What's your opinion on this guy

What's your opinion on this guy

I have tremendous respect for him, changed my worldview and helped me grow as a person, but he is cucked on race and the JQ

He's holding those squids like a faggot

Yeah it's called being a zogbot by appealing to trendy things and subverting them

Boring, without a single original thought in his head. Better than nothing I suppose.

Jordan "European Identity and Collectivism is for Humiliating Losers, Zionist Identity and Collectivism is for Greatest People on Earth" Peterson

Show me a modern thinker who does have original ideas.

He has admitted that he has hereditary chronic depression. His daughter also has it. Nevertheless, constantly tries to help others to grow out of their depression. I can respect that.

>trannies are kind of funny dontcha think
>clean your room buckaroo
>identity politics are kinda bad, except when it comes to based Jews eh
>free speech is important, except for icky nazis or people who have ever spoken to nazis, deplatform them!
>gibs shekels go-guys, don't you want to buy my carpet?
>here's babby's first Jung for you

He is a voice for the individual in a world of collectivism. He is worth a listen.