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Wtf I like Joe Rogan now
Post a god damn source faggot
Both are vapid shitbags
dmt bro
Pew looks more Muslim everyday. Wouldn't surprise me that's the reason he doesn't get banned
Literally read my mind that little faggot needs a ass whooping
Rogan dropped. You can kind of hear the malice in his tone too. I thought it would be more jokey. Fuck this guy.
Pewdipie IS a cocksucker, but in a good way.
Looks like Joe just earned himself a thumbs down.
Joe smells like dogshit anyway who cares
Pewdiepie IS a cocksucker though
joe is just shootin the shit
Joe rogan is a moor.
Why so many disenfranchised whites listen to him, idk.
It really is baffling.
funny kettlebellman already did that for himself when he said he'd rather antifa take over than us. It's like he doesn't know that as both a white male with capital as well as being a manlet, he'd be double executed by them
>considers himself a beacon of sanity and health
>encourages people to take dangerous psychedelic / dissociative drugs and fall asleep in a tank full of water
>encourages people to take part in violent martial 'arts', which is proven to cause permanent brain damage
>encourages hunting with a primitive bow and arrow instead of a much more humane rifle, and looks down on everyone else who doesn't hunt
>believes the moon landing was faked, and aliens built the pyramids
>associates with, and allows violent drug addict criminals to come on his podcast and brainwash millions of youths
>encourages an overall lifestyle of degeneracy, and makes himself feel better about it by eating healthy food and going to the gym
joe rogan is the worst type of normie chad scum, i seriously fucking HATE him.
Hahhahahahaha holy fucking shit my love for Pewdiepie just increased infinitely
They are saying that he ruined YouTube for everybody because he dropped the n-word and did nazi jokes, and they just wanted to do their gay little podcasts where they have (((centrist))) discussions and don't drop the n-word or throw up seig heils like little bitches
What a fucking madman. I am going to start watching all of Pewdiepie's videos and start liking them
Really, all Swedish "men" are cocksuckers.
That's it? I thought this would be about the Amy Schumer thing, and Rogen was going to defend her because they were both comedians. But instead it's just about the demonitization of Youtube vids and Pewdiepie saying 'nigger' on a stream.
He invites interesting people, and they tell interesting things. Joe asks hollow questions and interupts with shit stories but the guests are nice.
He's of the same breed as sargon. Cucks who still cling to their false order, while not realizing it's completely impotent.
Check out the little look he gave Jamie after he said it, it's almost as if they were having a little subconscious conversation:
>Jamie: I'm not sure if you should call Pewdiepie a cocksucker
>Joe: Come on Jamie I'm allowed to call him that, who gives a fuck?
>and looks down on everyone else who doesn't hunt
This one doesn't make any sense to me, and I've seen him do it in the same breath that he openly says he'll go hunting fuckin 3 times a year if that, usually on some hilariously expensive hunt where he's nearly guaranteed game
Of course he is, he's a swede. He's one of the better ones though.
Everytime that kike calls himself a white boy I cringed
He actually cares a lot about what Jamie thinks since the last guy got so fed up with his shit he left the show, his ego has never been the same since
Pewds is ok, you can tell he wants to throw off the yoke that is the blue-pill but he knows jewtube will shit him down if he starts red-pilling the normies, btw, what triggered Rogan to call him out like that???
he calls him a cocksucker as banter because of pewdiepies success. Do you faggots know how to read between the lines?
That's a fair statement.
Rogan is a pussy. Say nigger. What a faggot. Pewds has more balls than Rogan ever will. Calling some skinny incel a cocksucker but stroking war machine who almost beat his pornstar slut girlfriend to death
Joe "isnt that so fucking strange" Rogan is a little whore for whatever Jewish media company is sponsoring him. He cant even pull a tenth of the audience based Pewds is regularly pulling.
Guess he still thinks Pewds the reason Adpocalypse happened.
Man joe getting old man disease getting facts all jumbled and shit.
isn't that the rational atheist guy? His show is fucking soylent
you gay
joe rogan is a millionaire tae kwon do champion who would put pewdiepie's faggot ass in a body bag.
you don't talk shit to joe rogan.
I didn't even know there was a Jamie before Jamie, I'm definitely curious now if you're willing to elaborate further?
Takes one to know one
Does joe rogan like his kids? I can't imagine he sees them ever with all that mma, weightlifting, hunting, drugging, drinking, comedy touring, isolation tanking and cryo freezing and all the other dumb shit he claims he does.
Guy is the size of hobbit tho.
fuck that, if they’re blaming someone who is essentially a “post-modernist” comedian for the adpocalypse, then entertainment is definitely in a purity spiral, btw, if they (((shut down))) pewds it will be all over for jewtube and their advertisers, his demographic are just embarking on their adult lives and want to spend their new found shekels on the material jew.
Hope he makes a video on this halfwit stoner.
>proceeds to cuck about how he never says nigger even when he's being a good goy and singing along to nigger music he winds the windows up so no one can be offended by him mouthing the word nigga
>"it was just banter"
Nah mate I'm pretty sure he's a cuck shill faggot.
