Would Sup Forums get over the Jews if we assimilated and stop being "Jewish" in terms of identity and organization or...

Would Sup Forums get over the Jews if we assimilated and stop being "Jewish" in terms of identity and organization or do racial theories predominate?

of course


trying to be an oven dodger

you killed jesus and hitler. The fuck do you think?

30% of Jews are "traditional/Zionist" Jews. Meaning they realize communism doesn't work and they're pushing wars in the middle east instead of degeneracy and communism.
Both sects of Jews are both horrible.
That being said, I'm half Jewish and I assimilate just fine by not considering myself a kike and saying "we" like you you deceptive rat.

Jews are basically white the problem is their politics and destabilizing influence

grug would like to make peace with long-nose tribe, but long-nose tribe must stop trying to control grugs tribe, long-nose tribe needs to learn how to manage their own tribe in their own land

You have a homeland now, you need to go back. Your own god commands you to, so what do you still want here?

The path to salvation is easy, a famous philosopher once figured it out and made it clear.

Most jews have left Europe. We jews in Canada and the U.S. have been here since the beginning, we have the right to be here.

>destroy their host nation
>invite other races to their host nation
>claim a right to live there

Jews in Entertainemnt and News and Banking haven't left Europe and are using those fields to destroy societys. They have to go back to the promised land.

The problem isn't that you don't integrate, the problem is that you fuckers try to destroy the host nation EVERY SINGLE TIME FOR 2000+ YEARS. No other group does this, not even the most barbaric mudslimes.

I wouldn't hate Jews if they quit using their influence to subvert whites. I only started to have antisemitic feelings after I found out about their promotion of open borders, multiculturalism, gun control, feminism, etc.

These people need to be removed, I agree, however there are many jews like myself who assimilate just fine and live a productive life.

no we do not have the fuckin right to be in the americas, and especially not in australia!

we all came during or after pogrom season and now we have our homeland of Zion to return to.

not one fuckin Jew should remain in goyimland, you hear me Chaim?

>Would Sup Forums get over the Jews if we assimilated and stop being "Jewish"
No -- because (AGAIN) (((you))) muddle tace with IDEOLOGY.

No more will be achieved from "Jews" renouncing their race (whatever the fuck that even means) than was when they were vilified in the 30's and 40's.

>tfw using the millennia-old tactic of imbuing Zionism with Jewish lineage / Judaism

Your magic no longer has effect here, jude sorcerer...


Once you Kikes stop seeing yourself as outsiders, or identifying as “a Jew” then you’ll be fine. If you have a obviously Jewish last name, change it to a goyish last name, forget you’re a Jew and identify as the Nationality in which your forefathers hailed, ie Polish Jew -> Polish

Also start advocating for pro-white policies not so you can be accepted but because it is morally right to do so.

If you’re spiritual convert to a sect of Christianity or maybe some Pagan tradition is Celtic or Nordic.

Jewishness has 3 Pillars: Cultural, Ethnic & Religious.

Ethnic can be taken care of by breading with non-Jews.

Religious can be taken care of by converting to a Goy religion

Cultural can be accomplished by viewing yourself as being Of the Nation not simply within the Nation.

Steven Miller is a great example of how you can keep the most superficial part of your Jewish identity, but be more pro-white than even Trump, Miller has been pushing the populace, anti-immigration agenda harder than anyone else in the administration, far harder than the goy Sessions. Plus he uses the fact that he’s a Jew (in name only) to troll the shit out of the media and shitlibs in general, recall when he BTFOd Jim Acosta and the rest of the CNN kikes with the whole “cosmopolitan bias” dog whistle.

So either disown every aspect of Jewishness or become /ourJew/ on the inside and use it to subvert Jewry.

You cannot be one of us and a Jew, to be a Jew is by definition to be anti-white.

