Jewish mayor of Oakland warned residents of impending ICE raid

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I see gas in her future.

so tired of kikes everywhere I look. Hitler come back plz

>On Saturday, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf warned residents that “credible sources” had told her a sweep was imminent, calling it her “duty and moral obligation” to warn families.
>“I do not regret sharing this information,” Schaaf said. “It is Oakland’s legal right to be a sanctuary city and we have not broken any laws. We believe our community is safer when families stay together.”

wtf? now I love Jewess cunts. is this wrong tho?

Every. Fucking. Time.

>muh jooz pushing immigration!!

literally wrong

>Netanyahu Meeting with Visegrad Group (anti-Immigration EU bloc) leaders
>Israel's campaign against Soros
>Netanyahu calls for European states to close their borders
>Zionist groups funding rise of nationalists in the Netherlands
>Israeli lobby pushes for Geert Wilders
>Austrian Far-Right finds allies and support in Israeli parliament
>European far-right and Israel form strategic alliance
>Jewish groups back the AfD and Pegida in Germany
>European Fascist parties receive backing from Israeli right
>Israeli intelligence services conclude that a far right Europe would be safer for Israel
>US Jews pour money into financing of anti-immigration parties in Europe
>European Far-Right forges links with Israeli right
>European far right dangerously anti-Muslim and pro-Israel conclude European intelligence services
>Dutch Secret Services investigate Israeli links with Dutch Far Right

>those eyes

How is not upholding federal law a city's "legal right"? Is there some kind of specific exception?

This is what I don't understand, is how Sanctuary Cities aren't straight illegal.

>This is what I don't understand, is how Sanctuary Cities aren't straight illegal.
I don't either burgerbro

>tfw you out your career before family now youre a lonely hag with a dried up uterus thats resolved to spend your final years on earth before blowing your brains out inflicting as much damage to the world around you

wtf!? now I love Zionism tho. is this wrong of me?

America is not a cucked countr-

Well, decided to look at the wiki page:

>Opponents of sanctuary cities argue that cities should assist the federal government in enforcing immigration law. Supporters of sanctuary cities argue that enforcement of federal law is not the duty of localities. Legal opinions vary on whether immigration enforcement by local police is constitutional.

So couldn't they just stick an ICE agent in each police precinct to card people as they came in?

Lock her up and throw away the key. Lock her up with some illegals. Let's see how nice they treat her.

Every Damn fucking time!

The Jews in Israel have never been the problem. It's the ones that infest other countries that you need to worry about.


Why not warn them to avoid work every day?

>The Jews in Israel have never been the problem.

Except fighting for them?

....aaaand Sessions does nothing

I’m coming just hold on a little longer and I promise to wipe the jews of the face of the earth once and for all.

that takes up space. Cities aren't paying to house federal agents. besides we don't like the federal government infringing on states so sanctuary cities are a libertarian dream.

fucking lurk moar you utter retard


Oy vie. Dems some crazy eyes


She'll be successful in life. There will be zero negative consequences for her blantant criminality. She will likely be elected to Congress, get a leftist sinecure, or just become a consultant/commentator. I for one would like to congratulate Mrs Schaaf on a prudent long term decision.

isn't this what actual obstruction of justice looks like?

Oakland is a joke

I do respect the police there though, they have a tough job. Everything else is complete shit. They can barely even process the number of criminals passing through.

serious case of sanpaku eyes. holy fuck

She has a First Amendment right to warn of ICE raids. ICE shouldn't let her know they are about to raid. ICE is dumb.

One of her illegal pets could still rape and kill her.

Dios la bendiga, she just saved so many people by doing this.

Except don't all states and cities submit to certain federal rules? Isn't that the point of federal law, law that impacts the whole nation?

I understand the value of states and cities having some independence, but it seems there is some kind of line there, what else can local authorities turn a blind eye to?

I thought the 1st Amendment was for political speech, not for subverting the law. Does the 1st Amendment protect my right to warn a wanted criminal that the police are closing in? Pretty sure I'm not allowed to aid and abet a fugitive.

Cali as a whole is a sanctuary. It sucks. There is a way to fight back though. I just flood all their illegal immigrant support lines with fake shit when I'm bored and send in lots of tips to ICE. ICE is mainly focused on people with more criminal offenses than just being illegal, but I'm sure at some point my efforts will make an impact, and who knows, some of the drug dealer and pedo illegals in restaurants I used to work in could be gone already.

thanks for protecting us jews from the Taliban. the were really dangerous for us. So was Saddam.

>probably tipped off a rapist or child molestor

>”but I’m a hero!”

>rapist continues to rape

Where are you guys gonna start immolating these sandniggers?

Basically admitting that criminal foreigners are more important to her than locals.

Doing gods work user

That woman is a demon


el golem judío

Hi Alex!

>make sure you get the picture of the sandniggers in the photo will you

The first amendment does protect your right to do so. The government does tend to ignore its own rules.

