David Hogg

Have at it.

Delet this



Send them flowers or a pizza. It’s been a few weeks since they went through the worst event of their life and they are sacrificing their reputation and anonymity to make positive change in this shithole country

time to order a bunch of pizzas

doxx operations are so exciting!! mods will ban u, though :(

I'm going write a letter to this fine young gentleman,


>not knowing how inb4 works

Already saved the image. What you gonna do about Ruskie?


when this thread dies i expect to see another one in the other place

while we're here.

>Bait in 240p

How do you report people for harassment

Some rich user buy him an NRA lifetime membership.

Wonder if it’s one of them fed only neighborhoods like there are outside dc

I’m being serious.


Write report this in the name and options field

Get him a cheap one. Doesn't have to be lifetime.

wtf do you think this is, reddit? kys fucking shills

Sup Forums is getting triggered over this right now.

>Bait in New Times Roman

who /honeypot/ here

Stop trolling

>Bait for fisch

while we're waiting for the thread to be banned....for your viewing entertainment. your welcome

so many choices...
what do you think Sup Forums?

Times New Roman is the best font, nigger

>Age 50 - 55

Send him some disgusting pizza with strange toppings

Marcos sounds really nice, i hate dominoes

>Bait that isn't in Calligraphy

Type "report this" as name and options and explanation as comment.

Torrance is near Redondo Beach where that rabble rousing video was shot.

Pasquale’s is probably legit

4.4 star rating, cash order obviously...

but they are working hard, i don't want to be mean...
I would never be mean on the internet...

Indeed not far at all. He probably did attend there at one point


Too late Shlomo.

we are sure this is the right guy right?
bit of a waste if its not...

Dont fucking do anything.

I bet you anything this is bait so the media can run with the story that the ALT RIGHT is carrying out criminal harrassment.

This smells (((fishy)))

Posting in epic CNN false flag thread

>ordering them a nice pizza dinner
user, I'm trying to be nice

>Age 50-55

Kinda agree, but it's a leaf. Not sure if this fucking leaf is a shill though.

This, he will enjoy pulled pork and eggs thin crust pizza

>Just now noticing that.
Fuck I'm retarded.

Just say Fischer

If you put "sch" or "Stine" in anything it's an automatic ((()))

It’s way too late to order pizza now, try tomorrow when they’re home

>I could literally just post with a fake flag if I was shilling.

Jesus some people are dumb.

It’s his dad and his dads name you retards. It’s correct

>be 55
>have a 17 year old son
Yeah kk

Welcome to CNN HONEYPOT thrd


Mods are fags
Moot is fag
My name Jeff


60 years old?

I’m a undercover leaf
He is a shill, anyone who wants or defends people who wants to ban America’s guns deserves [insert mean word]

This. It's a fucking set up.


this, desu. either it's bull shit. or he's some retard the authoritarian left is taking advantage of to undermine our freedoms. doxing is wrong, this needs to be removed. but the Jews policy of importing low IQ shit skins who can't behave themselves when given freedoms and using that as an excuse to take away ours is fucking crazy. also if he really is a traumatized kid, his opinion is worthless.

>media posts about Sup Forums sending pizzas to Hogg’s house
>further lose their credibility to the point of oblivion.

He’s 51. 51-18= 33. Oh wow it’s impossible. Kys

>kekistan flag
Fuck off

How do you delete a post that someone else made?

>people in this thread trying to claim pizza is a bad thing

let them disembowel themselves

55-17 = i don't give a fuck. He's clearly reptilian

>no fun allowed
pizzaing is a time honored method that we use to respect those we deem worthy. there's nothing malicious about it.
that said, all pizza shops closed. sad

> previously lived in CA.

>purim meme
well done, user

Look man you're shitting on tradition
Sending pizza is an olde timey meme
Fuck them there's no harm in sending pizza
It's a hilarious fuck you
Especially when he's been forced to tip or not tip


>Fuck off t. kike

No u faggot

what time should we order for?
ordering for now is mean...
tomorrow at 6:00?