Embrace the word of the (((Lord)))...

to me Koreans and Jews are basically the same I hate them both smug stupid fucks but this is a major generalization because I have known really good Koreans and Jews

>my ID can be read as good goy
I guess I'll have to agree with you then on that. But there probably should be laws in place to protect vital industries of nations from sabotage like we see today

>You have a homeland
Yes, (((they))) indeed do...

but then international jewry will rise up against you like they did to the csars in russia and to national socialism

No there is a zero tolerance policy for kikes.

If we don't lose our patience and start stupid wars with other goy nations, we can ignore the international jewry. If we focus on our technology advancement, we will be undeniable on the world stage and other goy nations will trade with us and have relations. With patience and focus we would easily stem the tide. And dropping red pills on a government sanctioned world scale as a plus.

The problem is that your "Extreme-Rightwing for Jews / Extreme-Leftwing for Goys" method is so ingrained in your genes and culture that you, as a collective, cannot change.

The priesthood of Egypt (Illuminatis) turned you into their "foot soldiers/force multipliers" so long ago that there is no going back.

I know that there are a significant amount of Jews who don't like what is going on but as a collective you will never change.

"Direct agents" of the Conspiracy, Jews or Goys, should be executed without mercy but i would be totally cool with finding a nice piece of land for the rest of the Jews to move to.

B A S E D _ L E A F

I have blue eyes and a goy surname. Everyone thinks I'm white. Please let me be.

you never will, stop your tricks be open about your interests and don't try to influence our representatives wo work in your interests against ours, that's all ,
at best go to israel
i don't care what you do to the arabs
as long as they stay down therre,
but leave us finally alone

you cant be both. you are either a Jew and go to Israel or a goy and live with the goys and eat bacon and seig hail n shit

just wait it out man. im a white nationalist jew as well. ideally we can assimilate through outmarriage like every other european group has throughout american history. im hoping we see more stephen millers in the future who prove jews can actaully contribute to white nationalism, and this might lessen the stigma.


why do you have an american flag if you want all jews in israel?

Both. Jews are genetically akin to Europeans and are not Semites.

serious question: if a jew does truly assimilate by marrying out and acting functionally like any other white person, what's the issue?

prove you are not part alien reptilian overlord operating from the dark side of the moon base and we can talk.

you are not a jew. if you prefer to be white and live amongst whites instead of Eretz Israel, then you are a filthy goy like the rest.

you have no right to claim Jewish identity when you choose to live outside of Israel.

just marry a white woman and raise your kids christian. i don't see how the alt right can have a problem with this

Most underrated post of this whole thread

so what are u doing in america?

You will be spared if you reject Marxism and all its derivatives and side with whites.

Nope. At this point all trust and good will is gone. You have to go back

i am a Sabra recruiting the lost flock in goyimland, rounding up the herd and sending yall back to our homeland. Its time to invoke the prophecy in the coming of the Messiah

>forgot changin my flag

well prblem si majority of jews won't ever to this
unconsciously most of them will ahve an ethnic identity and want to breed in group
jews are a genetically distinct ethnic group
they will flock together
as a german i know this
whenever i visit a foreign land it won't take long and i will by seemingly chance find other germans
people stick together genetically this just happens
why opress them constantly?
jews could be jsut all happy in israel minding their own jew buisness
for some halfbreeds and honorary jes excuses and exceptions can be made, even the nazis did so.

It's very hard to trust you, you understand.
But sure if you just want to be a citizen like everyone else and live your life you're fine with me.

No. a majority of jews have negative behavioural predispositions embedded in their very genes, assimilation is meaningless.

You have your own state. make the best of it, and your people. The reason why a white ethnostate is necessary is because It's the only way positive Eugenic policy can be enacted.
If jews hadn't fucked themselves with their own ideologies horrifically, you'd already be in a position where Israel is creating superjews.

>the prophecy in the coming of the Messiah
in any case, i don't mind committed jews leaving to israel where they can express their affinity openly. we probably agree that the diaspora has to end, and this can happen either by all diaspora jews marrying out/converting, or migrating to israel.

