Why do blacks want to be Egyptians so badly when Nubians were a thing?

Why do blacks want to be Egyptians so badly when Nubians were a thing?

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Because they couldn't even invent a seafaring ship and need something to cling onto so it's not obvious to those who believe it that they are subhuman and thousands of years behind whites on the evolutionary scale.

Pyramids > Mud Castle

What’s a Nubian?

they don't like their history so they taking white boys history, after all wypipo are the black mans bitch nowadays

Nubians are Egyptians. The culture that is larped as Egyptian is actually the very same as nubian, but a false dichotomy was created so that the concept of that culture could be whitened up. The Greeks who took over the Delta long ago were essentially aping nubian culture. The very word Egyptian is greek. It's not about wanting to be Egyptians it's about attempting to combat white appropriation of the most stylized and aesthetic african culture that has ever existed.

you should actually kill yourself nigger if you believe any of that bullshit

>historically literate
>literate at all

Egyptian is a Greek name. Most people don't know calling them ancient Egyptians "Egyptians" is essentially calling them out of their name. The name they gave themselves was kemetiu.


An pre-ethiopian

Who here still plays Age of Empires 2?

Say it with me everyone,


if anything niggers were lower class or slaves in Egypt, never Pharoahs. its not your cutlure. your culture is living in elephant shit huts and putting discs in your lips.

What physical barrier would have created a distinction between Egyptians and Nubians? It's almost unheard of for two distinct people to arise adjacent to each other without a physical barrier, in the ancient world.

In this pic, the pitch black people are incorrectly attributed to being Nubians, they are not. They are the people who currently inhabit southern and south sudan today, and still look very much the same down to thier very hairstyles.

see Nubia and Egypt had a love hate conquer conquered relationship
african americans call themselves nubian all the time, you'd know this if you werent a closeminded bigot in your echochamber hugbox

>closeminded bigot in your echochamber hugbox

spider monster

Africa is about as homogeneous as Europe
Whites claim all of european culture as their own, we do the same with africa.

If you cant understand that, then sorry for you being born a dumbass

>Not posting the original


This is true. What there going to do next is reduce the definition of "black" to only mean "sub-saharan" which as a term in and of itself is retarded. It would be like splitting Europe with sub-alpine and then everytime they tried to reference rome reducing the definition of white to just mean germanic.

Egyptians conquered and civilized Nubia. Nubian "civilization" was just copying Egypt.

Blacks don't even know what Nubia even is.

The Egyptians were white. The Mediterranean peoples before Arab conquests were white. Only Sub-Saharan Africans were black.

They're desperately hoping that their ancestors did something, anything, of note. Which isn't the case. For example, Cleopatra's ancestor Ptolemy I was a general and childhood friend of Alexander the Great. Nobody in their right mind would think that Alexander the Great was hanging around niggers as a kid.

>South Sudan

>Not Nubian

Sweetie, please.

DNA proves the Pharoahs werent black. Irrefutable. Nice try.


misri here.
Europeans and Africans seriously need to fuck off and stop claiming history of others. Egyptians are Egyptians, that's it. it's the equivalent of anglos saying that they were byzantines

They unironically think that Nubians were egyptians

This. Ancient Egyptians were white. Black people didn't exist north of the Sahara as anything but slaves during that time.

"We gave cane from the mountains of the moon at the base of the nile where the god hapi dwells"

-The book of the dead

Does that sound like the Mediterranean to you?

Also pic related is genetic evidence that the Mediterranean was not as white in ancient times.

The Egyptians were neither white nor black.

They were middle eastern. Also known as west asian.

They might've been "caucasian", but they weren't white or European.

I mean, I guess there were some Romans and niggers in ancient Egypt - but these are the exception, and they generally mixed with something else, so these groups weren't really purely white or black after a while in Egypt.

Egyptians were Hamitic people just as they predominantly still are today. Just as with ancient Middle Eastern people who were a Semitic people as they predominantly are still today. Neither are "white" and never were. People who push the rapebaby meme have zero understanding of biology.

