Let's have one of these threads. Why...

Let's have one of these threads. Why? We'll fare much better against the deep state and their mind control if we're spiritually sound, plus it's good for you. OP will participate.


Yeah. I'll greentext.

>Be in college
>Hanging out in some chicks dorm with a couple of her friends
>I had banged her a few months prior
>She doesn't know it but I cashed in my v-card with her
>Drink until we're ready to pass out
>Everyone crashes on various furniture and/or the floor
>Lie down next to the chick
>Feeling bold
>Start running my hands up and down her body
>She doesn't respond
>Give her tits a squeeze
>Slowly start rubbing her crotch
>Still no reaction
>Carefully slide my hand down her pants
>Gently rub her clit
>She's wet
>Slowly slip my finger inside
>She groans and twitches
>Immediately pull my finger out
>Repeat a couple times
>After about the fourth time shes mumbles something
>Not sure if I heard right but it sounded like "That was very rude... user"
>Give up
She never bought it up and things went fine, but I kinda regret it knowing how badly it could've gone.

I'm really, really good at not worrying about things. Sometimes I'm afraid I'm too good. I suppose I should try and get a stronger sense of what's important.

do i start with the rightmost (sahasrara) or the leftmost (muladhara)? directions are unclear

Go left to right.
When I was a teenager I was into this retarded browser game called CyberNations. You'd create a fictional country, pick a name, flag, religion and form of government, and then the rest of the game was just clicking buttons and waiting. You had to join a player-created alliance to have any chance of not getting ass pounded (or have any fun). Long story short, I had fun on my alliance's forum for a while until I got blamed for a bunch of stuff I didn't do and got attack by another alliance's agents for an outstanding debt, even though I had paid twice. The alliance leaders believed their side of the story though, so they expelled me. On some level it was a relief because it had been getting less and less fun and I was looking for an excuse to quit, but my loyalty to the alliance kept me around. After making one last furious post in the forum, in which I called out the dumbasses in the alliance leadership and wished them hell and fire, I logged out and never visited the site again. I doubted they changed their minds after hearing my side of the story, but I didn't care anyway. I just wanted to be done with all that shit.

BRB, I'm heading to /s/ for a bit.

Ah, that was nice.
Anyway, there's this girl I met a few years ago who I fell absolutely head over ass in love with. I don't have time to give you all the details but basically I told her how I felt and she almost completely cut off contact with me. Even all these years later, after I've gotten so much fine pussy and even a waifu tier gf, I still think about her every day. I even see her in my dreams. When I fell in love with her I intentionally engraved her into my mind so I'd never forget her. I knew what I was getting into and I don't regret it.

This could use a bump.

The lesson here is that an atheist will always find a way to tell you they're an atheist.

I'll do 7 since I already did 5. I've never been terribly afraid for my life, but there's one instance I can think of. I was 17 and I had just gotten my driver's license. My dad had just gotten a new car and he let me drive the old one. I got lost on the way to his place one day (my parents had just gotten divorced) and in my rush to get back on track I was driving like a retard, blowing stop signs and all. What didn't help was that it was the dead of winter and there was black ice on the road. I kept slipping off course and having to right myself. Eventually I came to a spot where the edge of the asphalt was eroded and my right wheels went off the road. I tried to right myself and fishtailed, and I skidded sideways for 100 feet or so. I stopped when my left side plowed into a tree. The driver's side door was totally smashed but I was OK and the car still usable. Interestingly, in the moment I was skidding I was in fight-or-flight mode for a second, but my only conscious thought was "dammit, here goes the only car I have",

I'll do 6 now. I'm totally into incest. I don't actually want to bang any of my relatives, but the thought of other people doing it makes me diamonds. It started in high school when I was a raging incel. I would get jealous when I watched porn, so I got into incest porn because I reasoned it was nothing to be jealous of. It really grew on me, though I'm less into it than I used to be.

I'm liking this thread, have another bump.

