I believe the exact opposite of what you believe. I don't care about your rational arguments or your feelings. I think your sources are biased bullshit. I don't think you are arguing in good faith, and DESU I don't believe even YOU believe in what your are arguing for, either. We just disagree, and nothing you say can change my mind.
At the end of the day, if I get my way, I will use whatever power I can acquire to make sure you don't get what you want, and ideally make sure you can't even talk about your bad ideas in public without serious consequences. We are at an absolute impasse of irreconcilable differences that cannot be resolved.
What now?
Hunter Powell
Break up. You get progressive wonderland, we get ethnostste. Or civil war. Pick one.
Grayson Cooper
But user, I agree with you completely and want exactly what you want. Except more of it than you want.
Zachary Bennett
I ignore you and manifest a miracle
Aaron Martin
also, teleports behind you.
Xavier Taylor
You sound healthy
Jaxson Campbell
>"I don't think you are arguing in good faith" >opens thread with a declaration that nothing will ever change your mind >"make sure you can't even talk about your bad ideas in public" >literally depends on censorship and bullying to suppress ideas you don't like >which is evil and wrong, except when you're the ones doing it has it occurred to you that the reason a lot of us are here is because we ARE open-minded and willing to challenge our beliefs? Like, all that talk about 'not judging a book by its cover' and 'be willing to learn from others,' that to you was just meaningless drivel that you chant without actually thinking about it, to others is actually an important truth, and the big reason why we're here? I wonder what it feels like, being totally convinced you're right and having a mind totally free of doubt in your own rightness. It must feel wonderful. Like floating or something. I'm jealous, OP.
Jace Kelly
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.
William Clark
I didn't speak up with the blatant muh Russia conspiracy projection in which it was actually obongo colluding with Russians (a second time now btw). Or that hate crime projection in which the police had to make a statement that it is routinely done by left wing morons not conservatives. Or the feminismus projection in which pretend feminists suck the dick of the most patriacharl religion currently in existsence. Or their anti-Semitism projection while again sucking the dick of the most anti semitic religion currently in the world. Or their working mens hatred projection in which they who only increase taxes insult tax breaks. But now hearing >I don't think you are arguing in good faith
From the same losers is really beyond mental you people truly lost your minds.
John Cox
Michael Rivera
>>At the end of the day, if I get my way, I will use whatever power I can acquire to make sure you don't get what you want, You tried with Obama and You failed You will fail Again. sage. You're unworthy of mention and in the middle of a nervous breackdown.
Jackson Hernandez
The red pill is starting to bite lads but he's fighting it!
You'll be back faggot.... whether you just feel like arguing with somebody one lonely night or whether a major happening comes a long and you want to get the latest run down you'll be back...... and sooner or later you'll have to confront the truth you see posted on here every day.
Angel Bell
What I believe comes true and i can use it as a applicable probability prediction and garner social/material gains from my beliefs whereas you can't because your beliefs are contrary to my own.
Charles Watson
I bet UR a sweet, lovable, friendly person, so go ahead and disagree and state UR a mean, nasty, SOB.
Nathan Scott
An amicable separation may be the only viable option short of civil war, if the kind of person depicted in the OP is willing to agree. Something tells me they're going to insist upon a fight, and keep pushing until they get one.
Michael Powell
That is a legitimately terrifying thought.
Daniel White
I don't think the mentality depicted in the OP is healthy in general, though I can imagine some specific issues where there is no compromise possible that will make both sides happy, and it's just got to be fully one way or the other. If both sides refuse to budge, conflict seems inevitable.
Evan Lee
I hadn't considered that this might be construed as a personal attack on the "Sup Forums Hivemind", but that is a valid interpretation. I LARPed this as a thought experiment. What do we do with a person committed to that way of thinking? Can we do anything short of fighting physically to establish dominance by force and settle the matter that way?
Being willing to consider new evidence is generally a good thing, and I do believe most here are of that open-minded bent, or they wouldn't bother arguing at all. However, many (on both sides of issues) do not present themselves that way and this mode can leave some with the impression that conversation is pointless. Maybe it is. Maybe not. I'd like to hope most things can be talked out. I'd rather not need to fight.
Nathaniel Bell
The mentality depicted in the OP is a very specific kind of person, and they do exist. It seems to be becoming a more common way of thinking, but that's just my anecdotal experience in online communities. That mindset presents a unique challenge. What can we do about them? Will anything work short of actual force or le physical removal?
Matthew Baker
Full disclosure: OP was a LARP representing a specific type of person who, IMHO, is definitely extreme (or zealous) in their beliefs such that they may be in the midst of (or post) mental breakdown. I thank you for your genuine response to the content as presented.
I see this mindset expressed more and more frequently, from many sides of many issues. This may be the result of a non-representative sample, but that's what I've seen, and it bothers me that things seem to be heading for a point of no return where physical conflict is inevitable. I hope I'm wrong, and I'm attempting to crowdsource new ideas.
(No shenanigans intended.)
Christopher Parker
>What now?
you lose
Jose Perez
>Can we do anything short of fighting physically to establish dominance by force and settle the matter that way?
cultures change collaterally too. we don't have to fight the left, sometimes they just fall in line precisely because they realize their sources are bullshit and they're not sincere. it's why conservatism dominates on Sup Forums - because we're right
Samuel Thompson
>However, many (on both sides of issues) do not present themselves that way and this mode can leave some with the impression that conversation is pointless.
it's not pointless. truth has power. at the same time, most people don't think clearly, and I don't consider instances like that a "debate".
more like I'm instructing somebody who doesn't know better. and I will use emotion to move them, not just reason and evidence. that includes making fun of them, forcing them to confront the hypocrisy of their position, judging wickedness for what it is and condemning it
and to the extent they are immovable this way, don't waste your time. there are millions of people with different ideas, etc. best to wait for etc. and yes, there will be a war involved too and we will fight to win. it's not just about winning (right) ideas, but that goes along with it
Jacob Reed
>more like I'm instructing somebody who doesn't know better. and I will use emotion to move them, not just reason and evidence. that includes making fun of them, forcing them to confront the hypocrisy of their position, judging wickedness for what it is and condemning it
Not enough people understand the value of trolling and mockery. This, IMHO, is why "hatespeech" and "bullying" (no matter how those ideas are described) need to be explicitly protected as worthy and useful 1stAm Free Speech, even if feelings get hurt.