That's from lower Egypt well after Greek influence. Mummification itself was an African derived be practice which is why the oldest mummies are undeniably black. If the ancient Egyptians were Turks or whatever shouldn't thier be Egyptian style mummification present in places north of the Delta?

did you even read that article you dumb nigger?

>Both types of genomic material showed that ancient Egyptians shared little DNA with modern sub-Saharan Africans. Instead, their closest relatives were people living during the Neolithic and Bronze ages in an area known as the Levant. Strikingly, the mummies were more closely related to ancient Europeans and Anatolians than to modern Egyptians.

"We came from the mountains of the moon"*


If I come back as like 10-15% Southern European (Italian/Greek) on my DNA test, what does this mean?

Is it only counting the "white" or European aspect of southern Europeans? Or is that group including middle eastern and african traces? I'm confused.

They all say I'm 100% European, just with roughly 10-15% southern European generally

tl;dr are these dna tests calculating for arab/middle eastern/nigger dna in southern europeans as a category? Or are my results purely just southern european - no admixture, just europeans from the med area?


DNA analysis is convoluted and is unacceptably susceptible to manipulation of results or how they are presented in order to push an agenda.

>are these dna tests calculating for arab/middle eastern/nigger dna in southern europeans as a category?
Yes. They break it out into "Middle Eastern", "North African", and "Non-specific Middle Eastern and North African". Then there's also "Sub-Saharan African" which is for the niggest of niggers.

a meme isnt evidence. Face it. your inferior subhuman race never wrote down anything so you have nothing for your peoples history. If anything your people were dick washers in ancient egypt.

Jeez. That's really real then. What utter vagenies. I'm going to look into it and see what they profess to believe. I did a paper once on the significance of the triple crown of Egypt (obviously linked to resurrection beliefs) so I'll know if they are faking it. Which I mean obviously they are but whether they 'get it' or are just dressing up like Count Blackula without a fang in their head.
A kang without a fang
Is in a crappy gang
Until his he hears a bang
Wished he'd got more poomtang
Poor kang.
I'm out of angs so I'm going to bed before I start hallucinating from exhaustion.
Good night terrible half of America!


t. octoroon

no, i mean like if i come back "southern european" does it mean i have nigger/arab dna, or would they break that down into another nigger/arab category?

im saying because apparently southern euros have some nigger/arab admixture, i dunno if it's calculated for in the "southern euro" category or if it is seperate

>DNA analysis is convoluted and is unacceptably susceptible to manipulation of results or how they are presented in order to push an agenda.

I'd agree, I uploaded raw data to like 5-6 different websites and gotten different results from all, but with some commonness i guess


Egypt is not white or black boys history...can you fuck off with this shit.

Egyptians and The Middle East in general are our own people, we aren't considered White by the majority of you people so don't try now and steal our golden ages of history from us. Next thing you know I'll be in an argument with you guys about how we lost the Crusades and how the white man discovered coffee, can you history revisionists from both sides just fuck off.

Egyptians are the same as they've always been for the most part, the Arabs were a significantly smaller population than the Egyptians mixing was not that much of an issue, also considering that the Arabs were already pretty close to what Egyptians would be the mixture would not be as profound as you're trying to imagine.


The results of the study are very fucking definitive and clear, if you wouldn't say modern Egyptians in general are Black then ancient Egyptians almost certainly weren't Black.

"It was a market place to which the Ethiopians bring all the products of their country; and the Egyptians in their turn take them all away and bring to the same spot their own wares of equal value, so bartering what they have got for what they have not. Now the inhabitants of the marches (Nubian/Egyptians border) are not yet fully black but are half-breeds in matter of color, for they are partly not so black as the Ethiopians, yet partly more so than the Egyptians."

Flavius Philostratus: c.170 to c.247,
Immigration from different regions and the Nile cataracts and the Sahara desert acting as barriers is what would create different populations.
Pic related, there is a bigger genetic gulf between Egypt and all most any Black Sub Saharan African people then exists between any single European nation.

