What are the red pilled foods?

What are the red pilled foods?
What else?

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Oats, peas, canned fish.


pears and apples.


Flax seed
Hemp seed
Sunflower seeds
Bee Pollen
Tomatoes (dried/ in oil)

Whole milk

Honey from your own bees.

hear, hear!

Chicken, rice snd soy sauce.

raw milk
game meat you harvest yourself

anything you can grow/ farm in your own garden


Meat. Thats it.

*here, here!
You dirty Southerer

butthole... it'l like groceries again, after every meal..


goat meat, chick peas, oats, honey, eggs

It's "hear, hear"
as in, "heard, that!"

You must feel embarrassed about this.

I do actually. Just looked it up. All hail the Dixie masterrace.

Why the heck grapefruit is "redpilled"? Are you on drugs or simply retarded?

Unpredicted kek



>less calories than oranges
>less sweet so pussies dont eat them
>weeds out the unhealthy by killing people with heart meds
>just generally good for you



Broccoli is literally a manmade plant. It's a result of centuries of selective breeding. It's high in vitamins, high in protein, easy to prepare, and tastes great. If you should ever only eat one vegetable, it should be broccoli.

Spinach is a close second.

Good choice

Meat and some veg. Not too much red meat or processed meat as it has being shown to increase the odds of getting certain cancers.

coconut oil

>Flax seed
delet this



Billy Yank swine

Grape Nuts cereal

>> dixie masterrace
>stupid yankee
either I dont understand this conversation, or you are the darkest kind of nigger.


#1 Semite-deterrent
#2 Cheapest meat
#3 Least calories


$1.69 cents for 70 grams of protein


Don't they compete for the binding sites of mammalian estrogens and elicit a weaker response than the normal human estrogen would, thereby actually dampening the effects? plus they protect against a variety of cancers

it's very complicated

"It is generally accepted that consumption of isoflavones-rich soy foods suppresses circulating estrogen and progesterone levels and can attenuate the preovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) [298,179,65]. Notably, however, a handful of studies have found no impact of isoflavones on female hormone levels at all."

all the cons are so mild that you'd have to be injecting super-distilled phytoestrogens in your blood 24/7 to actually become a faggot


Spirulina. 200g a week minimum.




Hell yeah, Dutch version
(meat is processed but fuck it, can be changed)


Brown rice, quinoa and potatoes should be your carbs and thats about it depending on how much you want to bulk or maintain weight-wheat, soy, refined processed carbs are garbage

Chicken breast and Fish should be your meats but I also enjoy bacon multiple times a week/strain/save the bacon fat and add a little to my rice while it cooks. Meat and healthy fats and some saturated fats plus healthy carbs should make up the majority of your meals in that order. Followed by green veggies, fruits and some nuts and a few others I mention below,

Milk but in moderation
Butter from grassfed cows
Olive oil, avocados, coconut oil, almonds

Green veggies-spinach, broccoli, celery, cucumber, scallions, jalapenos, green beans etc
white onion and garlic are staples too,-most vegetables are better for you raw, some actually better cooked-do some research on the specifics

Small amounts of fruit daily, specifically gala apples, pineapple, blueberries and bananas

Pure dark chocolate as well, not cut with milk chocolate at all, can be hard for most to eat, almost acquired taste.

some coffee, tea, and water should be all you drink for the most part-use some honey to sweeten them and nothing else except maybe some fruit juice like lemon

processed/refined sugars should not be in your diet whatsoever, and good luck not consuming it because the food jews put it in everything. Takes so much discipline and effort to get around it.


don't know

sounds like if its suppressing natural hormone levels its probably because your body is trying to down-regulate those hormones.
but, do you really want to risk it?
you could end up like this





Movie; Eat, Drink, Man, Woman.




I want to see the final result

Stuff is not even spicy. Friend bought it and I tried it, and it was then that I learnt that 50% of the fuckfaces on hot ones were pussies. The other 25% I had confirmed independently.

Washed down with your tears of impotent rage.

kek. hottest crap I ever tried



also beetroot


I got 'pure' capsaicin back in the day, it was a colourless liquid, had a snowflake on the bottle. You could tap a few drops into a pot of pasta and it would make it all spicy. Just not as fun when there's no flavour to it though. That's why my favourite is Lousiana, It's tabasco-tier spicy but that taste is just perfect. Fruit flavoured ones and whatever else are good too. I like blueberry ghost pepper that they used to have on the show

Everything that is fuit, veggies, meat, no soy or any type of food prepared at a restaurant of Any kind.


only eat sugar, it's pure and easily digestible energy.

You're a stupid bluepilled mofo

fermented grape juice

Why no soy?

>black seed oil
Tastes terrible and aftertaste for hours though


Coconut oil
Olive oil

Protein :
Ox tail
Beef stews
Beef liver
Milk and cheese

Carbs/Sugar/Starch -
Juicy fruits
White rice

White button mushrooms

Supplemental :
Coffee and Cocoa

Memphis is better, fuck texas. That looks pretty good though.



I like it.

Whole-food plant-based is the only red pill in diet

cattle farms are like the main cause of air pollution in the US. Eat chicken and fish more often.



that is not kosher scholmo you grandma will put the sheeny curse on you

It's toothpaste vegan again, I've seen you before. Post arm to prove you aren't a manlet then, because 95% of vegans are.

Liver. Read "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston A. Price. We eat the wrong parts of the animal.


The Prophet said: “Break your fast by eating dates as it is purifying,” (Ahmad).

>What are the red pilled foods?
I fucking hate this board

fuck off Michael Bolton






He also said to consume
>camel piss
>Bodily fluid water (pic related)

All the good shit my man.