3 is the only one I haven't done so I'll do that. I used to sell weed to make ends meet. One day when I was on my way home from picking up an ounce my friend texted me saying he had sound someone who happened to be looking for an ounce. I knew it was stupid to sell that much to someone I had never met, but I was eager to make a quick flip. I met up with my friend and the customer in the shitty part of town and they both got into my car, my friend in the passenger seat and the customer in the back. The customer kept asking to see the weed over and over again which was suspicious, but I saw him stuff a wad of cash into his pocket on the way into my car, so I trusted him. I went around the corner, parked and brought out the bag. I opened it to show him and he tried to abscond out the door. I shouted "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" and pinned him with my free arm. Just then a huge nigger ran up and started punching my in the face through the open rear door. He shouted "get out da car nigga imma beat yo ass" as we traded punches. I blocked his blows and hit back as hard as I could until he and his buddy fucked off. Most of the weed spilled on the ground and I picked it back up, plus the customer lost his hat in the struggle and I kept it as a trophy.

Finally, moving on. I'm a hard person to piss off, but I have no sympathy for people who have to inject politics into everything and pick their friends based on their stances on issues. Of course I'm interested in politics, that's why I come here, but I don't let it dominate my life. Humanity is doomed if we don't learn to stop bickering about trivial shit.

Ai thenk ai shuld tri dooing thungs leik speling werds rong bacose ei caer tu mutch abot beeing propper wiht langege. Lenguage iz ruleted ta thuht soo ii shood concider hou tings colud bi difrent too enhans mu creatifitee.

Abigail. This quiet, intelligent, innocent, indubitably 10/10 hapa girl I knew in high school. I had liked her for a long time, but the moment I realized I was in love with her was during rehersal for our school's production of Romeo & Juliet. She was Juliet and I was Tybalt. One day she was so tired she forgot I was in the play, so when I came by she got in my face saying, "what are you doing here?". Before I could even answer she remembered, and she apologized profusely and hugged me. I never had the nuts to tell her how I felt, but I did ask her to prom. She said no because she was already going with someone else.

Bump sir.

I'll do 2. When I was in fourth grade there was this girl named Emily who I absolutely fucking hated. I found every Emily I've ever known to be annoying at best, but she was the worst case of all. She was completely stuck up and arrogant, would tell me to shut up when I was trying to honestly contribute to discussion in class, tattled on me for every minor thing she could catch me on, would yell at me to stop if I was doing something figety like tapping my pencil (she still did this in high school) and on top of it all she never got shit from the teacher because she was an absolute sycophant, a teacher's pet. One day I was on my way to lunch from gym, and I was really, really pissed about something. I've tried so hard to remember what it was that pissed me off, but it must be some suppressed memory. All I can remember was that I was absolutely livid, literally seeing red. At the entrance to the cafeteria was Emily, holding the door open for no one in particular. As I passed I punched her full force in the temple and she fell like a jenga tower. Her head was so bruised the nurse didn't believe I hit her directly, and the incident report said I slammed the door into her. In the meantime, my anger immediately flushed away like it was never there, and I calmly walked in, got my lunch and sat down. Before I was done eating a teacher came and escorted me to the principal's office, and I got an in-school suspension for the rest of the day. When I got home my mom absolutely flipped out and made her write the most awfully forced insincere apology I've ever made in the form of a letter directly to her. I still don't regret it, fuck that bitch.

4 now. I'm absolutely addicted to video games and have been since I was a kid. I really need new hobbies. I've tried to pick up a few but they never seem to stick. I guess what I really need to learn to enjoy living in the real world more, reduce my need for escapism.

I'll admit I'm most excited when I see credible news of a happening on Sup Forums. Maybe I should try and create some happenings? I've been thinking about getting into real life politics, guess it's about time.

Yay, my first 0 in this whole thread! Moving on.

Sounds good mate.

I think I should talk more about my emotions. Most of the time in conversations I mostly talk about things that have happened to me lately, hoping to get good advice when I need it. Maybe talking about my emotions will give me more understanding of myself.