>endless sterile desert
>except the big river that connects them

If your history was being lazy cunts on the richest continent in the world for 2000 years while inventing nothing, doing nothing and progressing nothing... then afterwards its of slavery and petty crime.. that's you entire history.. not even in a nutshell but actually described lol
If that's your history its not to surprising that fragile people with weak egos start robbing other peoples history.

Why do whites want to be egyptian so much , if there were so many europea...

I'm sorry u wuz kangz.

this we wuz argument wont get anywhere until you retards realize that "white" and "black" races dont exist

to deny that the egytians had no contact with their african neighbors is ludicrous, to say that they were european because of trade with greece and rome, but not african even though they maintained peace and war with the rest of the continent is also historically inaccurate

To deny africans any tie to a nation on their continent is also dumb. Europeans claim all of european culture even though the people are of different diverse races. Why do you people feel the need to deny africans the same?

You all saying NO EGYPT WAS WHITE is like them saying NO GREECE WAS BLACK.

Upper Egyptians(indigenous Egyptians) are undoubtedly black. Those living I'm the Delta are a mix of different peoples.

Black in America has a different meaning than black in africa. In africa TI, Steph Curry, Mariah Carey, prince, even will Smith would not be considered black, but are in America by virtue of the one drop legacy. Mind you I'm not saying they are related to Egyptians, but you can see where the confusion can happen about who is and isn't black.

They are most related to the Middle East and its people, the Middle East is where the first civilizations arose and Egypt is right at the gates to the Middle East in Africa.

The earliest farming settlements in Egypt are in the north and most of the technology they used, crops the grew, and livestock they raised almost certainly originated in the Middle East.

They have been since ancient times most closely related to the middle east and as I said before there exists a bigger genetic gulf between Egypt and many Sub Saharan Blacks then exists between any European(Or Middle Eastern) people.

Here is the study

The study involving scanning the genes of 151 different subjects dating from 1388BCE(Before the invasions, immigration, and occupations of antiquity.) to 426CE, these subjects come from the burial grounds at Abusir el-Meleq(Which is located right in the middle of Egypt a fair bit outside of the Nile Delta.). The site was inhabited from the 3250BCE to 700CE and was for large parts of its history very prosperous. It was a center of the cult of Osiris and was as a result a popular burial ground for ancient Egyptians.

The analysis showed that they where significantly more related to Middle Eastern populations then to Sub Saharan populations. In fact comparing this to the measures of the genetic makeup of modern Egyptians, the modern inhabitants are slightly more Black(Around 8%) then the ancient inhabitants generally where.

He's actually telling the complete truth of it, which is amazing because Americans are generally morons.

There was upper and lower Egypt. What you call Egyptian culture actually started in lower Egypt and Sudan which were black Egyptians. The oldest pyramids are there. The culture spread north to upper Egypt who look like current Egyptians, dark olive complexion and curly hair. Upper Egypt ending up being more prosperous because it sat on major trade routes and was excellent for commerce. Egypt remained one of the wealthiest and prosperous parts of the world long after the height of the Pharaohs power until the collapse of west Rome.

Pretty much the entirety of pre-dynastic Egyptian sites are located in upper(south) Egypt. Also proto-egyptian culture and religion originated in the south and spread north. This is common knowledge the Egyptians view of the world was based off of the origin of the nile, since they themselves in thier own writings said that is where they came from. That is why upper is south and lower is north to them.

Also your pic only makes sense if only pitch black people are considered black. Which basically would exclude the entire American black population. Notice many in the Pharaohs entourage are also pitch black.

Pic related notice how many of the "Nubians" are the same tone as the Pharaoh.

WTF Pol told me ancient Egypt was nordic Aryans

Upper Egypt is the southern one. The Nile flows North, which is why ancient Egyptian maps put the delta at the bottom.

And here's everything that is wrong with that 'study".


I wanted to believe white people were above revisionism, but apparently a problematic complex does exist, and alot of "history" thus has to be reexamined. It's sad.

