I'm seething right now. I can't refute this. What say you, Sup Forums?
I'm seething right now. I can't refute this. What say you, Sup Forums?
Can't refute it. White kids are the problem.
Of course they didn't shoot each other, they need the ammo for when they are shooting cops after robbing an innocent white person
>black and hispanic kids
oil and water user
>Everyone had guns!
>No one was shooting!
At my high school the blacks and browns stabbed and fought each other in the hallways and cafeteria regularly, while the whites and yellows took AP classes.
Anyone got some stats on this? I’ll eat my shoes if whites are responsible for more violence in school than blacks and browns.
Go big or go home.
> I'm seething
shut up. It's true.. White kids shoot on stupid emotions and feelings. Black kids shoot each other over sneakers.
What the shit is that idiot smoking? Like 98% of the "school shooting" incidents in the statistics are black and latin kids shooting each other.
everything about this picture is hilarious
But he said Kids arent the problem.
im not going to bother looking it up but i think you would find more single case shootings by blacks in schools. so it doesnt count as a mass shooting. still murder though. lefties will think this is insane, so will likely try to confirm or deny.
Which one requires a higher IQ to contemplate?
Then why do black people commit murder at a higher rate than white people?
I'm sure the Negro wearing a fucking hammer-and-sickle shirt is a trustworthy source.
Obvs shill
I robbed a bunch of white people. used to go into the suburbs and steal shit all the time. it was so much fun. honestly I never felt bad about it id always just say "fuck it they have money to buy another one"
I had a job but I wasnt making enough money to buy all the cool shit I stole. Im now friends with a bunch of white guys and make 80k a year so im doing great.
all the white guys I talk to are aware that white folks are the problem. and have alot of self white hate. as a poor latino growing up it is awesome to see that.
shoes = safe
got no stats, but pure common sense would tell ya
Yeah, let's just pretend niggers don't commit disproportionate amounts of gun crime.
It’s usually not reported nationally, but my local news has had many beaners vs niggers shooting or stabbing each other at schools.
>Kids aren't the problem, white kids are
what kind of cuck uses this term
most of it is to people who are into the same kind of shit. dont let the media tell you everyone who gets killed is innocent.
blacks and latinos arent out here shooting up schools or killing people at fucking movie theaters hommie
Did you just debunk /asianmasculinity/ meme?
can't shoot people in a school you never go to
Anthony fantano was a mass shooter?
yea that happens when you have the government dropping off pallets full of with riffles in the hood
Niggers arent people
It's true. Black people are known for never causing violence at school. Their frequent suspensions, expulsions and arrests are the results of racism.
we should segregate them, white kids should only be allowed to go to white schools.
this is exactly what the fuck we are talking about.
the reason black kids and mexican kids don't go shooting the school when they start feeling depressed is because they know the local gang would waste em before they even made it on school grounds.
if all the white kids were in gangs too like before the 80's then we wouldn't have this problem
la creatura...
>99.9% of all crimes committed in the U.S.A. are committed by Black and/or Latino persons
>Black and Latino kids are the problem
prove me wrong
Can we meme this into existence? "Let's bring back segregation to protect POC from crazed white shooters."
>Whitey beez da prolem cuz we all unda age currying guns n dat ain't a prolem
Checked and kek'd
They shoot each other before they get to school
So I guess that's a point for them?
this would unironically be the greatest thing that we could possibly do to ensure whites survive the next few decades
Chris Mercer (I assume that's who you're talking about) was a Mulatto raised by a single mother who went on a shooting spree in Oregon.
i think we should put whites in camps
Blacks = 13% of population but over 50% of murders.
Black Males aged 16-30 account for almost 90% of the murders in the black community.
Black Males aged 16-30 are approximately 2% of the total population and account for almost 45% of all murders.
These are FBI stats, not anecdotal evidence from some jig.
>bought guns and knives to school every day
>Niggers going to school everyday
Yeah right
they all look white
(((white kid))) problem.
You mad small Jew Shill boi?
Maybe you could refute that if you posted more than once?
I knocked up 5 spics under a pseudonym on vacation
I still can't refute it
Plan at school use weapons after in the street...no argument nigger
I agree, Whites are the devil and no non-whites/Kangz should have to live by them, ever. I think some sort of permanent separation is in order. Yea, that should do it.
>no race preference
what does this even mean
Kill a niggers, Spics, Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Aliens, Aztlan, Wakandanese, Pathers, trannies, gays, you name it.
Just use "muh anecdotal evidence"
>fuck it they have money to buy another one
you assumed that based on race. you are racist.
FBI crime statistics say otherwise.
Move to South Africa if you don't like us. Won't miss you
you think you only stole material goods? You ruin peoples security, you make then question the good in the world and are more paranoid for the rest of their lives. You are a horrible person.
Race war now
Prof that if everyone had a gun we’d all be fine
This is absolute bullshit, niggers and spics kill EACH OTHER all the time in schools. That's what happens when you force the two of them together, then throw in a white kid or two
Not a problem at all. In turn, niggers are the problem.
What the fuck is latin-x
% of pop by race. proportions.
I went to school in a black people zone and it was great because they had metal detectors and we had to tuck in our shirts and be monitored all of the time
This 100%
>im not going to bother looking it up
I did
I'll take "shit that never happened" for $1000, Alex
white people used to bring guns to school all the time,. wonder what changed?
...i wonder
I work at a public school that has almost an even split of white and black kids, and it's no exaggeration to say that dindus are responsible for 95% of the class disruptions and disciplinary issues.
Nogs have embraced the shitlib myth that school shootings are perpetrated solely by angry white males while refusing to acknowledge their (large and disproportionate) role in American schools going to shit.
Well if there's few to no whites in the hood to be killed by blacks, and there's few to no blacks in the middle-class suburb to be killed by whites, then this chart makes perfect sense.
burn in hell
Any states from FBI that break down murders committed by Latinos too?? A lot of them seem to lump Latinos/other ethnicities into the white category
new race created by elon musk
Really synapsed my neurons
Yeah let's just ignore their 90 percent of all gun crime
sage for slide thread
Ricky Martin
stop reminding me this atrocity of a woman exists. Jesus Christ, if I was caught jacking off by a younger sibling I wouldn't go giggling about it. Maybe you need to be a complete whore to brush it off immediately.
>Everyone is armed in his scenario
>mutual assured destruction
>exactly what Trump is calling for
>still blames white people
I don't feel safe in America anymore, better move back to Mexico and or Africa
If that were true, there would not be any black or Latin in USA. Ever.
Are they really stupid enough to play a game of who has the worst crime statistics
Poor b8. You'd have gotten Zimzam'd to begin with, and to end with, liberal whites hate darkies
I'm done with this country, Greenland looks comfy
>Are they really stupid
Electric goblino
Looking at my keyboard I can't tell how he fucked this up
What the FUCK is a Latinx?
White lesbian LARPing as a black man confirmed
They think that just because the msm blacks out all instances of fucked up nigger crime it means that it doesn't exist. They are literally ostriches that stick their head in the sand, perfect little useful idiots for the ultra rich and the kikes. I consider all of the ultra rich kikes. It's amazing how weak their minds are and how much self hatred they hold for their own people. What's even more amazing is that they think that this self hatred makes them 'good people'.
The 'latinx' is meant to be gender neutral, I think. 'Latino' means male, latina female.
Literally nothing but a nigger