White race or Asian gf?


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White gf buy with brown hair and blue eyes

Asian gf, definitely. Not even close.

Why do Castizas get no love here?

This desu.

t. 56%

because castizos arent a real thing

Asian gf with bottle blonde hair

Why not both?

If you think the one on the left is even remotely a fraction as attractive as the blonde girl you're mentally ill.

You’re right. They should get more.

Two Asian girlfriends.

Because they're all just spics.

Girls with tattoos are automatically such a turn off no matter how pretty you are.

Thread theme

>White race or Asian gf?

>not white
>not asian either

voted asian gf because I'm a monogamist

i wonder if they share a room

>c-conquer my holy l-lands, user

I'll take what I can get, 2bh

neither. women are all shit

Iran is pretty far form the holy land


They do not. These two don't just share a room, they share a bed.

Not an argument and whiter than any Asian.

Are those men?

So, white trap or asian trap then?

t. virgin

Idk user desu the asian looks cuter, might be because the blond has a weird chin and her makeup.

Are you?

If you're going to be a racemixer, you should pick an asian because they're clearly the best women. But if you're going to insist on a white woman to save the white race with, well, clearly your brown girls don't cut it.


I'd worry about the white girl cheating on me with Tyrone, Asian all the way

The slant-eyed generic fucking gook is nothing compared to the 10/10 absolutely perfect blonde Aryan Goddess. You're fucked in the head.

>got myself an Asian gf
Later nerds


jeongers is best girl

>you should pick an asian because they're clearly the best women

Imagine being this wrong


>if you're going to insist on a white woman to save the white race with, well, clearly your brown girls don't cut it.

They’re already 75% European and mostly look like Meds.

Insecure nigger-obsessed faggot. If your wife cheats on you with a nigger you kill her and die in a blaze of glory when the police come.


Good taste leaf. Good taste.

I can't get either

Why would you ruin your white genetics by mixing with an asian and creating a half white chink when you could have had a full white chad?

Why did you post a pic of a man?

Sup Forums is always arguing about the which one. Well I have an Idea. Why not both?

no question

Eurasian girl
Here is half Viet half German (WMAF)

Wow I'm so BTFO

Eurasian girl
Half Viet Half Irish (AMWF)

You know, they don't really look Asian or white

They're just beaners, no matter what fancy, oddball name you give to them.

Unironically voted asian gf.
Sorry niggers.

who care, they look beautiful at all

They're anime

>45 as of now have yellow fever

You’re no better than a coal burner if you say Asian girlfriend. I will debate anyone on this, try me

I appreciate all type of women and I’m just stating my opinion that the blond in the pic looks weird to me compare to that asian. I’m not saying she is ugly but I’ve seen cuter blonds.

If you are a White Male and YOU choose that Asian woman OVER that Gorgeous Blonde.. you are Fucking fool.

What’s your point? Mine is that they’re mostly white and can give you white children.

Pretty sure I had can buy three azn gf for the price of one white gf.

Too much makeup.

I voted Asian gf twice. Using my phone, so I switched to Wi-Fi for the second vote.

We had this thread and poll already. The results were already given

All Twice are good though if we're being honest

You know this makes no fucking difference, right? Her mitochondrial dna isn't going to change how she looks. I don't understand the obsession with this.

2nd round faggot


>mostly white
>give white children
No, they'll give you mostly white children, not white children, defeating your goal of saving the white race. You might just as well marry a mulatto if your standard is going to be that loose.

You know what's funny about hapa girl
In Vietnam If their parent is AMWF they look more white than WMAF parent but eurasian girls they look good not like nigger + white or asian = nigger same shit.........

No one picks a Asian gf it’s what you get when you can’t get a white girl

That blonde's eyes are just slightly too far apart. It gives her an odd look.

White girl that lives in a rural area, no city slags.

>Opinion doesnt change over time

chewy looks like an alien desu

>mixing with pic related is the same as mixing with a nigger
The absolute state

I just want a girl to genuinely look in my eyes and smile

She doesn't look weird at all. You're probably a fat pimply piece of shit trying to pretend not to be attracted to her, because you know she'd never touch your obese manlet ass with a 10 foot pole. The gorgeous Germanic girl with the perfect beautiful face is "weird looking", and the fishheaded yellow-skinned fucking gook is "cute". Give me a fucking break. You're a faggot with shit taste, and should kill yourself.

True that. Made a lot of knuckle babies while watching them. Jungers has been the souce of about 80% of them.

user the thing is with white men that hook up with asains is that they tend to go with the most ugliest ones. If both are attractive it’s fine in my opinion but never go black and that goes for anyone.

maybe she have beauty of white and asian
I don't know man but she look better than white or asian girl

Lol this happens to me everyday

white grils are barely human

>This ^


user you need to talk?

>2nd round

What is this shit? Best 2 out of 3? FUCK THAT. Roasties lost man. Give it a rest


Ok now I know your a larping fag, I bet your not even white show your flag fag.

No they fucking aren't. She's perfect and gorgeous. You're probably a 5'0" fat ugly piece of shit trying to rationalize going for Asians, because you fail to get the interest of white women. Quit doing mental gymnastics. Asian girls aren't 1/100th as beautiful as white ones. White women are the universal beauty standard for a reason. Miscegenation of ANY variety is the ultimate self-cuck. Improve your appearance/hygiene and breed the next generation of our race low-T defeatist cuck faggot leaving white women cold and lonely to be seduced by niggers while you fuck some nasty ass sideways SARS pussy.

Her beauty is definitely otherworldly


Stay mad, Susan

Someone doesnt like kimchi i see.
Korean food > Italian food

Yes, Please!

You'll never get someone to stop being attracted to Asians if they already are. The white girl is hotter imo but take your meds or something.

>shilling THIS hard for white women

>not white
pic related is me

You’re right, they wouldn’t be white, but they’d express a white phenotype. I wouldn’t be doing it to save the white race obviously, but it seems to be one of the least damaging forms of mixing were it to happen.