It says "In Post-Roman" periods right in the title of the article. That's hardly Ancient Egypt anymore, even Ptolemaic Egypt could hardly be considered the same civilization anymore let alone Post-Roman.

"Pretty much the entirety of pre-dynastic Egyptian sites are located in upper(south) Egypt."

No, there are ancient sites in lower Egypt that predate many predynastic sites in lower Egypt and these show many signs of Middle Eastern settlement.
"Also proto-egyptian culture and religion originated in the south and spread north."
Yeah the main basis of what we consider to be ancient Egyptian culture originated in upper Egypt however it formed well over a thousand years after Middle Easterners are believed to have entered Egypt and began proliferating throughout the entire region(Remember the study? it showed that even the Middle region of Egypt was heavily Middle Eastern.)
"This is common knowledge the Egyptians view of the world was based off of the origin of the nile, since they themselves in thier own writings said that is where they came from. That is why upper is south and lower is north to them."
Ever heard of founding myths?

"Also your pic only makes sense if only pitch black people are considered black. Which basically would exclude the entire American black population. Notice many in the Pharaohs entourage are also pitch black."
There are large number of things that are used to distinguish Sub Saharan Blacks from other peoples and they have very distinct genetics and Egyptians have significant differences that only get wider when you look at genetics.

"Pic related notice how many of the "Nubians" are the same tone as the Pharaoh."

"Yeah, I noticed that. But I also noticed that they have the same facial shape as other Nubians that is distinct from the Pharaohs facial shape.


"Now the inhabitants of the marches (Nubian/Egyptians border) are not yet fully black but are half-breeds in matter of color, for they are partly not so black as the Ethiopians, yet partly more so than the Egyptians."

Intermixing between the two peoples happened.

No, those complaints about the study in that webpage can be filed into two categories; unsubstantial or inconsequential.

Oh the gall for you to accuse others of revisionism when you yourself ignore and denigrate the evidence so much.

No it doesn't

You didn't even read it. Just give the truth a chance.

should have gorrilla on front


No the first complaint it gives are actually mitigated by the location as it is a far bit away from Nile Delta and is more or less in the middle region of Egypt and is a fair bit away from the entry points from the Middle East and the Mediterranean Sea(It also ignores two facts, ancient Pyramids and burial grounds for Pharaohs are found in lower Egypt not exclusively in upper Egypt en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saqqara en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dahshur. And there was also invasions from the south so choosing a southern region also presents it the issue of foreign invaders.). Also important ancient cities(Such as memphis.) are located in the North.

The second complaint about the time periods involved is also mitigated by the location, even though few of the samples are from pre-invasion times the location of site is located a fair bit away from the main invasion areas(And there is no indication the Pre invasion samples differ massively from post invasion samples.) and as I mentioned before south also experienced invasions from the Black countries beneath it so that would also taint the samples. Also the results show they are Middle Eastern not White like the article claims. There is also no indication that this was a graveyard for foreigners. It was a necropolis in an ancient settlement that was center for the cult of Osiris.

Lastly it ignores that there where Nubian/Ethiopan Pharaohs(18 or so according to some sources.) and it cites the infamous DNA tribes study which itself is plagued by a number of issues that render the results unrelieable that this more recent study does not have.

In addendum their criticism of only using 90 mitochondrial DNA samples is extremely weak if they are claiming invasion would alter the results in any meaningful way. Mitochondrial DNA is linked to the mother and usually Women don't come along on invasions so its extremely likely that the MtDNA came from native Egyptian women.

Also the reason why they don't test many extremely old mummies is because the DNA is often badly degraded.

Hollywood doesn't produce movies about the Nubians

I wanted to slap the shit out of the little girl when she said "what's. A computer?"

We'll just have to agree to disagree on this genetic analysis is legit. What's compelling about the 2012 results is that they line up with ancient Egyptian records, as well as Greek records as to the origins of the ancient Egyptians.

