Guys, listen up

Guys, listen up.

Earth has been slowly losing oxygen (nitrogen and oxygen) for at least 5 decades now. Nobody knows why. It's been kept secret but also studied this whole time, but now something really has happened.
The gas is escaping at an alarming rate, and the rate at which it escapes is growing exponentially.

There is really nothing anyone can do.

Enjoy these days you have, do not live them in fear and denial.
Be as happy as you can, do whatever you wish, just be happy and be free...

Really love you all.

Other urls found in this thread:

Love you too user.

plant more trees. problem solved.

how long?

nice sources faggot
It's not that big of a deal

Wow, it's reaching escape velocity and permanently leaving the planet.

well then im fine. I live in a town literally known as "the livable forest". cityfags(liberals) will get themselves killed in their shit environment, and conservatism will thrive

We are almost neighbors then

yes actually,
the planet rotates, and the gas rotates slightly out of sync

the rotation of our gas occurs due to momentum of the earth ...
but this is not the reason our gas is escaping

user lives in Kingwood Texas. A cement and pine tree forest. user is out

Same. Tree city usa or some shit.

Also checked

Does anyone happen by chance to know what is being displayed in this photo?

ayy, yep, kangzwood. I live in one of the older neighborhoods, it's good there. typical suburban lot size, 7-10 trees on average in each yard, and im referring to big trees.

cement? how? sidewalks? the two main streets full of stores and restaurants?

>Nobody knows why
magnetic field weakening in run up to pole reversal, this allows solar winds to strip atmosphere away.


the bottom left of the photo is most interesting
these cuboid, warped tile formations have a chromatic luster
and all of the stone in the photo (top and bottom) is malleable. I would guess they are high in clay, but they are actually stone

also, there is a perfectly straight cut for no reason

starfish prime blew a hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica and it has been venting out our atmosphere ever since.
The one nuke that destroyed all mankind.
It's no secret.

Is this the new "the sun has fallen out of orbit"?

No shit. The earth is flat

also, we have greenbelt trails. 75 miles of tree-lined walkways, complete with the occasional playground in a few neighborhoods.

Ihren papier bitte

show proof plx

Ill tell y'all why its losin oxygen so fast, its all them damn Jews with there big ass noses, sucking it all up like the greedy mongrels they are. 800000 years ago they weren't around and it was normal, but now there popping,out like rabbits and eatin the shit up.

If every american with a lawn grew any fruits or vegitables it would cycle a bunch of o2 back into the air... if you want to eliminate some carbon from the atmosphere then we send a bunch of wood to the moon.

>doesn't know oxygen can be made from co2

I have a compressor in my garage, i'm going to store air like a hillbilly hides beans.

>Moon Jews stealing our oxygen
>blaming the Sun


oil shale lith

Does anybody else remember when the sun used to be yellow? As a kid, I used to draw the sun with yellow crayon. I also used to be able to look at it for at least a second. Now, it's white and too bright to look at for even a split second. Did the sun get brighter? Is that causing the earth's warming trend?


Potus still looks directly into the sun during an eclipse. Man up faggot.

Tonight, the leaf wasn't a fagit.
thanx leaf

Shit's not escaping into space retard. It's combining with carbon. That's what happens when you burn stuff.

Sun is yellow when it's low enough for you too look horizontally at it. It's white when it's high enough that you have to look up to see it. Only thing that changed is you used to be in school until 3pm.

Honestly fuck this gay Earth
Can it just stop farting out oxygen for like five minutes so we don’t die