It was back when before Joe got really big, I think it was Ben or something? He started cucking big time. A lot of people don't realize that JR actually used to believe in the flat earth, not that you'd ever know it from the way he presents himself now. Kinda convenient how he lost a lot of his more controversial edges when his view count started getting influential
Brian redban, and im not sure why he left i think he was trying to do other podcast or something
When the fuck does he say it?
>joe rogan
>normie chad
There is absolutely nothing "chad" about a manlet.
What a good goy...
Joe would know, the guy's a known closet case
hi meme flag, get in the righ with joe or shut your faggot mouth.
shut up bogan, you're a worthless aussie cunt in the first place. your opinion never matters
jow wiould break your fucking jaw in a single move. you're a bitch, go challenge him
fuck off, more meme flag shit, joe is /ourguy/
joe's genetic background doesn't take away the fact that he is intelligent and can physically murder you. you are a retard.
you are a literal noodle armed soyboy pussy and your opinion does not matter. be better than him. show us all your world championship trophies for various martial arts. oh, you don't have any? go fuck yourself, faggot.
>the adpocalypse was pewd's fault
nice try. It was actually the kikes.
JRIDF detected
Joe Rogan is a leftist masquerading as a “centrist” to sage guard him from any and al critiscm because despite his tough guy act he’s an absolute pussy with no conviction. He’s also a literal cuckold that fathered another mans child (half black girl, look it up)
Jaime look this up
This post is what we call "projecting"
He's a middle-aged, roided up, midget stoner with a double digit IQ.
>my e-celeb said X about my other e-celeb
Oy very goy, tell me more!
Joe looks like a goblin and a 56%er with those nasty yellow teeth.
>my love for Pewdiepie just increased infinitely
soy boy
you're off the mark, toothpaste
oh, it's almost 4 am in NYC and you aussie cunts have invaded the board spreading your cancer. i forgot. go die.
aussie cunts. ignore them.
Joe Rogan eats my turds with HP sauce
durr joe is strong
joe my chief
pewd get clubbed
He looks like a clown with hair
Yeah where would he be without his testosterone treatments. Probably not as red and flabby titties.
so go fight him then, tough guys. show us you can kick the crap out of a legit world champion martial arts fighter.
no? can't do it?
then shut the fuck up you pussy assed shit talking faggots.
Friendship with Joe Rogna has ended.
Now PewDiePie is my new friend.
calm down joe.
Nigger I've got guns, his stubby little legs wouldn't get close
Wait a minute...... Guys I think this might actually be Joe ITT.....
Joe you can't be an alpha and dominate on Sup Forums, it doesn't work that way.
Heil PewDiePie
>joe's genetic background doesn't take away the fact that he is intelligent and can physically murder you. you are a retard.
Kek. I'd hcoke his ass out
>t. random euro user with a hate for r*mans
>those alt right nazis are making fun of you again, joe
The thought of him genuinely here, ITT trying to save face for some reason, on an anonymous image board that he knows hates him...
Joe, daddy, I really did used to like you, but fuck are you pathetic these days
dude weed lmao
Rogans married to a Jewess, with the last name Schimmel. What a fucking faggot.
Wtf are you things?
I hate youtubes excuses for why they implement silencing policies
Like it's meant to kill PewDiePie and now they have a new tool to silence people
And as we have seen it has been consistently used to silent the right
I wouldn't want to hurt a hobbit im not a psychopath, maybe me and joe could be best friend's. He would dance and sing me the songs of his peoples while i give hobbit joe encouragement.
>Kek. I'd hcoke his ass out
go fight him then. and announce yourself. and make it public. i think we'd all love to pay to see user vs Joe the actual thing.
but you won't. cause you can't fight. cuase you're literally talking about a literal world champion level fighter and you can't and won't nor would ever be able to do a damn thing.
but entertain us, troll. let's set up the fight.
>literal world champion level fighter
Maybe a decade ago, he's so far past the hill he needs to regulate his t levels
i'm not joe you jackass.
He dosn't accept challenges. He wouldn't even spar with that stupid nigger wesley snipes.
He's a fucking bitch. Typical of romans.
Seth Rogan pls go.
So much butthurt gen Z in this thread. Someone insulted their psuedo father.
shut up, cancer country.
doesn't matter. do you hold any world championships in any fighting style? he sure does.
Brian Redban started Joe's and all affiliated podcasts. After launching many successful podcasts he wanted compensation and was promptly cast out to be replaced by (((jaime))) et al
#1085 YouTube or iTunes
>BITCHES OUT OF ACTUAL FIGHT WITH nigger wesly snipes.
redban used to run the cameras and would chime in sometimes
rogan made fun of him and sometimes redban would be cringe but other times he was funny and did call joe out on things
there was a beef when redban organized ice house comedy shows and pocketed a couple bucks causing the jew ari shaffir to explode
redban started his own little podcast network bu none of the shows are very popular and the new guy jamie is a brown noser that doesn't go against joe ever because honestly it's a good gig
incoming rogan hate vid form pewds
so much aussie 12 year olds who just woke up in kangaroo land
that's whats happening. all intelligent discussion goes out the window as soon as you fags show up.
>blame pewdiepie for demonetization but not the softie jews on youtube
what a bitch