If the ancient Egyptians came from the near East, then why wouldn't they say so? There is also other corroborating evidence in the form of language, religion, cultural continuity and other aspects.


I know you will not budge but I do appreciate your analysis.

In further Addendum many other regions in East Africa show evidence of non African admixture that goes back an extremely long time very likely longer then the existence of Egypt so this further supports the ancient Middle Eastern origin hypothesis. independent.co.uk/news/science/east-africans-may-have-up-to-a-quarter-of-asian-and-european-dna-says-report-a6686826.html forwhattheywereweare.blogspot.com/2014/06/ancient-inter-continental-admixture-in.html
nature.com/articles/srep25472 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4915815/ anthromadness.blogspot.com/2015/07/horn-africans-mixture-between-east.html

And lastly this study was to determine the makeup of the general populace and it has chosen 91 randomly selected subjects from a site that is likely to have a population that is representative of Egypt as a whole, and studies to determine the modern make up of countries have used fewer subjects.

For example in these studies of haplogroup H they often used smaller population sizes then 91.
"Haplogroup H1 has been found very rarely outside of the Indian subcontinent and the Romani populations, including approximately 12.5% (2 out of 16 individuals) H-M52 in a sample of Tajiks from Dushanbe,[20] 6% (1/17) H-M52 in a sample of Turks,[20] 5% (1/20) H-M69 in a sample of Syrians,[21] 4% (2/45) H-M52 in a sample of Uzbeks from Samarkand,[20] 4% (2/53) H-M52 in a sample of Iranians from Samarkand,[20] 3% (2/70) H-M52 in a sample of Uzbeks from Khorezm,[20] 3% (1/38) H-M82 in a sample of Balkarians,[22] 2.6% (3/117) H-M82 in a sample from southern Iran,[23] 2% (1/41) H-M52 in a sample of Uyghurs from Kazakhstan,[20] 1% (1/92 H-M82)[22] to 2% (1/50 H-M69)[21] of Ukrainians, 2% (1/56) H-M52 in a sample of Uzbeks from Bukhara,[20] 2% (1/57) H-M82 in a sample of Macedonian Greeks,[22] 2% (1/63) H-M52 in a sample of Uzbeks from the Fergana Valley,[20] 0.9% (1/113) H-M82 in a sample of Serbians,[18] 0.6% (3/523) H-M370 in a sample of Turks,[24] and 0.5% (1/201) H-M52 in a sample of Somali immigrants in Denmark.[25]

In the Arabian Peninsula, Haplogroup H-M69 has been found in 4.3% (7/164) of males from the United Arab Emirates (including 4/164 = 2.4% H-M69(xM52,Apt) and 3/164 = 1.8% H-M82),[26] approximately 2% of males from Oman,[27] 1.9% (3/157) of males from Saudi Arabia (including 2/157 = 1.3% H-M69(xM52) and 1/157 = 0.6% H-M82),[28] and 1.4% (1/72 H-M82) of males from Qatar.[26]

The subclade H-APT (H1a2a) has been found in 1.3% (1/77) of a sample of Greeks.[11]"

"We'll just have to agree to disagree on this genetic analysis is legit. What's compelling about the 2012 results is that they line up with ancient Egyptian records, as well as Greek records as to the origins of the ancient Egyptians.

If the ancient Egyptians came from the near East, then why wouldn't they say so? There is also other corroborating evidence in the form of language, religion, cultural continuity and other aspects."

The Nile was extremely important to the existence of Egyptian civilization as it was the source of their agriculture and therefor the lifeblood of their civilization so that alone is plausible reason to make a myth attaching themselves to the river in such a way.

Also how much of that "corroborating evidence" can be explained away by cultural diffusion?


I know you will not budge but I do appreciate your analysis."

I am not budging because its actually extremely unlikely to assume there was such a large scale population replacement under these conditions during those times, Egypt had a massive fucking population for its time and almost everyone who invaded it had conquest not genocide in mind so even though a number of Egyptians would die and there would be interbreeding the general populace would remain mostly unchanged.

