Homo sapiens through a process of cellular mitosis and biological reproduction have reached a population of plague proportions. 15 years ago we were at 6 billion. Today we are near 8 billion.

Extermination is coming, user, and we need it.

Traffic jams? Long lines? Water shortages? Single mothers? NEETs? School shooters? Puffy nipples? All indicators of overpopulation and overcrowding.

Common arguments to the contrary:

Q - you first OP
A - 10 other anons have the same thought, evidence of overpopulation that nothing you say or do is original. all ideas and social spaces are already defined by other homo sapiens.

Q - Population has leveled out in _____, therefore not overpopulated.
A - Ideal population for Western Europe is 12 million. Ideal population for North America is 7 million. If your population has leveled out above those numbers, it is overpopulated.

Q - Overpopulation is a leftist blue-pill.
A - No it isn't. Its biology and science. The left talked about it first, so low-IQ conservatives think its a leftist idea, but it isn't. Use your pre-frontal cortex to think about this, not your tribal-replication amygdala. Before you wet the bed, let it be known that I am far right.

Q - Fertility rates are declining.
A - What is the nominal population of your continent? If its over ~10 million, its disgustingly overpopulated to plague proportions. Asia has the highest sustainable carrying capacity at 14 million.

Further research on how disgusting a situation we are in:

For those with > 110 IQ:

Lets discuss the logistics of carrying out a 99.3% extermination of the worlds homo sapiens population. What are some methods and contingencies? Timeframe? Who should survive? Should the jews (highest IQs) run the post-extermination governments?

Other urls found in this thread:

Rapid de-population is necessary

And, what exactly is the solution to this problem?

If used as is the U.S. could feed 800 million people with grain that livestock eat. If used optimally the farm land in the USA could feed all humans twice over.

You first, OP. I've seen this thread 1000 times already. This proves your existence is redundant.

Have the courage of your convictions.

Funny, the guy with the UN flag is pushing mass extermination cuz "muh overpopulation"

The world could hold many times more people than it currently does with no problem. The current problem is how we use the resources we have, not overpopulation.

It just looks like we have an overpopulation problem because the elites have set up a system where we seemingly try to poison every corner of the planet as quickly as possible.

Look into people like Sepp Holzer, Alan Savory, and see the work they've done, and you'll see that the world would be fine if we had the correct people in charge.

Overpopulation is bullshit.

pic related

the carrying capacity of this elevator is 50 people before the cable snaps, therefore this elevator is underpopulated.

>let it be known that I am far right.
>Should the jews (highest IQs) run the post-extermination governments?

Jamal won't listen to you and have 10 children regardless while you tell white people not to have children. Hence, by not having white children you're making the problem only worse.
We first have to make sure we don't go extinct before we can worry about overpopulation.

exterminate all niggers and resettle part of whites to Africa and South America

As long as niggers continue to have 10 times as many children as whites I will not give a single shit about the overpopulation meme.
Want to solve overpopulation? Promote contraception and abortion in Africa. Otherwise fuck off.

Fuck off you alarmist, if you think it is bad depopulated you and your family.

>Muh oil pik
>Muh global warming
>Muh next war is about water

Already being done through shit salaries, unemployment, killing of the middle class, killing of qualified workers, automations, cancer sources everywhere, sedentary lifestyle, media that kills the brain, porn that reduces testoterone etc...

Its a globalist nwo excuse to justify the fact that the current system can collapse if population keeps growing. They just want to keep their scheme alive.

Superintelligent AI will cause humans to go extinct


What bullshit is that. Do you really believe that? you have butter in your brain?

Intellectual levels cannot established objectively or compared to an objective standard, and intellectual "progression" is a bigger bullshit even

Wtf is wrong with houston, it's supposed to be a major city, why is it so sparesly populated ? Is it just 5 skyscrapers surrounded by miles of suburbs, malls and highways ?

Decimate the mindless eaters.
Africa, maybe middle east or India right after.