I have an old fuck buddy who I'm sure I could track down for a quick slam. I value my relationship with the gf to even risk it, though. I've run into her plenty of times but never even tried to bang her, no matter how much she gives me the eyes.

Most of the time I don't really care. If it's an opinion I say whatever, if it's a belief I try to have a rational dialogue and reconcile our differences. Some people get belligerent in situations like that, I find that annoying.

Easy. Opinions are a part of a person's identity. Changing your opinions means changing yourself, which people are naturally reluctant to do.

I don't give a shit about failure. I know life is a game, sometimes I bet and win, sometimes I lose but it's just a game, and I play because I want to. My philosophy is, you can take many different paths in life but they all end in the same place. Why not take the fun route?

Any other lurkers in here?

Before I got my license I failed my driving test twice. The first time I fucked up parallel parking and the second time the guy was just a dick. What I had to do was concentrate, focus intensely on the present and not let my emotions cloud my mind. Wish I had a more interesting story but that was the first thing I thought of.

Time for 1. My only goal is to be happy. That's it.

Interdasting, ill give it a spin

Full penetration/all the way through

3 now. When I was a junior in college I signed my friend who lived off campus (same friend as in , I can't believe how much shit I've forgiven that guy for) into my dorm and he smoked a cigarette in my room. I had smoked weed in there too many times to count without a single incident, but it turns out cigarette smoke is much easier to smell. Someone ratted to the RAs and next thing I knew I was booted off campus. Another friend of mine got me in tough with a lady I could rent a room from, and after that semester ended I decided I should try living on my own and figure out how to be a responsible person. I took a year off from school, got a job, saved up some money and learned a lot about myself. I certainly came back to school a better person than I was before.

I think 8 is the only one I haven't done. I think this is kind of a gay question but I'll answer it as well as I can. Emotions are like mental shorthand, they tell you what the base of your mind is thinking. If you understand them you can understand what makes you tick.

Moving on, finally.


In high school the theater department put on this play that I really, really wanted to get into. The posters in the hall described it as a "dreadful sex comedy", which sounded like a choir of angels singing my destiny. I googled a comedic monologue for my audition and practiced it every chance I got for a solid month until I had it down. When the big moment came I stuttered halfway through and the director didn't even let me finish. I felt like I could keel over and die.

yes, I felt a sense of shame.

I've known for a long time that I have to eat more, go for more walks and start lifting, but I just can't get into the right state of mind. I think I have to realize how much better I can be.

I think I was about 6-7 years old and I was hit by a strong wave of existential crisis. I realized I am going to die and there's nothing I can do about it. I crawled under a table and cried my eyes out for some hours.

poo in loo pajeet

8. there was a girl I really liked who could always hold a smile whether or not she was feeling good. It was like the antithesis of my being.


Remember my friend from and ? While I was living on my own that year, he had been kicked out by his parents (more accurately they kicked his thieving junkie brother out and he went too because he was retarded). He stated taking classes at a community college almost half an hour away, and my other friend and I would alternate driving him to and from every day. He gave us money for gas but it wasn't enough to break even. I still did it though because I wanted to help him out of the shit he was in. Sometimes I wonder if I tried too hard.

I'll do 1 now. I think it might help to smile more. It would help people know when I appreciate the things they do for me.


fun, confusion

2 now. I've made up my mind to devote myself to spiritual wellbeing, not just for myself but the world. That's why I made this thread.

make sure your poo is over the vicinity of a loo

Had multiple opportunities to sell drugs but felt juice wasn’t worth the squeeze

The girl I mentioned in contacted me a few months after I confessed my love for her. She said she needed to borrow someone's debit card to pay a $5 fee for her school forms. I figured she might be trying to fuck me over for dope money (she was a junkie) but I didn't care. I would've jumped on a grenade for her.

I think the secret is to not let emotions control your life. Remember that no winter lasts forever, all things balance out, and you can be happy if you choose to be.