Lets look at another example;
Lebanon despite its much smaller population it has survived being invaded many times and suffering many catastrophes has experienced very little demographic change even over the last 4,000 as its modern inhabitants are still overwhelmingly descended from its ancient inhabitants.

The same situation applies with China as it is still mostly descended from it founders despite being invaded and conquered by foreign powers multiple times because its massive population it built up being extremely difficult to change.

Some of the most famous Egyptians were Europeans, though. Cleopatra, Eukleides, the Hero of Alexandria, etc.

This isn't a controversy.

So far the only way to completely replace a large settled populace that has grown for thousands of years is full scale genocide or an infection of some deadly sickness(Be it a plague of the body or mind.) that only affects a certain population group while leaving other groups unharmed and there is no substantial evidence of either such events happening in Ancient Egypt's case that would lead to the modern populace being substantially different from the ancient populace.

I'm not implying population replacement.

Indigenous Egyptians aka Nubians are still black. I'm not implying population replacement. But in a way they are to Egypt what native Americans are to the US. It's not an entirely apt comparison, but you get the idea.

Citation on MtDNA being linked to the mother.
"In sexual reproduction, mitochondria are normally inherited exclusively from the mother; the mitochondria in mammalian sperm are usually destroyed by the egg cell after fertilization. Also, most mitochondria are present at the base of the sperm's tail, which is used for propelling the sperm cells; sometimes the tail is lost during fertilization. In 1999 it was reported that paternal sperm mitochondria (containing mtDNA) are marked with ubiquitin to select them for later destruction inside the embryo.[17] Some in vitro fertilization techniques, particularly injecting a sperm into an oocyte, may interfere with this.

The fact that mitochondrial DNA is maternally inherited enables genealogical researchers to trace maternal lineage far back in time. (Y-chromosomal DNA, paternally inherited, is used in an analogous way to determine the patrilineal history.) This is usually accomplished on human mitochondrial DNA by sequencing the hypervariable control regions (HVR1 or HVR2), and sometimes the complete molecule of the mitochondrial DNA, as a genealogical DNA test.[18] HVR1, for example, consists of about 440 base pairs. These 440 base pairs are then compared to the control regions of other individuals (either specific people or subjects in a database) to determine maternal lineage. Most often, the comparison is made to the revised Cambridge Reference Sequence. Vilà et al. have published studies tracing the matrilineal descent of domestic dogs to wolves.[19] The concept of the Mitochondrial Eve is based on the same type of analysis, attempting to discover the origin of humanity by tracking the lineage back in time."

Population evolution would be an appropriate term

mtDNA is highly conserved, and its relatively slow mutation rates (compared to other DNA regions such as microsatellites) make it useful for studying the evolutionary relationships—phylogeny—of organisms. Biologists can determine and then compare mtDNA sequences among different species and use the comparisons to build an evolutionary tree for the species examined. However, due to the slow mutation rates it experiences, it is often hard to distinguish between closely related species to any large degree, so other methods of analysis must be used"

Then there is the issue of language similarities

>The good has become evil
>Ancient Egyptian: bw nafret zu em bw bon
>Wolof: bw rafet mel ni bw bon

Pharaonic Egyptian - Wolof; (Wolof meaning)

