ITT: Pairings too pure for this world

ITT: Pairings too pure for this world.

Other urls found in this thread:

>indirect hand holding

>holding your own daughter's hand

Why did she go 100% after her mother and 0% after her father? That triggers my autism.

Is this canon? Chapter?


Spin off series:

>tfw best girl actually won

It was too pure.

Feels good

Nice of him to play with his wife's daughter like that

Dumb trope.
Children to main characters take after the mother and is most likely a girl which just makes it a mini version of the mother.

He going to play with that daughter

To add suspense to the reveal that the two MCs got married.

Not in MiA.



Truly you are an autist if you can't see her eyes are just like her father's when she is pulling a shocked expression, really go see it the earlier chapters where she is getting rused by Takagi, literally the same eyes.

Hello there cuckfag, still in denial about being rused?

She has an extremely similar face to him but, more importantly, she's more or less a female version of him personality-wise. You are retarded if you think she didn't inherit any of his physical traits.



>literaly have done the nasty with each other and bred
>too pure

>Nishikata became a P.E. teacher
>Takagi seems to be a housewife, at least until Chi grows up
That's one comfy family life.

>Dual Handholding, Age difference, Mother & Daughter, Father & Daughter, Threesome, Restraining, Hanging
So fucked up

I don't remember this


My waifu and me

It's already too late for those two. Childhood friend has already won with her curvy body.

Last volume extra

These 2


fine taste user

Me and you.

I hope prez got to see some cute penguins.


Did she suck his four nuts yet?


loli, flatchested, public

show me a better couple. you can't

She's has her father's face and autism

I love the trope where the daughter is like the father, but the son is like the mother

The greatest love story ever told

The original Kurosawa artsyle was good enough, why did it "evolve" that way with that school battle manga and dancing midgets is beyond me.

lol gtfo of here she was a whore and a delinquent and he settled.

dominant genes



Holy shit, it has been years since I saw Love Roma being mentioned around here.

Read this if you haven't faggots, the most charming love story ever that relies on trust and knowing your mate better, instead of fantasy romance bullshit. No love decaedrons, no bait and switch, smooth like silk.

Well, not yet, but tension is constantly building


objectively purest





Perfect couples don't exi-



this is really the best thing out there in terms of vanilla romance. Too bad people are put off by the artstyle.



We don't know who's the father



Here's direct

Every time I see this I'm reminded of this doujin

That manga ended way too early. I wanted to see their relationship develop. As well as awkward height gap sex.

>tfw this was my first exposure to sex

Really liked that one, nice ride from dating, to huging, to kissing, to fucking.

>the mother then decides to teach her daughter how to tease her dad

>the boss is a cheating bastard
Besides, SugimotoXShiraishi is objectively the purest couple.




Shush... Don't wake them up.

Purest polygamous relationship ever.


Too bad she's destined to lose

This pairing is justice.

user, I...

>tfw anime and manga resort haremshit and implied NTR to drum up forced drama
I miss when relationships were just relationships, and the two were just trying to figure it out while having bumpy experiences, but still coming together in the end.

No it ended at the perfect time. If it got dragged on it would have devolved into every other romance manga with forced drama, shitty love rivals and constantly reverting back to the status quo.


He should DNA-test the kid.

Which Fuuka is this one?

Cowgirl is best, but can she break his autism though?

More like the author hasn't learned to draw yet. Still enjoyed it.

what is this cat from?

You got the doujins for that.


Mina and Akira is life.

That's a dumb dog.

That's not a pairing. Botan has negative chances.

This was meant for (you).




Cute. I'm going to look up porn of it.


It's already been confirmed to be MC. It's literally the first post.
