United States of Europe

Strongest economy, strongest military, whitest people, superior culture, no jews running the country, chance to team up with Russia and wipe out the mutts, ...

Give me ONE good reason why you aren't behind this, fellow European anons.

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That train passed long time ago

Europe is fucking shit. It's got 3 times more people than Russia and Russia would steamroll us in a day if Big Brother USA promises not to interfere.

Because the EU is run by Jews and feminists who want to replace us and kill all men.

>chance to team up with Russia and wipe out the mutts

Russia has the largest Muslim population of any European country.

You can take britain out of that one cunt
Enjoy being a vassal to your globalist kike UN proxy overlords.

I'd live in Switzerland or Norway, anywhere else hell no.

Fuck off non-country piece of shit

kill yourself, and give your country back to the Dutch

because of picrelated

>centuries after all other European powers

I like the meme but this is so fucking bullshit

Muslims aren't the problem. Mutt puppets who obey their jewish overlords are.

Nice try proxy

How long before you obese tea sippers that the UK will never leave the EU. Without the common markey you guys are literally Zimbabwe

No thank you. The people of Britain won't be slaves to globalist kikes anymore.

European countries are incompatible economically and culturally.

Hourly reminder that the border issue in Ireland is the EU's fault, they have never given a shit about borders (hence the millions of niggers they allowed into the EU) but now they are using Ireland in attempt to fuck the UK (which won't work).

So when you're making your car bomb, be sure to deliver it to brussels and not to mainland UK as we are not in the wrong here, the EU is.

Thank you, have a lovely snowy day!

EU means moar refungis because of muuhh european values.

So yeah. Nah. EU can go to hell.

>says the bong while singing the anthem praising his lizardmen queen

and with the common market you fuckers are already Zimbabwe. You should probably just kill yourselves.

Also Guy Verhofstadt really is the ugliest person in human history. Congratulations Belgium on contributing something so heinous and hideous to humanity.

We will, luckily the EU will force us out to cut their hooked noses off to spite their face.
>literally zimbabwe
We're not scared mate. You can take your made up state HQ in your made up country and revel in your wealthy bankers and pakis if you like.

>no jews running the country
About that...

Note the chorus

Britbongs calling other people ugly.. mhm something not right here

You had your chance

Eurocrat nonsense. What the EU really is:
1. unaccountable overpaid eurocrat leaders. Juncker was not elected by the people of Europe.
2. Lowest economic growth of any region in the world.
3. Too much taxes and bureaucracy added by the EU. The EU instititions in Brussels add another layer of expensive bureaucracy.
4. EU that refuses to cut overspending in the face of a budget shortage after the UK leaves, and rather wants contributing countries to pay even more.
5. Redistributing billions of euros from North-European member states to poor South and East european countries.
6. Rising unemployment and national debt and overspending in nearly every EU country.

>no jews running the country

russian military force is a meme.
Sure, they're strong and all but still.

I'm behind it. I simply hate Merkel.

7. The betrayal of European culture and values by letting in millions of unskilled Arabs and Africans to replace.
8. Rapid increase in crime and abuse by those uneducated immigrants from the Middle-East and Africa.
9. Failed integration, establishment of parallel societies.

>Give me ONE good reason why you aren't behind this, fellow European anons.
Because it wouldn't be ruled by Europeans for Europeans but by (((germs))) for the imported cattle of goys.

>not European

>no jews running the country
don't be naive

I know you are an irrelevant country with no culture, no history and not even a own language, but Italy is the opposite.
We fought for our indipendence, its thousands of years that we have an identity and we will have it for thousands of years in the future.

The only way for your irrelevant country to be together with Italy is that we reconquest Europe and roman empire rises again, untill that day we will not be together.

britain and france both have nuclear weapons of their own and germany has nuclear weapons from the US with the authority to use them. only thing russia would do would be to invade the eastern parts of europe and hope the west doesnt give a shit.

I didn't say anything who would lead it, but definately not Germs. Germs are good to work and manufacture things, but shouldn't have any real power.

Fyi, my parents are Italian. They just migrated to Belgium 40 years ago with their parents.

Ti prego... non mi giudicare.

>he thinks the (((german))) """military""" has any hope to fight russia

It's all a part of the plan to convert everyone to one nation (European) then get the muslims to kill us/breed over us in about 200-300 years, plus a good chunk of Europeans will be extinct by then thanks to the white plague. Collective suicide. We already lost, but we just don't know it, as Bobby Fisher said in that movie.

FINexit when

conventionally fuck no, but there is just no way a country would risk open war against an opponent with nuclear capabilities. why do you think north korea still exists?

i wish you italians luck in the up coming elections and to vote to free your country from EU, which im sure will probably spark more terrorist attacks across europe by eu supporters(antifa etc)

bye bye

because it's not working (well, prob for krauts and jews it is) and having a big conglomerate isnt necessarily a given benefit.
Greek polis worked, italian renaissance worked, roman empire eventually failed.
There wont be another war in europe between nations, EU as deterrent is nonsense. You cant be afraid of goatfuckers, unless you freely let them take our lands as we're currently doing

Fuck off kike.

lmao nice flag, dmitry

top kek fuck off

we'll never join your kike club