Who is Amanda


>who is randipulator?

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That is one telling photograph.

Too bad nothing will come of it. Pedastry is an unfortunate reality of western dominance

Also what was with the dental chair on epstien island?

Nothing will come of it because pedophilia and pederasty are elements of control. It's how (((they))) keep the politicians in check, and the more powerful the country the more plentiful the abuse. I bet there isn't a single member of Congress that isn't compromised in this way.
For many, acceptance of homosexuality has taken the instruments of control to the children, unfortunately.
It's not that high ranking politicians become pedophiles - only pedophiles now get to become high ranking politicians (and civil servants, media figures etc.)

As to the dentist chair, these people are obsessed with torture because it is such an important part of their lives and identity. See Podesta's favorite artist Louise Bourgeois in pic related.


These sick adrenochrome addicted monsters need to be brought out in the open. I believe sunlight is the best disenfectant here

Falling for a meme.

>what is douglas real estate?
>who did comet pingpong contract out for construction


its not a meme to the FBI

>trusting the FBI
>thinking they put out ths real pedo symbols and not just some smokescreen thats easily protected by the rothschildren

Wew lad. U have a lot to learn

Could you be better positioned than Plan International?
seems even better than a human trafficking prosecution unit

Youre not wrong but youre also not right. Pedophelia has been rampant in the corporate world since babylon

I don't think Sjefke fell for a meme, there's something seriously wrong with that organization.
And yes, this has been going on for centuries, but not on this scale and scope, and not in a world where the vast majority of people are (or would be) appalled by it - which is why it is really about compromising and controlling the pedos propelled into positions of power.

Click the link i posted if you wanna see one of the real symbols

Interesting. Can you verify that symbol is indeed used by pedos?
I wonder if Douglas Development has anything to do with THEARC project in DC. That appears to be connected to the pizzagate nexus in all sorts of ways.


Bump for truth and here is anti Satanist JONESwave

I'll believe it when I see it, chief. Pretty tired of smoke being blown up my ass..




that's the friggin logo what would have been the odds?!?

OK, wtf am I looking at?