When you finally realize that morality...

>when you finally realize that morality, tradition and religion are the backbone of a civilization and the very reason every civilization collapsed in the past is because they forsook these for intellectual progress but in turn ushered in an age of decadence and that's exactly what's happening to the west right now and the one thing that could of stopped this decline was fascism but you decided to destroy it for another few decades of fun

Other urls found in this thread:


A civilization is born Stoic and dies Epicurean

>when you come to this conclusion but then realize that the Walloons were responsible


Sorry but no, there is no good action that cannot be replicated with purely secular means.

>sought intellectual progress instead
>morality, tradition, and religion not built on sound intellectual processes
You've still got a long way to go.


>he doesn't understand that a society isn't just going to end up a hedonistic consumerist hellhole that will eventually collapse under it's own laziness and selfishness without morals

The dogmas of religion maintain a moral basis and unite and give a nation meaning, eventually many of these dogmas and beliefs are shown to be false by scientific, technological and philosophical progress. This results in the continuing doubtfulness of a religion until it completely ceases to have any religious effect on its society, this is the stage where the society will fill it's void of meaning and guidance with egoism and hedonism, declining into decadence and eventual collapse.

stop at the 4th panel. Christ would have you and your wife's sons be cucks

So how do we reverse this trend?

>many dogmas and beliefs are shown to be false by various proof-based sciences
>disregarding systematic academic bullying of certain ideologies by societies such as the Frankfurt School

That fedora of yours seems like a great echo chamber, faggot.

So you honestly think that much of the bible hasn't been shown to false? It's just persecution of it by commies?

The Bible is one of the best historical records and sources of truth that has ever existed. There has been no argument against it that has not been debunked and often mindlessly repeated.

Do your part and wake people up then.

You fundamentalist Christians are so annoying to talk to.

So Noah really did build an arc? Adam and Eve really are the first humans? Jonah really was swallowed by a giant fish?

nah op there arent any barriers between us and god. We are on the cusp on something huge and society is in a place it's never been before.







Why? Because dealing with absolute statements are uncomfortable to you?

Yes. (why is this hard to believe? All ancient cultures recount the flood and the man Noah)
Yes. (the DNA record demonstrates that we humans originated from a single male and female)
Yes (though a "fish" could have meant any mobile sea creature, then).

God is Almighty and causes these things to happen and preserves the things that are right. Miracles and complexity exists because God is behind them! Hence why morality exists, and thus tradition and "religion".

>thinking the natural cycle can be halted
>same flaw in the thought process as the fucking commies
Keep fighting, though, hasten the catastrophe, the phoenix only rises from the ashes

Okay you've basically proven you're self to be a joke and completely missed my point.

But a few more questions, did Jesus really turn water to wine? Did he really float up to heaven? Is the earth really 6000 thousand years old?

Also, if a "giant fish swallowing Jonah" causes to you scoff, then are you saying that there is no animal that has ever gone extinct (despite the fossil record)?

>okay, I've basically proven myself to be a RADICAL CENTRISTâ„¢ that immediately denies anything that contradicts my preconceptions no matter how much evidence I see
1. Yes (again, God can manipulate matter, hence why this is a miracle)
2. Yes, and the evidence for this is so well-founded that even staunch atheist NT scholars like Bart Ehrman and Paula Fredriksen have tried to explain the evidence away by concluding that "everyone had collective insanity to all believe the same thing happened at the exact same time" (qf. "The Case for Christ" by former atheist investigative journalist Lee Strobel)
3. Yes, and the fossil record and structure of the continents, as well the soft-tissue of all extant dinosaur fossils found, demonstrate (qf. film "Is Genesis History?)
Seek and thou shalt find (redpill)
Believe whatever is convenient and pleasing to your feelings (bluepill)

>okay, I've basically proven myself to be a RADICAL CENTRIST

What the fuck are you talking about you complete retard, I'd be considered the most extreme of right reactionaries, you're just a retarded fundamentalist Christian that is making insane claims that are barely even readable. There is no point in debating somebody that is going to try to claim that Noahs Ark was real and Jesus floated up to heaven, you just claim there is evidence when there is none.

Maybe it was Allah?