Hero academia

I want to be Overhaul's mob wife!

I want to nuzzle our beak masks together!

I want to carry his children!

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Shut up Eri

Do you guys think Jirou would join Bakugou's rescue squad if she wasn't unconscious?

Is that you Muneto?

Nope. She hates him, his autistic ramblings and how he hurt Ochako in their match.

But she loves Momo.

It's kind of sad just how much weaker than Ovehaul the supposed Big Bad Shigaraki turned out to be. Overhaul is objectively more powerful and more intelligent, Shiggy really needs to up his game if we're ever gonna take him seriously.

That's kinda the point of this arc, user


Have anyone translated the illustrations Hori made recently?

That's literally the entire point of Shiggy's character Speed reader kun

Yeah, they roughly say "VIGILANTE IS CANON" in bright letters sometimes, but don't tell the stainfags or they're gonna go full grape on you.

Because some of the things it does is just dumb and takes a lot away from the story, like knuckleduster being just a quirkless old man who beats the shit out of super powered humans is cool and all, but it contradicts the point that quirkless people can't become heroes and makes Deku look real bad.
Also I know Stain is batshit insane, but his backstory for why he became the hero killer was just fucking dumb.
Aside from the fact that he got btfo by knuckleduster, that entire backstory just made the character weaker which is really bad considering how much of a driving force that character is.
I really like the cast and some of the other stuff it does like Kouichi meeting tensei, but I can understand the frustration




Will we see the Madman again, lads?

Okay I hate asking you guys for help so forgive me for resorting to it. Can anyone please help point me in the right direction for the blu ray rip of Season 1 in 1080P in x264? I hate asking to be spoonfed but I've been looking for a few days now with no luck.



Quirkless people can't become officially licensed heroes because the government can't approve of regular people without special powers going up against ultra monsters like Overhaul and his gang, and there are regular versions of the jobs "Heroes" do (police officers, firefighters, park rangers) that allow quirkless people to aid in heroic efforts.
Knuckleduster is just an old man who follows the path of justice, and he fights street level villains that are mostly just punks causing trouble.

nyaa, animefansftw, etc.

Shiggy's still young, and still learning kiddo.


The way shiggy talked to toga twice it seems like he may be pulling a fast one over overhaul. I mean it looks like they already started to betray them.

I want deku to kill a nigga in the name of justice

Heroes don't kill people you plebeian

> and he fights street level villains that are mostly just punks causing trouble.
And BTFO Stain

stain is a little bitch

Tried Nyaa already and animefansftw just gives me a blank page with the word "Ok" on it

All Might thought he had killed AfO and in the anime filler Endeavour blew that Nomu's head off

>He hasn't seen the AMV

This is too lewd

they probably have it on horriblesubs, get it through irc

>Quirkless people can't become officially licensed heroes because the government can't approve of regular people without special powers going up against ultra monsters like Overhaul and his gang, and there are regular versions of the jobs
This has never been said before and the point is kinda moot that he can only beat low tier enemies when he captured a villain with just popstep and kouichi that not even tensei and his entire crew couldn't capture.


>Unironically watching AMV's past the age of 7

Is it the blu ray though? Cause I want a blu ray rip and what I see on there it does not say [BD] on them


>Missing the joke past the age of 10


>not drawing Sero's orgasm face while Midnight takes streams to tape to the face

What a cutie!

What did she mean by this?

>you'll never fuck aizawa

What do you think the odds are that Deku actually loses OfA at some point because he lost faith in himself and gave it to Mirio

Are you a battered wife user?

Absolutely 0

>you'll never tie down Aizawa and cover his naked body in many small cuts

It's a either a band she's in or just one she really likes

best girl

Why are they bullying her for not being girly?

Kaminari is just trying to bantz back, since Jirou is always taking the shit out of him. Aoyama has no friends and no tact, so he jumped in without considering the repercussions

Why is this so lewd?
Tape shouldn't be this lewd.

Post your real age. I'm curious.

would midnight look better if she took off her glasses?