I can't read that shit nigga

Before I go to bed I will start putting together the presentation I have to do next week. I'll put my pillows in an odd place so I don't forget it.

Have a really bad habit of going back to exes for sex, something I absolutely need to work on

Who'd have thunk?

I think im gunna be more broad. I'll be honest. I didn't think of this initially, but this had probably impacted me the most.

in a psychosis I was lying in bed. I was communicating with two spirit like entities whom I can't really remember are. Anyway, it was everything. The only thing I wasn't okay with was anything with excrement/waste products. Shapeshifting. Anything. Animals. Humans. Male. Female. Both. Neither. Young. Old. Any Age. Any shape. It was a game. You'd roll the dice so to speak, and play the role in a threesome. One thing I always said in and about my psychosis is that my teacher was an owl. A lot of this board refers to it as moloch. I never really got a malevolent feeling about it. Just... taboo, but good. I was referred to as being like a "panda". Half angel, Half demon, kind of. But there was a rule. No harm. No harm to self. No harm to other. Always good. Acceptable.

It's spoopy because it reminds me of seth rich in a way. Half Demon, Half angel. When you successfully merge the two you get an alchemical response. Either you get the silver lining which leads you closer to the golden thread, or you find the golden thread. It's like I found it for a moment, then lost control.

no joke. this is the truth.

Accept myself. Take responsibility. Follow my conscience.


Accept your medication. Take your medication. Follow the road to the asylum, you absolute freak.

I avoid telling people how I really feel. Feels like no one really wants to hear the truth. I feel I would be attacked for what goes on in my mind.

No one does. No one cares to walk in the shoes of an unaccomplished loony. It's too much to know. You'll never find love if you can't accept that no one cares about the details. If they ask, they'll regret it by how long you go and how stupid you sound.

Moving on...

if you wish to heal the planet and fight of evil forces, don't be scared of darkness, don't fear. if you fear, the universe echoes your fear back. imagine yourself being bodyless, imagine yourself being in the ocean. Feel the love of the ocean and love the ocean. imagine yourself having no body, become the water yourself.

Imagine a circle around yourself and chant ohm so hum. then imagine more and more large circles forming around that circle. like what do you call it? sound wave. Like when a droplet falls into water and creates wave.

now use meme magic, imagine a future without violence, imagine the trees growing, imagine the sick being healed, imagine yourself drawing the negativity out of people and sending it down the earth.

Imagine a white light glowing around you expanding around the planet. WIthin you is all the power. feel the energy coming from you when you chant ohm.

Here's some advice for you: Stop telling people how to live their lives. At least fix your own wreck of a life first.


fuck it, let's give this a shot

lmao I'm not advising that your live your shitty schizo lives

>what is your most secret fetish
Trap stuff.
I don't know. The whole thing. Especially feminization. Not necessarily of myself. I think I'd get better if I just laid off the porn for a while, to re-sensitize myself to regular stuff.
New roll.


I'll do 7, since I've already done 6.
I can't say I know. Probably while I was a kid, and listening to my parents argue, or something. I've never really had a moment when I thought I might die.

This fucking girl made me suffer to no end, but in thinking about what went wrong I realized the shortcomings that made me unattractive to women. Probably the biggest one was coming across as needy and vulnerable, which I fixed by ceasing to actually be that way.

I've never really conflicted with people directly enough to instigate a sort of fight, nor have I been in the position to really risk my life for someone.

I remember pulling a girl by the back pack because she was about to walk in front of a car that wasn't paying attention at a turn.

I've stood my ground against bullies but a fight never really broke out. I just remember those two times. It was more of a test or something from them. They pushed a little bit, I pushed back. I knew they were much bigger than me. I knew they'd fucking cream me. But I had my honor and if they pushed it I was ready to fight.

Head-on despite danger? Hmm.
Just going to college, I suppose. Though the danger was less mortal, more financial. I had a lot of trouble in school, and was NEET for four years. Going to college was pretty big. But I'm doing really well. Those four years really changed me.
New roll.

