American Circumcision

Hey burgers, how does it feel to live in a country full of women like this?

Other urls found in this thread:π=4

Pretty weird
The last few times I've been talking with women about feminism I talk about the ritual genital mutilation. They just give a blank stare.
But don't Muslims practice circumcision too?

It's funny how many doctors still shill circumcision as being healthy when all they're doing is blending normies in with the Jews so that in case another holocaust comes and the nazis ask you to drop trou to prove your unjewishness, they're met with an entire continent of mangledicks.

None of the people in that screenshot are normal.

It's a pretty good argument for exterminating the Jews. The world knows they deserve it.

Well the only reason the Americans do it is because the Jew's are required to circumcise their slaves as well. The Jew's cleverly weaved it into the American culture so they didn't have to do it themselves.

>Americans think cutting their dick is normal
wee lad

>half measures
You burgers might as well go all the way

what the fuck, why do you protect their last names

wtf are they putting in the water supply over there. And why would women be happy about this lol, uncut cocks feel like a well lubricated piston for women as opposed to getting fucking by a dried prune on a stick...

its someone close to OP or OP is in the comments. but judging by how terrible they drew a line to cover the names id bet on it being a reddit post that OP stole and posted here because he saw it on reddit and wanted to find out what opinion he should have from pol. am i close?

>muh nasty anteater dick is better meme

eamnit user I didnt ask for a rage thread

I would run away with my son to a foreign country to protect him from that savagery. I would rather live in a shanty in Mexico and abandon the country I love than let my son get mutilated if I knew a court was going to side against me in protecting him. I was cut and it's like having elephant skin for a dick head, the only real sensation I have is in the shaft.

it is the job of the vagina to carve the penis down. having a penis is wrong. makes you violent and not a witch and stuff. i love when cheesy arby's sammiches talk about anything to do with cheese or aesthetics about anybody else. restore your dick skins men. and speak to women if they ever come close to this, like they did here. never forgetti the foghorn pussy

This is the problem: Women (and americans) think dicks are either circumcized or ant-eaters.
They have no idea what a healthy dick actually looks like.

>6 million years of evolution must be wrong
Go fuck yourself kike

The appendix.

Which is why the procedure needs to be outlawed completely, fuck Jews and their incessant need to mutilate babies.

>my jew marked penis signalling my eternal servitude to the jewish masterrace dick is better post

this is in florida, i dont think this is a very accurate representation of america t b h.
Huge (((population))) there is crazy

I am completely indifferent to my circumcision. It’s a cosmetic surgery that isn’t inherently unhealthy. It’s kind of weird that it’s still practiced and I probably won’t do it to my sons.

Jews are a people who are deeply connected to cuckoldry.
When jewish boys are born, they forge a bond with cuckoldry, they have their rabbis cut their dicks to prepare them for a future as a cuckold husband.
Jews are taught from early age to accept and promote cuckoldry, jewish boys are taught to spread cuckoldry to their host nation, jewish girls are taught to keep jewish heritage going.
Couple this with the fact that jewish heritage is transferred through the mother, meaning that cuckoldry can run rampant.

Jews eventually try to spread their cuckoldry ways through different means onto their host nation. Sometimes it's called communism, other times it's called social justice. In either case the endgoal is the same: producing cuckolds.
This is basically why the jews have been expelled time and time again throughout history.
Hitler even tried to erase cuckoldry, but he killed himself when he realized he himself had been cucked by eva braun.

>thanks for cutting my dick when I couldn't say no, I mean its not like its permanent
Maybe female gential mutilation isn't so bad.

If you faggots would just learn to pull your foreskin back every now and then we wouldn't be in this mess.

>he will thank me later
I cussed my mom out and called her a cunt for this. I said it's made me realize she is a retard who will do anything if it's trendy, and I will never see her as a fully-functional human, capable of reason or critical thinking ever again.

I hate them so much

>oh shit let me do that...oh wait I can't because guess what some asshat thought it wsd a good Idea when I was a baby
The fuck do you expect us to do? Go back and time and kill the doctor?

>If you faggots would just learn to pull your foreskin back
If we just killed every fucking kike on earth back before 1934, THEN this would have never happened.