Get on a moon / Mars / Venus base.

Biologiskt scum.

Economist master race here.
People do a lot more with less, we humans are producers as well as consumers.

Tl;dr you’re an idiot

If you put stuff in a green house or clean room growing you could fit all the effective farmland into a few buildings leaving most of the land unused. If you wanted to give everyone a massive amount of personal space and the supporting structure required to live you could house tens of trillions of people in well dispersed multi level buildings all over the world.

>Ideal population for North America is 7 million.
What? That's insanely small. At no point in the last four hundred years as it had a population that small.

Houston has like 3 downtowns. Its fucking huge.

Overpopulation doesn't literally mean you're shoulder to shoulder with other people.

It means resource scarcity. Most importantly scarcity of available farmland. The farmland we have has been in use for hundreds if not thousands of years. We won't be getting new land anytime soon. (Unless climate change really does happen and Russia thaws)

So everything any human does takes up farming space. You want an iphone? That requires enough farming space to feed every single worker in the production chain. Your iphone needs rare earths? Well, in addition to the actual mine in China we also need space for the food of the workers to grow.
To put it bluntly, we're screwed if nothing happens.

Other resources are also running out. Sand for example. We built too much out of concrete. Sand could turn into a scarce resource.

Lol most of Australia's farms are feeding china. If there was world fallout australia would be A-OK.

Which is why India and China need to have a war in Kenya and Nigeria. No Air Forces allowed. Just an all out brawl to kick 40% of their populations into the abyss. May I suggest the Muslim's first wave.

You're misunderstanding available farmland.

You're being purposefully dense.

As another user pointed out, you're also neglecting technology and vertical farming.

Humans literally DO NOT have a carrying capacity in the classical sense because of our technological capabilities.

Except my entire home state is made of...

>ideal population for north america is 7 million
How the fuck you can cram way more people in there where did you get that number from?

>We won't be getting new land anytime soon.
Build a clean room grow op with 10 floors you just made 9 floors of new land.

>shitty Q&A with holes gaping wider than your twink bumhole
you're part of the problem, so remember any answer you come up with also applies to you
Also, what makes you think that society can't evolve to adapt to the growing population?

b-but Bill Gates says it's fine

Human safety factor is 5x rated cap on elevators dip shit, bad analogy.

He is kinda right.
You need corny sand for concrete, smooth af desertsand doesnt work.
Artificial granulate could replace it but noone wants yet to pay for that as its still cheaper to use up sandy clay and beaches.

The problem imo is that productive populations shrink and unproductive ones grow. Its not even always the fault of the unproductive ones if course.

Jews don't have higher IQ, it's like China problem, fabricating IQ results just to appear better.

In effect, letting jews run anything post genocide is like ensuring that jews achieve their goal of world domination and now exist either alone or with a bunch of cattle (goyim).

OP is an idiot and probably from Israel too.

UN pushing over population while overrun by refugees

My understanding is, its only Africa that is overpopulating, the rest of the world leveled off. So we don't have an overpopulation problem we have an overniggalation problem.

> puffy nipples
> caused by overpopulation

I had no idea, but this horrific phenomena clinches it for me.

Tell me more OP. I want to learn.

almost fell off my roo to that one

what has to be done is to first reduce the fertility, as soon as possible

then close borders, so those countries (mostly asia) that reproduce like rabbits will have to face the music for their stupidity

>Lets discuss the logistics of carrying out a 99.3% extermination of the worlds homo sapiens population. What are some methods and contingencies?

No method is this exact. Even the worst viruses we have access to have maybe a 70% kill rate. Maybe you can work them over in a CDC lab but that'd mostly be to make them transmit better. A 70% kill rate isn't 70% of humans killed either. You won't get 100% transmission coverage, there are always isolated groups. It's not instant so there will be ways to protect and isolate yourself as it spreads.

Nukes, nuclear winter, kills less. Cold War estimations were way off probably on purpose to scare people away from even thinking about it. An all out nuclear war would have more than 0.7% survivors.

