He is *the* leading conservative intellectual. Why doesn't he support Trump?

He is *the* leading conservative intellectual. Why doesn't he support Trump?

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Because Trump is not a conservative.

t. Jewish Neocon.

He does support Trump, he literally said at CPAC that Trump is putting forth the most conservative policy since Reagan and even more than him.

He's not supporting him enough. He doesn't give him respect like we do

and yet he still hates trump

honestly it's probably personal for ben. he really didn't like Trump cozying up to Bannon.


Bannon was a traitor who didn't support MAGA he just used trump

Trying to create dead kike on a stick 2.0 or something?

Trump is pro-Jew and so are we, get out.

>he doesn't agree with every single thing Trump does
>he's anti-trump

he's your president, faggot respect

>thee art to respect Israel

Textbook Neo-Con. He'd have been perfectly at home in the Bush government.

Israel and American interests are the same, why don't you believe what's so true?

>"conservative intellectual"
>starts breitbart tier conservative clickbait website

oh I am laffin

>Michael Scheuer: Israel Is A Cancer On U.S. Foreign Policy


>I'd Dump the Israelis Tomorrow --Ex-CIA Michael Scheuer Tells Congress


>Michael Scheuer: Israel owns the Congress


Why not go back to CNN?

Are you mad, snowflake? Trump and I are both pro-Israel and America Frist

This, people who think there's a magic ideology that works in every situation are sub-human brainlets.

Trump's policies are conservative as can be. Trickle-down is conservative. Deficit spending is consevatives. You'll get a rsise if you have a job, leech

You're a moron and your comment is perfectly indicative of that.

Not an argument, try again

Neither was yours.

So when king nigger was president you agreed with everything he did?