Fuck off you stupid cunts

I fapped earlier. I'll skip.
New roll.

my hero

Lust? Not really. I've masturbated when I shouldn't have, but I've never raped anyone.
New roll.

finishing... fap.
rollingfor... 2nd chakra

My friends, it's glaringly obvious what the left is doing right now, but it has to be discussed. They're coming for our guns, and it's clear that they don't give a rat's ass about the children, they just want to disarm their opposition. In the Parkland shooting there are clearly many things that went wrong with the education and law enforcement systems, deeply rooted problems that need to be fixed, but you'll hear no mention of any of them from the left. Instead they're exploiting it as hard and fast as they can, showing us pictures of crying kids and daring us to tell them they're wrong. We have to stay strong, my friends. Let them know that no price is to high for our freedom. Let them know we know their true intentions, and this time we've caught them red handed. Let them know that if they try to take our guns, the consequences will make any school shooting look like a knitting circle. Molon lave, my brothers.



3 now. I have my share of regrets, but one that keeps haunting my mind is my fuck buddy from . She was really into me, I mean really. I didn't feel the same way about her though. I just liked the sex we had, and even that got old. I know when I ended it I caused her some pain. I hope it wasn't too much. She didn't deserve it.

I'll do 1 this time. I try to follow utilitarian ethics whenever I can. I help people when they're in need, but only if I can do it without sacrificing too much of my own time and resources.

Higher we go

well, I've been fortunate enough to not have faced serious danger in my life, but I've been close to killing myself on a few occasions. I'll greentext the closest I've been

>be me, 18
>freshman in uni
>high school girlfriend breaks up with me that summer
>dated for 3+ years, feelsbad.wav
>meet a girl in my hall my first semester
>we were hooking up by the second semester
>she was nice, and we really hit it off
>this was due, in large part, because we were both massively depressed
>initially bonded over the fact that we were from the same area of the state and happened to see the same shrink
>we sorta kept one another going, though it wasn't easy
>one day I go to her room and she wasn't there
>a few days pass and I get a call from student judicial services
>this bitch accused me of raping her
>forced to move out of my dorm into another hall on the far side of campus
>nearly got kicked out of school too
>had no idea what I was going to do if I was convicted, spent nearly all my savings just to go to school in the first place
>figured I'd just OD if I lost the case
>ended up winning
>fuck that bitch

I already try to do use my mind's eye every way I can. I think I have to learn how to see the interconnectedness of all things better.

It wasn't really an addiction, but smoking pot every day was one of the worst decisions I'd ever made. that shit killed my motivation, and it was at the point that I couldn't sleep without it.

it's fine to do every once in a while, but if you're smoking every day, you're already lost. get out of that shit while you still can

Using both sides of one's brain laterally is a feminine trait, masculine brains think more front to back. I think using both sides of my brain more is actually something I should do less. I have to learn to focus and dedicate my mind's power to accomplishing tasks rather than doting around. That could make me more productive, which I know is a change I should make.

actually creating things. I feel I'm plenty creative. I don't act on it is my problem. If I acted on it then I suppose I'd be MORE creative.

I've been getting better at this lately. What helps reminding myself that I'm not just a mind in a body, there's something more, something that can organize my thoughts and maintain control.

I should meditate more. When I think about it I realize I really don't do it as often as I should.

cannabis, I was practically snoop d oh double g. It's completely out of my life now. Never going back.


I sleep too much, that's my problem. I need better ways to motivate myself to get out of bed. I've found that this helps a bit.

I have to remember my mistakes and be careful not to make the same ones twice. You can always get better at that.

I feel yah there man.

2-1: girl I talked about earlier. I loved her more than I realized. But I had too many of my own problems I needed to confront and fix, but I never did. When I realized what was happening it was too late. She chose someone else. We were friends for years. I cut the ties. It hurt too much. It hurt way more than I thought it would.

mom or brother left some cash out, and I took it. I still feel guilty about it to this day. I was pretty young then. And I was desperate for hand held nintendo game money.