>el hitlerino blanco


Arrest for obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting criminals, abuse of her station, and treason.

The last one carries the death penalty.

This is why Netty is getting indicted. He has gone off script, so they're pegging him for corruption.

kek just what I was thinking

He's whiter than you, Eder Ronaldo Quaresma.

A strong independent woman. Feels good knowing that Sup Forums neckbeards are screeching in impotent rage about this, yet this woman will continue being mayor for much time to come.

Just realized "israel feels a far right europe may be safer for israel."
Basically, people start calling for open boarders in Israel, they cannot deny without obvious hypocrisy, and they don't want to get shoah'd by the rising tide of antisemitism. Basically they're trying to ingratiate themselves to the coming regime.

>not upholding law
>her obligation

>el mustacho mestizo

Stay strong, JewBro if the racewar \pol\ talks shit about all the time actually happens, We, Mexicans will always be on your side

>El gipsy pendejo

Make America Mexico again.

Remember when conservatives defended states' rights and decentralized government? They were never sincere about that, were they?




Make Israel Palestine again

They are a problem, too. It's just that Jew + Marxist is an even more destructive combo that they are benign in comparison. Jews in Israel that you offend will send murderers to you, in the same vein Muslims cast fatwahs. The thing is that the media will not report it.

Oh, Chaim, this is just step one. The brown ones don't >have< to go back, they get to. Your people? You stole a whole chunk of land, still steal more, have plans for world domination, and you're actively genociding multiple societies, to mention a few of your crimes. You don't get to go back. You don't have a back, once this is all said and done. Legal and political castration, on a worldwide scale, without even needing to expel you from anywhere but Israel, is the fate you have in store. No more usury (by extension central banks), Jewish nepotism punished by life in prison, Talmudic theology met with revocation of citizenship. Taking the illegals out is just the beginning step on a road that leads inevitably to you.

Seems like the only thing you're taking out so far is doritos dust off your anime t-shirt, my American Race Warrior cringe-lord friend.

Sanctuary cities are illegal. The political will to enforce law in that regard is unfortunately lacking at the present time, so the mayor cannot be decisively separated from her slaves until a later date.

Imagine that there's still people that doesn't think that we should kill all Jews.

capitalists and wage slaves BTFO

She needs to be raped to death by a pack of niggers in front of her jewish family.

"I know what'll get him I'll just assume he's the worst thing I can imagine so now he's that thing! Ha I'm so smart I got him so good he'll think twice about Jewing this Jew again"

wasn’t this a Sup Forums PSYOP??? There was an user posting abt this a few weeks back.

what is a good animal to fill in for jewish people? Are there any good standins that replace jewish people in modern iconagraphy that normies wouldn't notice? I was thinking mice like in maus. But is there anything more historical or actually tied with jews.

Look, it's a sad state that I have to tell you this instead of your parents doing their job, but you're not taking down functional members of society like the mayor of Oakland with your katana, okay? And you certainly aren't going to get non-autistic and non-white military personnel to do it for you while you watch from your tard strapper, alright bozo?


She should be in jail.

Please keep your bestiality in Japan and with your abused female porn actors, thanks.


Well spotted!!! Here is another example, for those who are not trained, to help them recognize it.

Was gonna post this lol

>that manic grin with one eye slightly squinted
holy shit she looks like the MERCHANT!

This is why we need to frame the coming rise in white nationalism as multiculturalism 2.0. I.e. open borders (for white people), questioning why white people colonizing the third world is even an issue if race doesn't matter (fervent race-agnosticism used correctly), letting the black Israelites of the US resettle in the allied nation of Israel as a boon for 300 years of struggle, etc.

Isreal tries to stay bipartisan in our politics so that whoever's in power will still be their little bitches.
They talk about it on AIPAC's website. watch the videos on bipartisanship.

I had my (((coincidence detector))) on.

El terror de las américas does it again.

Nationalism for me, not for thee

Jews belong in the oven

dumb faggot
thank you

Could she suffer legal consequences for this ?

Kikes will try to control all sides of the political spectrum, those they ant control are marginalized or destroyed.

Did this Jewish bitch have a stroke or something?

crazy cock-eyed cunt.

Theres a few.

Act like vultures laughs like hyenas, looks like...

Thats a picture of Stephen Curry who plays in Oakland

Possibly. ICE said they forwarded all information to the DOJ too see if they could/would charge her with anything, possibly obstruction.

in neurosciences it suggests brain damage or PTSD on the opposite brain processing side.

In other words if the left brain is logic, and the right brain is emotion, people with a slouching or squinting left eye are emotionally damaged and right eye partially closed = not process logic well. Also, if there is symmetry the person might be either healthy or a clinical psychopath.

This is a simplified explanation, because in evolutionary terms the brain is more like a danger and action processing machine, but it works if you want a quick judge of the personality faults of somebody you're looking at.