I actually struggle to come up with anything good enough to do this unless you start just Deus Ex Machina it by having a perfectly sized meteor strike just the right place to kill the right amount with blast and aftereffects. Or a super-engineered magic virus.

>Who should survive?

The ones who survive are by definition the fittest.

that is all correct, however so far the overall population density of Africa is still very low.
stepping over critical levels of population density (near water ways) conincided with major steps in development in other parts of the world.
e.g. start of agricultre, creation of cities, cultures, empires and trade routes...

maybe, just maybe, africa and africans will experience positive change from higher population density...
sadly, more likely the continent will become a dystopian giga-getto of unprecedented filth and decay

and only some hardcore based countries will stem themselves against hordes flowing out of Africa...

>My understanding is, its only Africa that is overpopulating, the rest of the world leveled off. So we don't have an overpopulation problem

The "understanding" was that the entire world would level out, now they have to revise it because Africa is bucking all trends. The reality is they don't know, it's just projections and the projections are based on the assumption that we're all the same. As if money and education will spread evenly and have the same effects.

Same liberal pitfall as saying multikulti must work because we're all one human race. It's just an axiomatic assumption, you have little reason to believe it and plenty not to.

Americans should not be allowed on the internet.

Cities depend upon imported resources to exist.

Good, start from yourself and fucking go kill yourself, you fucking faggot.

The one good thing about Italy is that the birth rate is so low we will get rid of them in two generations.


OP's calculations are incorrect.

OP wrongly assumes a spherical earth for available landmass surface area.

how does cramming more people in make things better?

if you're serious about this topic, watch this entire lecture

then visit:

what to do about it? what will the elites do about it?
Are the Georgia guide stones relevant?
With the 500 million human upper limit.
And no german and french, but hebrew on it?

Stop worrying on matters you have no control over.


The only thing left is to become like a cell. kys your individuality goodbye retard

This means we are a Virus to the Earth !!

And yet western countries "need" immigrants to sustain their population because of their negative birth rates. The world isn't overpopulated, Africa is.
"Should the jews (highest IQs) run the post-extermination governments" great, you can contribute to this genocide by killing yourself.

>Can't get (You)'s because someone else already made the funny reply I wanted to.

Ah hah, it was overpopulation all along. Here I thought maybe I wasn't that funny or clever. I should have known better.

why should humans destroy their environment just to produce more humans? Theres only a few thousand lions left in the wild in Africa, why should not take corrective action to restore natural balance? hard-cull human pop reduction would be better for natural ecosystems.

Engineered virus release, duh.

Then these whites will adopt certain characteristics because of their environment and you'll have your niggers again in a few thousand years.

>muh redpill
>shit everyone already knows and all governments are planning for as we speak
Why you think we had a refugee crisis? We did it to get the richest and most capable 3rd worlders to come, create a crisis and justify future when borders will be closed off as the rest are exterminated. Be thankful if you live in the west or fast east. Rest are dead men walking.

who else /malthusian/ here? It's gonna happen sooner or later.

No extermination is needed. What is needed is just few important things:

1. Completely abolish growth based economies worldwide, they are the drive behind overpopulation.
2. Make the right to have 1 kid through a lottery. The rest will not allow to have a child, poor or rich.
3. Start worshiping single, childless women like the goddesses they are, give them money.
4. Shame breeders, all celebs with kids shoukd be shunned.
5. Tax kids, give these money to childless.

Kill yourself first as an example.

all asia should reduce its population by 90% and we will be fine

It's already solved.

UN-backed #nofap /pol threads are a plot to discredit #nofap as a new world religion that would otherwise prevent overpopulation.

Put The Earth First and #NOFAP on March 1st in solidarity.

check out I've been studying this material for days. Pretty heavy

See noncolored areas of map.

>he doesn't know about green houses and vertical construction

The next (And final) world conflict will even out the population.

