People who rate visuals and animation separately

>People who rate visuals and animation separately

>People who rate voice acting and music separately

Naruto is literally the proof you're wrong.

Kaiba is also proof you're wrong.

>>People who rate visuals and animation separately

arent there background animators as well as regular animators in most productions of japanese animation

>people who rate plot and characters separately
How good can a story really be if I hate everyone in it?

>Pleople who rate sound design and music differently.

>People who rate things

Fuckin hate those losers

drifters/hellsing ultimate kind of had crusty animation but fantastic visuals

>visuals and animation are the same thing

Who are these people? I usually only care about story and characters

Why wouldn't you? Animation is how things move on the screen, while visuals would refer to more static elements such as shot composition and general direction.
A lot of anime have great visuals, but little animation, instead focusing on the less budget-intensive practice of having characters stand around talking to each other for long periods.

Machi's mind died so that idiots like OP could continue posting here. She is the Jesus of our generation.

Didn't Naruto actually had good animation?
My first thought was Sailor Moon, because it's mostly a slideshow but the visuals are great

literally this, you either enjoy an anime or you don't, who cares what number you assign to it when no 7/10 anime of yours will be equally good/bad as another 7/10 anime of yours or anyone else's rating system.

>people who forget time is a thing

So what, the character designers and background artists have to pay for shit low-budget animation?

Noticing a good director or artist gives you the ability to learn his name and track his previous/followup works. That's why when something is good, you try to know what makes it good to get more.

Like any long-running shounen, no. 90% of it is garbage, but most of the really big/ important moments end up being very high quality.

This. I fucking hate the internet because it's turned fucking everyone into a "critic". People with no credentials spouting their confirmation bias via text and image and video.


Who does that?

What's that supposed to mean?