Satsuki demands your eternal loyalty. How do you respond?
Satsuki demands your eternal loyalty. How do you respond?
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By giving it to her, of course. What other option is there?
Not enrolling in Honnouji
Only woman I'd gladly go lesbian for. Of course, I'd give it to her.
A solid yes
Anything for Satsuki-sama
Ragyo pls
Only if I get to suck on her tits
Ragyo's eternal loyalty is for clothes, not for her failure of a daughter.
You are not worthy.
Ryuuko is the better girl anyway
I respect your opinion but it's still wrong.
By start licking her feet and suck her heels.
>implying that you are worthy of touching Satsuki-sama's body
Fall on my knees and start licking her boots instantly.
I refuse.
I'll give it to her only if I can kiss Nonon's ass
Spanking her ass.
Was Nonon gay?
Refuse, because only slaves give loyalty when demanded of it. I give it when I chose to.
All females were gay in the show.
What do I get in return?
>pig in human clothing thinks he's anything but a slave
Ugly just like her mother
She already has it.
I like the h-manga with the Satsuki lookalike.
No way, fag.
My loyalty is with the King of Humankind. Thots can fuck off.
>after all these years, there still aren't ANY good doujins involving Nonon
what went wrong, anons?
>unironically being a cuck
That's just sad
>he doesn't know about the new wave of post-ironic vaporwave cuckposting
lmao, cuck
Satsukisexual. The one true sexuality.
Later bitch, you ain't even hot
There are barely any good KLK doujins in general. It's sad.
Kamina is so overrated
>unzips dick
>leads oppressive regime to defeat aliens
>did nothing wrong
>leads oppressive regime to defeat aliens
>magical ghost baby
>did everything wrong
sorry, but emps loses
This show was pure crap
only if she sits on muh dick
By licking her asshole of course
>magical ghost baby
>the most human human made out of multiple humans who wanted to protects humanity
>manages to prevent the end times and ensures humanity's survival
>in a torture device for 10k years just so that humanity would survive
>still doesn't give up
>makes chaosfags cry just by existing
>main reason of ADB's suffering
Literally best boy
>Not your face
This pig understands
fpbp as usual. I'll work hard and hope that I'm eventually deemed worthy of being her personal butler or something similar.
Oh Satsuki-sama
Play this theme.
>worshipping a decaying carcass of a false god
Your time is coming, fag boy.
user please....That insertion
Honestly why not
I'm not really using my life for anything, maybe she can find some use for me
I'm fine with not having dreams for myself if I can support a motivated being in the chase of her own
To reveal a more menacing but smaller dick
>being loyal to a decaying corpse of a false god.
Come now user, don't you wish to be free?Don't you wish to take life into your on hands?Throw off the shackles of the Imperium and accept the dark gods into your heart.
Not half as overrated as KlK kid.
>this is what emperorcucks believe
>their god can't even keep a few babies from getting kidnapped
>rotting stinky corpse
>his failures led to thousands sacrificed for him daily and billions more dying holding off xenos as he decomposes on the throne
Chaos is the future.
>the most human human made out of multiple humans who wanted to protects humanity
>a psychic aberration made out of fusing warp stuff together through sorcery
>manages to prevent the end times
>by fucking up so bad that humanity would be better of dead for how much suffering it inflicts upon itself with no hope of recovery- and all because of his autism
>best boy
thats trazyn
Ore wa jiyu da
i love alice
Is it too much to ask for femdom hentai that doesn't involve footfaggotry?
Looks like chaoscucks are out in full force
>rebell against the Imperium
>become chaos gods' slave instead
well done, sure got me there buddy
>necronfag thinks he's relevant
You just got (you)'d with the rest of them
enjoy being getting phased out by stormcast eternals 2.0
pledge my allegiance, but only if she cuts her hair
Such impeteous....
Your defiance is admirable brother, but in the end.......pointless.
The Tyrant will have you - be it as a loyal servant or slave, it matters not.
Lord Huron has the Maelstrom in his taloned gauntlet and he only need but to squeeze.
You'd pretty much have no choice. Any attempt to defy her, no matter how certain it would seem to work in reality, would be no match for her bullshit anime powers.
Only if Nonon becomes my buttslut.
She can get my loyalty when she breaks me.
>please break me satsuki-Sama
Stab her in the cooch.
With not my dick.
Long hair > short hair
Am I the only person who wants to stick it in Satsuki's butt?
I'd rather her stick it in my butt, if I had to choose.
I already have a waifu, she can go fuck herself.
I would crawl on my hands and knees just to look at Lady Satsuki. A woman like this comes only once in a lifetime. Dominant woman must be worshiped because they are better than us.
What do you think it feels like? Being stepped on by Satsuki?
purge yourself fag
My loyalty is with the Emperor and humankind, not just space marines.
Listen, dude. One of your "gods" is a fucking rotten whateverthefuck, the other one is an ugly trap. Other two are just autistic. And all of them want to rape your soul. I'm not saying that you should stop this edgefest, but you should stop this edgefest. I mean, your leader doesn't even have arms.
But worship doesn't get any lower than feet
She's is a true leader. It's hard to find a woman who can lead is well as a man can. I'd follow her to hell and back, I would! A smart, charismatic leader that we need!
Footfags get the rope after Sup Forums takes over all of Sup Forums.
Footfags will be gassed
and your "god" will happily kill you and your planet due to his fedora tipping autism
He's not a god, he's just a human, after all. Don't put your blame on him.
the dirt she walks on. A true slave licks the floor.
>he's just a human
then why do you worship him
This person is in absolute state of correctness.
I never learned what it says on my pic. Any Moonreaders?
本能寺 ??回生徒襲会
Kill la kill
Honnouji ??(times) student [attack] [meeting] (don't think the final word exists like that, sounds like 集会 which would mean assembly or meeting, maybe they use that term somewhere in the anime but my memory is hazy)
I give her asshole a tongue-kiss!
Id take her moms finger out of her ass and tell her to fuck off
>Wanting the inferior model when you could be Ragyo's pet instead