Why does Sup Forums like to mock and invalidate males who were taken advantage of, sexually abused, assaulted, and raped?
Sexual assault against men/boys
Can you really be raped by a woman as a man?
I had a woman I wasn’t attracted to kind of force herself on me and I was like “uhhhh alright I guess I’ll think about Lisa Ann and bust an easy nut”
>Sup Forums is one person
Wut M8?
No, you can as a soyboy.
Did Shaniqua Le'Entravious like that user?
>Why does Sup Forums like to mock and invalidate males who were taken advantage of, sexually abused, assaulted, and raped?
Because it's funny. Just lurk more noobcakes.
Statistically it's usually pedo.
>Why does Sup Forums like to mock and invalidate males who were taken advantage of, sexually abused, assaulted, and raped?
We do? I wasn't aware that this was a position that the entire board held.
>Can you really be raped by a woman as a man?
Attractive men can
Oh no beautiful women just sexually assaulted my penis by touching it ahhhhhh where is my rape whistle?!!!!!!
What if you're drugged and some ugly ass fatty with herpes has sex with you?
Men can be raped.
So like young boys getting jerked off by adult women?
I would’ve loved that when I was a kid. I was jerking off to Hentai when I was 9. I used to always check out my teachers and babysitter
Obviously I think some or most kids aren’t ready for that, but I was definitely ready at a young age. I started getting bjs and fingering girls at 14 and started buttfucking my girlfriend at 15, I was dying to get started on that when I was like 10
I was raped on my wedding night. It was a very long day, we got back to the hotel at 2am. I said I'm so tired and we should wait but she started blowing me. I said very clearly No. She put my dick inside her. So apparently we are doing this.
Years late I realized I was raped that night.
Maybe I’m crazy but if she didn’t have herpes I probably wouldn’t care too much
Obviously being drugged is dangerous too
But if some fat ugly girl got my dick hard somehow and rode it against my will and got me off, I’d probably kinda laugh about it
So does that work the other way around too?
I hate when people post
>why does Sup Forums do x
When x is something that Sup Forums doesn't actually do
Unless a gang of women overpower you and stick stuff up your arse then men are not able to get raped.
And if a woman tried penetrating my butthole I'd fuck her shit up.
>oh boo hoo shegrabbed my crotch! I was violated :(
Slap her fucking face or verbally confront her, only weak men fear of rape.
Because since the dawn of time this is how things have been.
Modern society and culture has pulled us away from our roots. The idea of a man being raped by a woman is ridiculous, men are physically powerful and women are not. You should be mocked
personally i love exposing women who are just as massive of hypocrites as all their hollywood role models, bunch of scum bags pushing serialized culture with one hand and the other holding a sign that says stop raping everything. they're creating it and i love when they get caught, the double standard bs is so great especially in the face of all the equality crap.
Weak beta male vindictiveness. Shaming and lording your wins over an easily led astray female, wow that must bring you a lot of honor. Lead by example.
if you get raped by a woman you are a faggot
Got incredibly drunk at my Canadian mate's birthday. There were a few people there I didn't know, one flirted with me all night but I was a low confidence-faggot so I assumed she was messing with me.
Was asleep on the sofa in the early morning when she crawled on top of me and got very touchy feely and started kissing the back of my neck. Was still off my face but I just basically tried to shoo her away cause I wanted to sleep.
She left, then came back with one of my mate's Bowie Knives, held it to my throat and forced me to turn over and then rode me for like 15 minutes. I was too intoxicated to do anything and too scared so I couldn't actually cum. Eventually she seemed to pass out on top of me and I just got the fuck out of there. Didn't live too far away so I just stumbled home.
Anyhow I got over it, so man the fuck up.