>Would Sup Forums get over the Jews if we assimilated and stop being "Jewish" in terms of identity and organization or do racial theories predominate?
>there are good joos like me let me in goy

Everytime civilizations have given you kikes a chance they have been backstabed. Like hundreds of times.


>for some half breeds
i think its fair to have a no jews policy in your country, but if the jews in your country have already assimilated through conversion or miscegenation, aren't their ties to jewry severed? like if OP raised his kids christian, jews wouldn't accept them as one of their own anymore

why are you riding goy dick, chaim? is it easier to ride? does it give you more pleasure? are you that shallow to abandon your people and homeland for the pleasures of goy flesh?

get off the goy dick. jews are so addicted to the goy dick they cant even fathom of leaving goys alone and returning to their homes in Israel. its disgusting to even call these creatures my people

i think for jews the tipping point seems far even half jews have often strong afffiliation to the tribe

*would have

too late kike

jewish identity outside of israel is illegitimate and has to stop. you are a goy the moment you chose to remain with the goys. fullstop.

lol. i don't actually hate jews dumb ass but i recognize the problems intrinsic to having a diaspora. my point is, if jews are to continue existing, it has to be in their own country. for those jews who don't wish to move there, they should just melt into the larger european populace. we probably don't disagree on this

Ethno-nationalism is the necessary end result. Jews could all go live in Israel as an ethno-state and separate themselves from Whites. On the other hand, even White nationalists should want to preserve the identities of sub-groups, so the other option is for Jews to drop the subversive bullshit and start considering themselves White nationalists as just another White subgroup without the subversion/supremacy. Then we would throw out the non-Whites.

>i think for jews the tipping point seems far even half jews have often strong afffiliation to the tribe
this is true. id propose just kicking out those whose allegiance is questionable. this would compel those who truly wish to stay to take measures to prove their abandonment of their former identity, ie changing last name, converting, etc

There's more of us on here than everyone thinks. We need start stepping outside of the shadows.

The armchair Nazi edgelord keyboard warriors are too shortsighted and two-dimensional in their thinking to see how compartmentalized organized Jewry is, and how the vast majority of us aren't in on it and have nothing to gain from it. And Jews are jewing other Jews all the time. Look what happened to Netanyahu, and the (((Bolsheviks))) butchering each other and purging each other left and right.

The alt-right is afraid to confront the notion that some Jewish brain power would be good for them.

Yes, coming from a guy with a swastika tattoo over his heart.

We already tried this, you kept it up in secret and rotted the Catholic Church from the inside. Never Again. We gave you a country, go there and fuck off.

End the rule of rabbis

Well said. This would make a good thread on its own.


Nah that just means you are trying to hide even better than before.

Your religion and identity is not a problem, it's what you usually do to your host nation.

If zionist jews stopped destabilizing & pushing US into wars in middle east

Stopped controlling 95% media & making fake news, propoganda, and pushing cultural marxist bunk.

Stopped dominating hollywood and promoting degeneracy and FAKE history

Stopped turning the world into debt slaves with (((usury))) and kikeonomics

STOPPED undermining their host nations and creating open borders policies, and lobbying politicians to their (((agenda)))

e.g. stopped implementing "The Protocols"

I would not have a problem with jews. I dont care about your faith, i care about the negative impact your having on society and the world.

if you chose to live amonst goyim, then you are not a jew and should not identify as a jew. fullstop.

you should only identify by the national identity that you chose to live amongst.

from now on, you are just a burger. correct all you diaspora you know or meet that they are not jews if they abandon israel to live amongst goys.

Edgy opinion here, but yes, if you are jewish and can accept that you will be banned from media and not be allowed to identify as jewish, I see no reason why we couldnt use a high iq demographic to our benefit like we historically have in europe.