>be me, first son will be born in a month
>recently went on a visit to tour the local hospital and get information on their accommodations and services
>about 10 pregnant women and their reluctant looking men wandering around the hospital
>q&a about post birth where they mention the child stays in the room with you while you're at the hospital and will only leave your room for procedures such as circumcision
>wife asks "but you can always turn those procedures down and the baby just stays with you, right?"
>hospital person responds that yes, there is no need to have a circumcision if you are going to for example go and have one later as part of a religious ceremony
>wife chimes in "or in this case, just not at all..."
>hospital person: "right..."
>other people on the tour are giving looks as if we're strange for not wanting to lop off the tip of our son's penis

Granted whether or not you're circumcised isn't a typical area of casual discussion, I have a feeling in a given room of 10 men I'm probably the only one with an intact penis.

I specifically mean the anteaters phimosis faggots who gave all natty dicks a bad rep.

Save the world from the eternal plague so no more children get mutilated and/or eaten.

>many doctors still shill circumcision
Here's the main profit motive for doing it.

how do we get conservative to stop cutting their children for the upcoming racewar?

Makes me feel a deep pit in my stomach. When women literally admit they want men to "feel less and be less sensitive" I want to slap the shit out of them for being so selfish.

Woah.. sticking it to the man...

kikebook is a site for old boomers, literately nothing good comes from it

steroid creams. there is nothing about uncut wangs i find gross. you have to stage bad pornos about its "problems". when meanwhile a cervix or labia has three times more. no need for set ups. cut dicks are like a faulty piston. they look like prolapsed vaginas. completely ravaged by edward scissorhands

When (((they))) feel circumsion is not enough that they want the whole dik to be circumsized

tell them it's time to cut off their clit, tied up, gagged (no speech), and without pain relievers of course.
> for equality

It makes White Sharia seem like a REALLY FUCKING GOOD IDEA.

We need to kill all the jews. Do muslims cut thier dicks cut?

If our countries BAN I MEAN SERIOUSLY BAN genital mutilation WITHOUT CONSENT we can get the upper hand and they can leave OUT OUT OUT

>it's ok to cut off random body parts on infants

Idk, maybe share verses from the bible that say it's worthless?


Just keep defending the child mutilating kikes, and your nigger-tier parents.

This is fucked

It's funny. This past Christmas I was having a conversation with my rather liberal mid-20s female cousin, and she mentioned a class she had taken in college in pursuit of a psych degree on women's rights. We have good rapport and she has a good sense of humor, so I made a joke about female circumcision which went over well, but then she mentioned about how it's evil because they don't use sterile equipment or sedate the girls and it's just all around cruel for no practical gain. I took the chance to reminder her that boys in Africa get circumcised as a right of passage, at an older age just like the girls, and they too use broken glass and unsterilized objects to do the practice, and asked how much sympathy her instructor showed those children. You guessed it: none. It kind of blew her mind, how she never even thought about it yet she knew the basic facts of how it's done to boys over there in that way. It's just completely glossed over and we ignore it.

Honestly I'd probably prefer a random selection of skin on my body over "just some skin" on my penis.

There is zero reason to cut your dick off. It is just as random and nonsensical as cuttting off a couple of fingers from your kids just for the lulz

And in niggerland, if you don't get it done as a teen, and the village finds out, the niggers shame you into having your penis mutilated and stripped of sensitive skin and nerve endings, just because niggers.

Tell us more about how you enjoyed an old man sucking on your bleeding dick

Trying to equate it to cutting off fingers is just stupid.

dont forget to wrap the wound in a diaper. diapers are very clean things to use as such a "gauze"

It makes just as much sense

Thats so fucking metal

they claim they have their sons foreskin removed for hygiene, if they chop off their kids hands just think how much cleaner they will be not touching germs.

>in 2018 in order for a woman to have her son circumcised she doesn't have to also be circumcised

Oh gee user its only the way God fucking made us

It probably hurts more than losing a finger.

And then the shlomo sells you lotion because you cant even rub your dick without injuring it

Fuck niggers


It's more than half of the skin and mucousa of the penis. It is why american cut dicks have a brown line and two tones to it, with pubes growing up the shaft. Their cocks are basically turned inside out and pulled tight as a drum with scar tissue.

>if they chop off their kids hands just think how much cleaner they will be not touching germs.
They can argue that hands are more necessary than a foreskin and you're being absurd. It's better to ask if they would like to get their teeth all removed and get dentures instead. 100% effective at preventing cavities.

