Forums think about wageslavery?
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nigger nigger nigger
Sad that the wagies couldn't make the new thread.. very unproductive of them :(
They are too busy user
Too busy sleeping perhaps, long day at the office tomorrow. If wageslave gets a good nights sleep he may wear a brand new blue tie instead of the regular grey tie, just to liven things up. Boss will be pleased with that.
If all goes well it could be paired with a blue shirt on casual friday, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Is starting the your own business the third way? You're not working for a boss, but you're also doing something of worth
High IQ NEET here, can confirm.
I'd much rather work but my psychological problems make me incompatible with basically anything.
It seems to get somewhat better over time though. Soon ill be 25 in which case Ill try again to break the NEET streak.
>Is starting the your own business the third way? You're not working for a boss,...
youre working for the taxman.
do some paperwork first before coming up with ideas like that.
Poor wagies :(
Yes user, embrace the third way. Become an ADVANCED NEET. Checked.
Checked. Whats your IQ user?
Working for yourself is a very concrete and ideal life for a normal man, the system we're in of essentially glorified farm equipment and retail dispenser is dehumanising.
doing work for an agreed upon price isn't slavery, its a temporary and completely optional trade between two parties.
is there power discrepancies between worker and corporation? damn right, but it doesn't make them slaves. Evola is pretty much right though, both socialism and capitalism fall into similar traps.
>tfw there's still no answer to the age old question of the Eternal NEET
we love it
most people run on autopilot and are just NPCs in the game of life. i have no problem parasiting off their labor since they would just spend it on stupid shit themselfs. How lucky the government farms them like animals for me so i don't have to steal from them or enslave them myself.
Isn't life great?
>rest day.jpg
user, its always rest day, thats why our lifes are beautiful
I have just thought of something else.
Ever noticed how much colds and flu must be spread from wageslavery? Everyone forces themselves to go to work when they're ill just because they need the money and don't want to get fired... Even in food jobs. It's considered bad to take adequate time off to recover.
Very sad!
>Ever noticed how much colds and flu must be spread from wageslavery?
totaly. Wasn't sick since i neet, just come in contact with sick people in the store when the cashier is sick. Is realy disgusting and i hope they get replaced with auto checkout machines soon so they can be NEETs too. But untill then i hope they spread diseases so the other wagecucks get sick and can't produce tax revenue.
>i hope they get replaced with auto checkout machines
The future is bright.
Thats true my NEET-friends.
The wagie doesnt value his own health. While they eat unhealthy food under strees, we can eat what we need when we need it enjoying the food.
ugh, I remember when I pretended to go to college, sick fucks would always come to class coughing and sneezing.
I had a job once, a coworker with some meme degree fucked up his back but kept on working because he had to support his wife.
What I'm saying is, I tried it. I moved out, got a real job, paid rent etc. All the memes are real. Landlord was a Jew, constantly bitching to me about something. Co-workers all literal retards who never had any friends. Always tired, always eating shit to sustain myself, always strapped for cash. Fuck that I'm never going back
Every NEET should be awarded with a free tenement in the centre of one of the biggest city from his country to live the comfy life with the money from renting the flats for wagies. NEETs were contributing too much to this world to NOT giving them something for it. Read about Henry Cavendish, he was a NEET and he has spent his entire life locked in his palace and doing scientific work. NEETs are truly amazing.
>Neet, whats best in life?
The waking up at morning at 7pm, to see the rainy cold morning wagecuck have to enter for commuting, and to hear the lamentation of the workdrones.
>in the morning
>7 pm
Yep, worked in an office for years and could guarantee a cold or flu each year atleast once per year brought on by some dick coming in sick.
I now work on a farm. With family. Haven't been sick since I changed professions.
Been a NEET since quitting my job in 2014. Life is so much better and I have much free time to do what the fuck I want including hobbies, self studying and reading.
Fuck this anti white/male political landscape in our soecietal workplaces. If they need ''more nigs and womyn to replace opressive white males'' for diversity reasons, then I'll happily step down for Tyrone, Noseberg, and Stacy while they pay for my gibs.
>the system we're in of essentially glorified farm equipment and retail dispenser is dehumanising
well said
>waking up at morning at 7pm
I made it a habit to read at least 1 book every week ever since I started my transcend into NEETdom. Try gutenberg.org for tons of free books.
how do neets get their money?
Check this
parasitism and petty crime
>Try gutenberg.org for tons of free books.
well lets see what we ha...
>Hand Grenades by Graham M. Ainslie
lol sold
i normaly use Ebookee or Library Genisis.
Anyway, any city NEETs here that can confirm pic related? I live on the countryside and me riding my bike on the road would mean as much as a wagie's political activism.
I personally get 1000 eur a month (ex all other benefits) in autismbux
pfff why should i ride my bike at an hour where these fucks need to commute? I rather go back to my warm bed and sleep another hour.
when i was a legit NEET i wrote software on fiverr. basically had skeletons of code that could be easily converted into many different things and any excess could just be taken out/additions were normally minimal.
i paid rent/internet solely off that but it was very unhealthy lifestyle that sort of perpetuates itself and i felt depressed a lot, barely ate, never left my appt, etc.
i think it gave me some skills and overall made me a better person - but i don't look back on it fondly now that i have a healthier life.
if you're talking about literal leeches in their mom's basements or something i don't think there is anything redeemable there.
>pfff why should i ride my bike at an hour where these fucks need to commute?
Physical activity and to enjoy their screeching and honking.
years ago i almost hit cyclists on three occations with my car. if you wanna be an asshole just to be an asshole you should get hit by a car and left there to die.
what is it with you cattle people that you ain't able to maintain a basic frame of civilized life with regular sleep and eating habbits.
Its not the NEET lifestyle, youre just dumb cattle that need a farmer to regulate their lives.
>i wrote software on fiverr.
How was this profitable ? All I see there is Pajeets offering basically anything for only 5$?
lel, dat ID
i broke out of hikikomori NEETdom a few months ago, now i'm apart-time wagie. overall its better this way, but the ultimate goal is obviously ascended richfag NEETdom
Sucks you mongrels haven't abolished slavery yet, but that's your problem I guess.
I don't think it is really anymore - this was around 3 years ago that I was doing it.
It was still much of the same back then, but just like any freelance scenario, you start with no reputation and cheap services. Once I had gotten a decent amount of reputation I was able to charge more.
Also, I think much of the work on there now is some ultra generic bullshit that anyone with basic PC knowledge could do themselves - it didn't used to be that way. Plus the 5$ mark is more of a "service starts at 5$".
But to be fair if you spent a lot of time writing something that could make a task as easy as the click of a button - 5$ x 50-100 customers a day it could make sense. But it's all cost/benefit and supply/demand - doesn't necessarily apply to a specific example or anything on there currently but with coding it's not uncommon.
What do you all make hourly/salary wise?
Reminder wagies and Shekelsteins have literally NO response to this
its so bitter cold where i am. Thinking about the wagecucks who take their little bicycles to work tomorrow gives me warm feelings
just do your self employment for a year and then think about if its god tier
It is bad user? Im going to do it the next month desu.
I think OP is a /biz/ regular.
you have to figure out everything yourself, no vaccation days for you, the ultimate responsibilty is upon you and most likely you make less then minimum wage the first years.
Post this again when you can speak from expierence