aam - aam : seize (take this)
aar - aar : paradise (divine protection)
Aku - Aku : foreigners (Creole descendants of European traders and African wives)
anu - K.enou : pillar
atef - ate : a crown of Osiris, judge of the soul (to judge)
ba - bei : the ram-god (goat)
bai - bai : a priestly title (father)
ben ben - ben ben : overflow, flood
bon - bon : evil
bu - bu : place
bu bon - bu bon : evil place
bu nafret - bu rafet : good place
da - da : child
deg - deega : to see, to look at carefully (to understand)
deresht - deret : blood
diou - diou rom : five
djit - djit : magistrate (guide, leader)
Djoob - Djob : a surname
dtti - datti : the savage desert (the savage brush)
Etbo - temb : the 'floater' (to float)
fei - fab : to carry
fero - fari : king
iaay - yaay : old woman (mother)
ire - yer : to make
itef - itef : father
kat - kata : vagina (to have sexual intercourse)
kau - kaou : elevated, above (heaven)
kau - kau : high, above, heaven
kaw - kaw : height
kef - kef : to seize, grasp
kem -khem : black (burnt, burnt black)
kemat - kematef : end of a period, completion, limit
khekh - khekh : to fight, to wage war, war
kher - ker : country (house)
kwk - kwk : darkness
lebou - Lebou : those at the stream, Lebou/fishermen Senegal
maat - mat : justice
maga - mag : veteran, old person
mer - maar : love (passionate love)
mun - won : buttocks
nag - nag : bull (cattle)
nak - nak : ox, bull (cow)
NDam - NDam : throne
neb - ndab : float
nen - nen : place where nothing is done (nothingness)
nit - nit : citizen
Ntr - Twr : protecting god, totem
nwt - nit : fire of heaven (evening light)
o.k. - wah keh : correct, right
onef - onef : he (past tense)
ones - ones : she (past tense)
onsen - onsen : they (past tense)
pe - pey : capital, heaven (King's capital)


There is insufficient reason to believe that they where the true founders of Egyptian civilization or where ever the majority of its population. If they had established themselves since the early days of its founding it would be nigh impossible to reduce them so much without the aforementioned sickness or genocide of which there is no substantial evidence such happenings, while in contrast there is substantial evidence that the general populace of ancient Egypt is Middle Eastern in origin.(Also the Egyptians distinguished themselves from the Nubians fairly early on in their history prior to many foreign invasions.)

Civilization is a game you are most likely to win or at least survive if you start out early in(As I mentioned before China is a great example of this.).

Also the Nubians have Middle Eastern admixture that goes back along while. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nubians#Genetics

"According to Y-DNA analysis by Hassan et al. (2008), around 44% of Nubians in Sudan carry the haplogroup J. The remainder mainly belong to the E1b1b clade (23%). Both paternal lineages are also common among local Afroasiatic-speaking populations. The next most frequent haplogroups borne by Nubians are the Western European-linked R1b clade (10%) and the Eurasian lineage F (10%), followed by the archaic African B haplogroup (8%) and the Europe-associated I clade (5%).[34]"

I do!!!!

Maternally, Hassan (2009) observed that approximately 83% of their Nubian samples carried various subclades of the Africa-centered macrohaplogroup L. Of these mtDNA lineages, the most frequently borne clade was L3 (30.8%), followed by the L0a (20.6%), L2 (10.3%), L1 (6.9%), L4 (6.9%) and L5 (6.9%) haplogroups. The remaining 17% of Nubians belonged to sublineages of the Eurasian macrohaplogroups M (3.4% M/D, 3.4% M1) and N (3.4% N1a, 3.4% preHV1, 3.4% R/U6a1).[35] Analysing a different group of Nubian individuals inhabiting Sudan, Non (2010) found a significantly higher frequency of around 48% of the Eurasian macrohaplogroups M and N. Of these mtDNA lineages, 16% of the examined Nubians belonged to the M clade (around 9% to M1), with the rest bearing N subhaplogroups (including approximately 8% R0, 3% T1a, and 1% H). The remaining 52% of Nubians carried various Africa-centered macrohaplogroup L(xM,N) derivatives, with about 11% of individuals belonging to the L2a1 subclade.[36]

Dobon et al. (2015) identified an ancestral autosomal component of West Eurasian origin that is common to many modern Nubians and Afroasiatic-speaking populations in the Nile Valley and Horn of Africa, including Sudanese Arabs. Known as the Coptic component, it peaks among Egyptian Copts who settled in Sudan over the past two centuries. The scientists associate the Coptic component with Ancient Egyptian ancestry, without the later Arabian influence that is present among other Egyptians.[37] Hollfelder et al. (2017) also analysed various populations in Sudan and similarly observed close autosomal affinities between their Nubian and Sudanese Arab samples.[38]

