Parasites, shitskins, They literally fuck up everything, they're literally the biggest pile of human garbage literally the worst people in this planet, after the nigger tier there is the ultimate algerian tier fucking 50% whites 50 % niggers and 100% muslims subhumans "people" .
You can't have a peaceful conversation with them, they are so aggressive, in fact you cannot even stare at them walking in the street. This country doesn't even have an history, created by France 2 centuries ago, unlike their less annoying neighbours ( Morocco and Tunisia).
What are the reasons not to nuke this country?
Ian Davis
#1 in Germany, congrats filthy subhumans
Dylan Allen
Somalia is pretty damn bad as well. Somalis are basically the niggers of niggers.
Thomas Jenkins
The reason to not nuke them is because ZOG won't let you, I am sorry.
Dylan Foster
the leader of this shithole is a 90 years old disabled cunt, reflective to their population to be honnest.
Christopher Rivera
Would exchange anyday 1 somali for 10 algeri*ns, not even kidding. There is no hope with these utter subhumans, i tried so hard to understand them.
Levi Taylor
There are countries worse than Algeria. Pakistan, Bangladesh, KSA, Somalia etc. Ya beaucoups de belles femmes en Algeries :)
Jose Nelson
Are you talking about the Algerians in France?
Charles James
>Ya beaucoups de belles femmes en Algeries :) t. beurette
Bentley Parker
Come on... Les brunettes d'oran, elles sont chaudes!!
Asher Fisher
I forward this. Alg*rians are the worst.
Julian Murphy
feeling homesick ya kalb?
Aaron King
Maybe because they are human..
Julian Jones
North africans are the worst, even worse than actual niggers for some reason