I'm circumcised. I think it's great. My girlfriend says I have a beautiful dick and she sucks it all the time! I never have to ask :)
Guys circumcision is the way to go! I can have have sex with all those hot jewess ladies and still be of white descent! Who doesn't like a hot jewess? Its brilliant, I can even spread my seed among them to birth many half Jews which will be more inclined to mate with the white master race.
Anyways I'm out guys catch you on the flip side!

I don't remember it and I certainly don't harass my mother over it
But I am handsome and chosen both (:

Does anyone know the full redpill story of how we got circumcision? There was a thread here a couple years ago that laid it out. All I can remember is that under President X, there was a national push for hygiene. Little info-clips were shown in all the movies theaters teaching the population about how to bathe, use of soap, brushing teeth, etc. Anyway, the doctor who was appointed to oversee the dissemination of hygiene propaganda was a jew, and he is the one who slipped in circumcision for all the goy babies, and hospitals followed it. If anyone has more detail please correct or add.

I regularly have male friends who make fun of uncircumcised dicks and they have no idea I have a uncut dick. I feel like I'm the only one as well.

Make fun of them back.

Just look into William Kellogg. That's pretty much the genesis point of it in modern America.

lol... go watch a porno sometime. The only people that end up with fucked up dicks are ones that had deformed cocks to begin with.

Uncut faggots are jelly as fuck.

>Hitler even tried to erase cuckoldry, but he killed himself when he realized he himself had been cucked by eva braun.
This seems interesting.
Could you give us more information?

When i was in high school I would never tell people at all. It was almost embarrassing for me because it was so rare in a small town like i grew up in. But now that I'm older and realized how fucked up it is, I'm way more open about it. Ive actually convinced fathers to not circumcise their boys. I did get some shit because I didnt circumcise my boy. But nobody has a good enough argument to do it.

>Informed consent.

I wasn't even a year old. How the hell did I consent to having half my dick cut off?

don't you know that you are all jews? that's why your cocks are cut...

Err, I'm sorry, his brother: John Kellogg. The guy is literally a fucking psychopath.

>Kellogg worked on the rehabilitation of masturbators, often employing extreme measures, even mutilation, on both sexes. He was an advocate of circumcising young boys to curb masturbation and applying phenol to a young woman's clitoris. In his Plain Facts for Old and Young, he wrote:

>A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision, especially when there is any degree of phimosis. The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases. The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the practice, and if it had not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be forgotten and not resumed.


>a method of treatment [to prevent masturbation] ... and we have employed it with entire satisfaction. It consists in the application of one or more silver sutures in such a way as to prevent erection. The prepuce, or foreskin, is drawn forward over the glans, and the needle to which the wire is attached is passed through from one side to the other. After drawing the wire through, the ends are twisted together, and cut off close. It is now impossible for an erection to occur, and the slight irritation thus produced acts as a most powerful means of overcoming the disposition to resort to the practice


>In females, the author has found the application of pure carbolic acid (phenol) to the clitoris an excellent means of allaying the abnormal excitement.

>He also recommended, to prevent children from this "solitary vice", bandaging or tying their hands, covering their genitals with patented cages and electrical shock.

For amusement old circumcision benefits claims:
- 1845 Edward Dixon declares taht circumcision cures masturbation
- 1855 Jonathan Hutchinson claims circumcision prevents syphilis
- 1865 Nathaniel Heckford claims circumcision cures epilepsy
- 1870 Lewis Sayre claims circumcision prevents spinal paralysis
- 1873 Joseph Bell claims circumcision cures bedwetting
- 1875 Lewis Sayre declares circumcision prevens scoliosis, paralysis of the bladder and clubfoot
- 1879 H. Kane claims circumcision cures nocturnal emission and abdominal neuralgia
- 1881 Maximillian Landesberg claims circumcision cures all eye problems
- 1890 William Gentry claims circumcision cures blindness, deafness and dumbness
- 1894 P. Remondino claims circumcising Blacks will preven them from raping white women
- 1894 H. Rosenberry claims circumcision cures rectal incontinence
- 1894 Abraham Wolbarst claims circumcision cures tuberculosis
- 1914 Abraham Wolberst claims cirumcision prevens penile cancer
- 1926 Abraham Ravich claims circumcision prvents prostate cancer
- 1942 Eugene Hand claims circumcision prevents prostate cancer, venereal disease and cancer of the tongue
- 1949 Abraham Ravich claims circumcision prevents prostate cancer

Circumcision logic

>just chop your head off so you never have to wash your face, derp

LEL Fucking idiots

>Ive actually convinced fathers to not circumcise their boys. I didnt circumcise my boy.
Good man. I've already got my brother's wife on board and my friend is having a child. If he finds out it's a boy, I'll try to convince him too

>What is selection bias x1000

it's an old image, newboi

>In his Ladies' Guide in Health and Disease, for nymphomania, he recommended

>Cool sitz baths; the cool enema; a spare diet; the application of blisters and other irritants to the sensitive parts of the sexual organs, the removal of the clitoris and nymphae...