>we have the right to be here.
>no white countries for you HAHAHAHH
God I hate you kikes so much

Hollywood has pushed me to a point where there are no good Jews. I want every Jew dead. I hate you all.

sounds like a based jew
be like this kikes

t. Rebbe

agreed. also, they don't realize diaspora jews are effectively going extinct through miscegenation, and the bulk of the problem comes from jewish boomers (jewmers as i call them). within a couple generations, the nazis' "final solution" will have enacted itself.

>We jews in Canada and the U.S.
>w-we can assimilate
Deceptive oven dodger

easy solution that has worked in history and has allowed jews to get along just fine in european history: Ban minorities ethnicities( even whites inside other white nations, but especially jews and other religions) from having any role in the media or the public sphere until 3 generations have passed minimum. By that stage, all non american identities will be bred out.

I'll gladly leave that sect if it means the insane conspiracy ones are gone.

Nice tricks but it wont work, you have declared war on all of european humanity and for that you must all be killed and tortured.

Are you okay, EU?

>Jews stop being Jews

Literally would stop all of the "oppression" against you.

Historically Jews have always been like a wealthy obese woman who decides to buy the restaurant and shut it down after she hears one of the waiter's calling her fat. And then she's bewildered when even more people hate her than before.

look at the statistics retard. its true. let me guess, (((statistcs)))

As a non-Jewish White person, I don't fully agree with this. Even White nationalists should want to preserve the identity of the subgroups. I think there is room for Jews to have their own identity, so long as it is subordinate to the interests of whatever country they live in. The problem is that Jews seem (not familiar with their culture, don't really care) to have this idea of being exceptional/supremacist, and that's obviously unacceptable outside of their own country.

Either they all go live in Israel, or they become loyal to the interests of their host country, but they don't necessarily have to lose the non-supremacist parts of their identity.

why do jews hate each other so much, yet are always conspiring together? Is it just different cultural evolution?

Do us all a favor and slice your balls off so more of you cant exist if you care about us so much.

funny enough, but the safest times for jews historically has been when they lived among europeans and were constantly adressed as being jews and were bantered/put in their place, and the most dangerous time for jews are the quiet times in history where antisemetism is taboo and they jump on the oppurtunity to gain power.
Jews would actually be fine if we just distigmatized the taboo around them, aka just keep naming the jew, and it works in all of our benefit.

they brought the moors into spain,, and held them in power....
they even work when you don't think so

Sephardic jews did that, you can't blame us ashkenazim for it.

ive observed this too. i think a confident white society might be better immunized against foreign trickery


Racial theories predominate because Jews did it to themselves. You had your chance to take up the cause of other whites, just like the Italians and Irish eventually did, but didn't.

>no true scotsman

Yeah but most of the original Church did what he described and things turned out alright so

What malarky, forgiving the ones who are destroying our nations since centuries ago.
Full of shit as always trying to convince the gentile you are their friend then destroy them slowly, for that you will always be held at the blade. Trusting you is silly you should always be seen as a menace and shown zero empathy this extends to your children as well. You think you are higher than your own species so you deserve no empathy from your own species crazy kike.

>let me blame your tribe for another tribe's actions
Why did you bomb pearl harbor? That was totally unethical.

That was a retarded example actually but the greentext still stands.

Its like heroin addiction. You blame the dealer, and the buyer. In this case, both jews and whites(really just suseptable roasties) are both to blame

If you all shipped off to Israel and received no American money and were banned from American media we could let you fend for yourself. That's more mercy than you deserve.

Well you see the problem: you are united with the Sephardics in religion, we are -

Well, I guess we kinda were. BUT! Judaism is tribalistic and strengthens in-group preference, Christianity is universalist and erases in-group preference.

Begone jew.

> jew is jew
and those jews later went to netherlands and the ottoman empire.
funny enough they enganged in slave trading that's now blamed on whites

germans are not japanese
and the bombing was justified
pearl harbour was a legitimate military target.
much more than any civilian towns