China has a huge surplus of men because of the one child policy, a dictator, and a huge military, they will team up with Russia and invade Eastern Europe.

Russia has infiltrated the US with a puppet leader and the UK with brexit to ensure that Europe is too weak to resist. Poland and the Scandinavian countries are already preparing for this.

nah, if we're talking per-capita consumption and aiding third-world growth, Americans need to go first

And Europe will collapse because their taxpayer are dying off.

>Ideal population for Western Europe is 12 million. Ideal population for North America is 7 million.

Feels good that my dick is longer than your IQ.

This is a common reply from the 80 IQ mutts. We do not need to cull thise already here, we need to prevent unbirn from being brought to existence. It is much easier, humane and the best solution all around. It can be done and enforced culturally too, look up Tikopia culture and hiw they dealt with overpopulation.

Inadvertently or intentionally, humanity needs zero assistance in self culling.
We are pretty adept at it actually, whether it's war, engineered disease, or genocide due to political demagoguery. Humanity has developed many methods of self culling and truth be told. If left alone to it's own devices, it will set itself onto it's own path to a near extinction event.
Thinking we have somehow risen above nature, will be the fatal arrogance.

>What are some methods and contingencies? Timeframe? Who should survive? Should the jews (highest IQs) run the post-extermination governments?
it is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT thing on the planet, under all the layesr of the politics bullshit, and only through it the plans of the the international jewry can be somehow comprehended.

and yes, if they carry out the genocide (probably some kind of DNA locked "plague") obviously they will rule once it's done.

>europe population 740 million
>dying off

are you an idiot?

Asia and apefrica need a good culling, asia has 4.4 billion streetshitters and apefrica has 1.1 billion useless apefrican americans.

>north america
>7 million
>in all of north america

Cease your tricks jew!

>A - Ideal population for Western Europe is 12 million. Ideal population for North America is 7 million. If your population has leveled out above those numbers, it is overpopulated.

Might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on Sup Forums, even flat earthers make more sense

there are 4.5 billion asians and growing, they are the most urgent problem

That subhuman is the globaliest global there is. Worse than jews I must say. Don't believe in anything he says, and STOP USING MICROSOFT'S OPERATING SYSTEMS THEY ARE JEWED!

>misunderstanding farmland
No. It's true. The fertile land has been in use since antiquity. While we did get more farmland by cutting back woods, that's limited and woods are a resource as well.

Maybe, but consider that artificial fertilizer, the big part in farming technology, needs resources as well. I always forget which ingredient it is, but one of them has to be mined and is non renewable for the purposes of artificial fertilisation.

>vertical farming
Eh...maybe, but far less resource efficient than just sticking seeds in fertile soil.

>our technological capabilities
Precisely my point. There are hard limits to our capabilities set by natural resources. We create new technologies, true, but we don't create them out of nothing.

It's quite simple actually. The most sustainable form of agriculture is the one that manages without artificial fertilisers or technology. Like we farmed for thousands of years already. Any other system requires some sort of non renewable resource, be that energy or minerals.

It's also not just food. Food is the thing we can produce most easily. More people mean more houses, more schools, more clothes, more medicine, more energy usage. Consider what it would take for us to fill our energy needs 100% with renewable energy. How many fields would we have to sacrifice to grow sugar cane for our cars?

>before you wet the bed, let it be known that I am far right
>Should the jews (highest IQs) run the post-extermination governments?


We’ve already reached the singularity, then.

>>Excess males strived for acceptance, were rejected and withdrew
Funny rat video you got there OP


>Wester Europe ideal population is 12 million
>North American ideal population is 7 million
Where are you getting these numbers?

It's Indians and Chinese who need to stop breeding. Put together they're about half of the world's population, concentrated in 2 countries. Fucking ridiculous.

White people are less than 15% of the world's population on the other hand, and yet they pretend overpopulation is our fault. Nonsense.

>through the process of cellular mitosis

God I hate how fucking retarded you are.