>I need to just copy/paste the fucking Bakugou breakdown analyses because people really don't understand that character for some reason.

Yeah count me in as not understanding him. He seems inconsistently written. Just one example: Kid Baku loved being praised and Deku constantly praised him. So why did he hate Deku? Because Deku wanted to compete with him, supposedly. Fine, so Bakugou hates it when people try to compete with him.

Skip to the sports festival. Now he's chewing out Todoroki's ass for throwing the fight and NOT all-out competing with him. What? Isn't letting Bakugou win all the time exactly what Kid Bakugou wanted from Deku and everyone else?

Jirou is so fucking cute. I want to drink her pee.


Midnight looks best in her casual clothes

Agreed. I'd like it better if it mostly just stayed in its separate, fun little street-level niche, sharing mostly just the setting and at best referencing some of the mainline series' events.
I'd also like it more if the Vigilante cast was a bit more bumbling and inept, only succeeding once in a blue moon. I'm not really buying how capable a literal cockroach, some deluded /fit/izen and a slutty idol are in this spin-off, especially given that none of them have even received Hero training.


midnight is pretty tall for a nip

I'm 16

8. Not joking; I just kept clicking on Finger Family videos until I eventually found myself here.

5'7" is tall for a nip?




For a nip female probably

175 = 5'9" and that is tall for a japanese woman, yes


we are gonna see madman deku this week or maybe just how he escaped from his fight ?


Early 20s and slowly losing the ability to relate to high school kids


Are you actually this retarded or are you just rusing?

Apparently I am that retarded

tallest fem nip i knew was 5'4 and she towered over her other friends who were either 4'11 or barely 5 ft

25 M

I drew all the grape abuse pictures

Bakugou has a sever superiority complex. He needs to be the absolute best at everything by a mile and goes berserk if he percieves anyone treating him like anything less than the person he sees himself as.

When he was very young he got along with deku because deku looked up to him, but as he grew with this complex festering he started to see deku's desire to help and care for everyone as unbearably condescending, which stung all the more becuase bakugou's quirk was the pillar of his ego and deku was a quirkless wimp.

Come present day he's hating deku more and more because the kid he wrote off as a pathetic weakling with an obnoxious streak years ago is now kicking his ass consistently.

72. I'm almost blind; my grandson types for me.

>all these anons too young to remember when threads were actually good

fuck off, it says 175 cm on my driver's license and i refuse to believe i'm a 5'7" dwarf

I need to get a nip GF

The average height for men in japan is 172cm, the average for women is 158, she's 17cm(over six inches) taller than the average woman.

A foot is 12 inches. 0.74 feet is three-quarters of a foot, and three-quarters of 12 is 9. Ergo, 5.74 feet translates to 5 feet and 9 inches.

This is the kind of stuff you learn in kindergarden, user. Are you feeling okay?

Does Mirio have "ten" anywhere in his name? If not, then he's not eligible.

Unlike a certain TENko Shimura, oooooh...

For a woman that's tall in burgerland where most anons are from

wait, is that her height in heels or not?

What if Midnight had a piece of tape in her hair all day and none of the students pointed it out and just laughed behind her back?

Why does he always make this face when his students succeed? It's like he thinks UA curriculum is his baby

It just says height user, as you should never include heels in that I would certainly hope it's her normal height without heels.

See that makes total sense in itself, but to keep consistent he should also hate half his UA classmates for the same reasons.

so she's probably like 6'0" with her costume and heels on

It's a good thing I still have younger family members to tell me the latest in teen memes.

This sounded hot as fuck..till I realized that pic related would be my future if I went to japan.
...on second thought...i want to go to japan

>implying any of us related to high school kids when we were in high school
this is Sup Forums user

His quirk is worse, too.
>Overhaul only needs to touch you with a single finger to kill you, and gets knock off alchemy
>Decay needs all five fingers constantly touching

What are they into? I feel old and tired as fuck when I see them running around at the gym, I wish they would ban everyone under 18

spongebob and depression, naruto is getting a rise in popularity out of nowhere tho