>Kellogg thought that masturbation was the worst evil one could commit; he often referred to it as "self-abuse". He was a leader of the anti-masturbation movement, and promoted extreme measures to prevent masturbation. In addition, Kellogg thought that diet played a huge role in masturbation and that a bland diet would decrease excitability and prevent masturbation. Thus, Kellogg invented Corn Flakes breakfast cereal in 1878. He hoped that feeding children this plain cereal every morning would help to combat the urges of "self-abuse"

The guy was literally a fucking monster.


>just chop your head off so you never have to wash your face


You don't need lube or lotion to jack off if you're cut. I don't get where this meme came from.

My god.

The fucking USA is fucked up and all the comments just confirmed it.

Here only jews and muslims get their shit cut but its fucking frowned apon and shamed if you do so.

Holy shit these people should not be mothers.

Circumcision decreases penile sensitivity

Circumcision associated with sexual difficulties

Circumcision linked to alexithymiaπ=4

The exaggeration of the benefits of circumcision in regards to HIV/AIDS transmission

Circumcision/HIV claims are based on insufficient evidence

There is no case for the widespread implementation of circumcision as a preventative measure to stop transmission of AIDS/HIV

Circumcision decreases sexual pleasure

Circumcision decreases efficiency of nerve response in the glans of the penis

Circumcision policy is influenced by psychosocial factors rather than alleged health benefits

Circumcision linked to pain, trauma, and psychosexual sequelae

Circumcision results in significant loss of erogenous tissue

Circumcision has negligible benefit

Neonatal circumcision linked to pain and trauma

Circumcision may lead to need for increased care and medical attention in the first 3 years of life

Circumcision linked to psychological trauma

Circumcision may lead to abnormal brain development and subsequent deviations in behavior

>Well the only reason the Americans do it is because the Jew's are required to circumcise their slaves as well. The Jew's cleverly weaved it into the American culture so they didn't have to do it themselves.
This. We are the Jews' temple-servants

Depends how tight you are. For the most case it is not true, but a few are like that: 0 glide. Sex will be more dry, and a solution for that is lube. Maybe that's where it comes from?

Wow, you care a lot about dicks. Do you think being uncircumcised makes people forget about how small your peen is?

>my medical knowledge is obviously several decades outdated
Kys retard

I’m curious to know how many infants who died of SIDS had been recently circumcised.

I don't want to judge a man's penis for what was done to it without his consent but there's truly nothing more unattractive than a man who defends being sexually wronged.

It's literally like that Swedish man who got raped in prison and then felt bad his rapist got deported back to Somalia.

If I was circumcised I'd want to fucking kill whoever did it and I have like a 10th of the testosterone levels of a man.

>your face when pic related is a real product

Pretty sad, but some comments were hilarious.
>"This plastic device fails to kick and scream and go into shock like a real baby boy does. I pride myself on the fact that I slowly crush and amputate the healthy foreskin of the baby, making sure that he feels the torture I intend to inflict! Unfortunately, this lifeless device doesn't even shed a tear or make a whimper. Disappointing."

If you are circumcised, you will never sex the way nature intended it. You will never have a true sexual relationship that isn't dysfunctional by the lack important functions. Even if you believe sex is great, it's not as great as it was meant to be, both for you and your female partner.

This is pretty typical behavior for white women. They are repulsive creatures, but they'll get theirs. White men are pathetic weaklings and cowards who can't protect white women. The Muslims are coming and they'll give those white women the "snip" after they are sold at the slave auctions.

>Here's the main profit motive for doing it.

dont forget the anti-aging creams for old women

>what is projecting
sorry for your loss

>muslims are coming
>implying that we don't have enough weapons to send them all to allah

so many shills tonight

You don’t have to rub it in.