In 2015, Sirak et al. also analysed the ancient DNA of a Christian-period inhabitant of Kulubnarti in Nubia. The scientists found that the medieval specimen was most closely related to Middle Eastern populations.[39] Further excavations of two Early Christian period (AD 550-800) cemeteries at Kulubnarti, one located on the mainland and the other on an island, revealed the existence of two ancestrally and socioeconomically distinct local populations. Ancient DNA analysis of specimens from these burial sites found that the mainland samples predominantly carried European and Near Eastern mtDNA clades, such as the K1, H, I5, and U1 lineages; only 36.4% of the mainland individuals belonged to African-based maternal haplogroups. By contrast, 70% of the specimens at the island burial site bore African-based clades, among which were the L2, L1 and L5 mtDNA haplogroups."


per - per : house (the wall surrounding the house)
pur - bur : king
ram - yaram : body, shoulder (body)
rem - erem : to weap, tears (compassion)
ro - ro : mouth (to swallow)
sa - sa : wise, educated, to teach
seh - seh : noble (dignitary)
seked - seggay : a slope
sen - sen : brother
sent - san : sister
set - set : woman (wife)
shopi - sopi : to transform
sity - seety : to prove
sok - sookha : to pound grain (sokh - to strike, beat)
ta - ta : earth, land (inundated earth)
ta tenen - ten : first lands (clay of first humans)
tefnit - tefnit : to spit
tem - tem : to completely stop doing something
tn.r - dener : to remember (to imagine)
top - bop : top of head
twr - twr : libation
uuh - uuf : carry
wer - wer : great, trustworthy

...a thousand more examples would not lift
the veil from your eyes...

Mind you wolof is a west african language. This is a correlation that even I find fascinating, if not mind boggling.

Firstly actual citation needed on all of these claims.

Lastly Wolof is concentrated in the west Africa far away from Egypt or the source of the Nile. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolof_language

And is there any substantial genetic evidence linking these people to Egypt or Nubia?

sorry but they were black. sorry but fact do prove it.

Egyptian weren't black meme is just a meme.

tefnit - tefnit : to spit

This translator says the Wolof word for to spit is Tufli.
There is no Wolof word matching ro that means mouth or to Swallow.
There is no word that matches with sister.
The only context the word Wer appears is in a phrase meaning "half past"

Wolof isn't a major world language so, the translator would be expected to have problems. There is definitely a correlation.

This highlights the very real possibility that there is way more to the history of africa and migrations of african peoples than what is currently understood.

The list goes on.
The translator says that sopi is meaningless in Wolof or that there is no direct translation.
Looking at ancient Egyptian side I can find no source saying that their word for king was Pur. karathutmose.tripod.com/dictionary/dictionary3.html#K
Also it contains the word Sen but it means to kiss according to it.
Also the translator says that sen doesn't mean anything in Wolof. freelang.net/online/wolof.php?lg=gb
Bop does mean Head in Wolof but I can find no source for their being an Egyptian word Bop. freelang.net/online/wolof.php?lg=gb reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/glossary.htm#b
According to the translator seety is meaningless and it offers no word or phrase for "to prove".
According to the translator Set is a word in Wolof that means clean or very and in Egyptian I can find no other use of the word but to refer to the god Set.
According to the translator the word Sa in Wolof means "your". And Egyptian the word refers to constellation of Orion.
The translator says Yaram is meaingless in Wolof. freelang.net/online/wolof.php?lg=gb
The translator says Seggay is meaingless in Wolof.

Not modern Egyptian

Even the word nigger has roots in ancient Egypt. It started out N-G-R pronounced "enjer" meaning god or Pharaoh. The Romans turned it into Niger meaning "black". The the Spanish turned it into negro, and finally southerners in the US turned it into nigger.

the nubians had a shitload of pyramids. you're thinking of the wrong side of africa.

They have the oldest and most numerous pyramids. Pyramid building is another aspect of cultural continuity that is oddly ignored.