Are you retarded? You should be alarmed that even with the density of Houston (which is still very dense), a city like that would take up most of the USA.

Humans were made to live in the wilderness, preferably on ranches with their family and extended family, far away from other shitty, retarded humans, and definitely not packed like sardines among subhumans. There are FAR too many of us today to sustain that kind of comfy rural living.

>what is the demographic transition
In the 1960s population growth reached an unprecedented rate. Which lead to apocalyptic prophecies. The poor would pro-create endlessly and overrun the developed world. But that's simply not true. it turns out high birth rates and the population explosion are not permanent features of some cultures or countries, but rather a part of a four step process the whole world is going through called the Demographic transition.

Let's go back to the 18th century, when the entire world, including Europe, was in the first stage of the demographic transition. By today's standards, Europe was worse off than a developing region, suffering from poor sanitation, poor diets, and poor medicine. A lot of people were born, but lots of them died just as fast, so the population hardly grew. Women had between 4 and 6 children, but only 2 of them would reach adulthood. Then the industrial revolution happened in the UK and bought the greatest change in human living conditions since the agricultural revolution - people went from being peasants to workers, manufactured goods were mass produced and became widely available. the sciences flourished and advanced transportation, communication, and medicine. Slowly this economic progress not only formed a middle class, but also raised standards of living and health care for the poor working population.

The second transition stage started. Better food supplies, hygiene and medicine, meant people stopped dying all the time, especially so, at a very young age. The result was a population explosion, doubling the UK's population between 1750 and 1850. The main reasons families used to have lots of children was that only a few of them were likely to survive.

and how many Asians does it take to equal the consumption level of one American?


Now that had changed, so the third stage of transition was set in motion. Fewer babies were conceived, and population growth slowed down. Eventually a balance emerged, fewer people were dying and fewer children were born, so the death rate and birth rate became stable. Britain had reached the fourth stage of the demographic transition. This didn't only happen in the UK, more and more countries went through the four stages.

- First, many births and many deaths due to bad living conditions.
- Second, better living conditions leading to fewer deaths and a population explosion.
- Third, fewer deaths resulting in fewer births, and population growth came to an end.

But if birth rates have dropped so much, why is the population still growing so fast? Well, the children born in the population explosion of the 70s and 80s are having kids themselves now. Leading to a noticeable spike in overall population, but they are having far fewer children on average than their parents. The average today is 2.5, it was 5, 40 years ago. So as this generation gets older, and fertility declines further, the rate of population growth will keep on slowing. This is true for every country.

In the west, we tend to overlook progress in other regions of the world. But actually most of the world's countries have made it to the fourth stage. Just look at Bangladesh. In 1971, the average woman had 7 kids, but 25% of them would die before the age of 5. In 2015, the mortality rate was down to 3.8% and women had only 2.2 kids on average.

This is the rule, not an exception, we're not special, we just had a head start. It took developed countries about 80 years to reduce fertility from more than 6 children, to less than 3. Others are catching up fast. Malaysia and South Africa did it in only 34 years; Bangladesh took just 20. Iran managed it in 10 years.

All these countries that are catching up didn't have to start from scratch and the more support they get, the faster they catch up. This is why programs that help lower child mortality or help poor nations develop, are so important,

No matter what your motivation is, whether you dream of a world where all people live in freedom and wealth, or you just want fewer refugees coming into your country, the simple truth is, that it's beneficial to you personally if people on the other side of the globe can live a good life. And we are getting there, the percentage of people living in extreme poverty has never been as low as today. So the future of global population growth is not an apocalyptic prophecy, it's a promise!

Population growth will come to an end. The UN forecasts that the 12th billionth human will never be born at all. And as the development level of the world rises, the number of people a higher education will increase tenfold. Countries who used to be a need, will help advance development instead.

>tl;dr for faggots: overpopulation is a myth and the world population wont grow above 11 billion

Africa, India and China should chemically cleansed