
Why not start on the premis of no deal?
Wouldn't the euros crank it up if we had?

The first words out of Cameron's mouth after the result was how he will take care of all the euros here.
How is that a negotiating stance?
Led by buffoons

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just fucking annex Ireland already and row the British Isles out to between Australia and New Zealand; fuck the EU

Bingo. if you want bargaining power you must begin with the notion that you don't give a shit if you don't reach a deal, that you could always walk.

I swear all this time the govt. should have been prodding other countries worldwide to do trade deals and shit instead of badmouthing the EU at home and then sucking their dicks when in Brussels

>win ww1
>win ww2
>krauts still own us

If Mrs May gives in to the EU then UKIP will become more powerful.

not for long you sniveling cunt

Hard brexit is becoming more and more likely by the day. The public mood in England specifically is becoming more and more acerbic towards the EU similarly in Wales. NI is split as per usual and Scotland are generally just anti anything England do.

>England specifically is becoming more and more acerbic towards the EU similarly in Wales. NI is split as per usual and Scotland are generally just anti anything England do.

ahhh Britannia

>be American
>win ww2
>have to be world police
Wtf this was a bad deal

>Scotland are generally just anti anything England do
Reverse psychology would be amusing to use

It was literally a war aim of WW1 for Germany to make a European economic union with themselves as its head; crafty bastards were playing the long game

I concur and i think generally it will benefit us in the long term, regardless of whether or not we take a economic hit in the short term (probably inevitable) i'ts a fight to retain our sovereign identity and right to self governance

Agreed, I think that the idea that politicians are infallible intellectuals has been unequivocally rebutted by their misinformed approach to these negations.

>jews now own the krauts
You think Germany is willingly killing itself?

when they mither about a wee economic stumble on the news, like aye but think of what we gain in the long-run + how much is freedom worth to you brusselcucks?

the west as a whole seems bent on cucking itself - it's like the fermi paradox or the decline and fall of empires

the bottleneck is lacking self-belief

The establishment clearly banked on us remaining part of the eurocult

ANGLO-ISRAEL (British-Israelism)

This is the source to all White infighting. A bunch of fucking British Anglos who believe they're the Chosen Jews of God. British-Israelism made its way into America then later morphed itself into what is called 'Christian Identity' in the United States. At one point it had up to 2,000,000 followers in the US. They view Europe as the enemy of the Jews. They're also closely connected to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah.

This is the garbage the Black Hebrew Israelites replicated when creating their own version of WE WUZ.

One of the Anglo-Jews top publications is thetrumpet.com which continuously pumps out anti-Europe insane hysteria. Particularly anti-German hostility written in articles like archive.is/BXsr8 (Germany Is Conquering NATO) Retarded claims of "evil Germans" inside "biblical prophesy" are routine.

Article highlights:
>The Trump administration recognizes the great potential that lies within Germany’s capacity to lead military missions, it is blind to the danger of empowering Germany.

>What does Germany do when it gets a strong military? Do you dare read its history and see? Once that military is in place, it will be put to use! This world doesn’t comprehend that because it doesn’t understand history and Bible prophecy. We just have to look at the truth to understand what we’re dealing with. Everything is moving at lightning speed.

Notable Anglo-Jews:
Herbert W. Armstrong (1892–1986), American founder of the Worldwide Church of God
Robert Bradford (1941–1981), Methodist minister and Ulster Unionist politician
Alan Campbell (1949-2017), former Pentecostal pastor from Northern Ireland

>Additional reading:
British-Israelism to Christian Identity & the Palestine Campaign


i hope we have a thick plank of wood to vote for next tim

2x4 for PM

>The first words out of Cameron's mouth after the result was how he will take care of all the euros here.
They're his paymasters, same as May. That's what they're paid to do. You don't actually believe they give a rip about you oiks, do you?

Got my vote

touché, Camoron is a cunt

The Eternal Anglo = The Eternal Jew

They are one and the other. The US & UK descent into grotesque degeneracy is punishment from God.

Agreed, imo they wanted to give us the taste of what they've put up with for the last thousand years, they didn't weigh up the Anglo-leftie correctly, thinking that we would quickly shut down the problem, it didn't work and now we're all fucked

The British have a 361 year old history of electing Jewish Prime Ministers. For example Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli. A man who Theresa May idealizes as a great leader.

In case you haven't figured it out by now, Theresa May deliberately sends mixed messages to placate both sides of the debate and will eventually settle for a leave in name only deal where everything is virtually the same

This is a quote by British Prime Minster Benjamin Disraeli.

Jacob Rees-Mogg is the only option at this point.

This, its gonna be so watered down the average man wont know the difference and 10 years down the line we will rejoin and do away with the pound to be granted access back in

>krauts still own us
We don't even own our own country .... let alone another.

I'm all for a hard brexit, fuck the eu

no shit, that's definitely where it looks like we're heading.

EU definitely wants to punish us and then in a couple of decades let us back into their club as a chastened husk with the Euro and no special treatment

what shitey independence movement gobbles their master's cock whilst threatening to leave?

the US didnt do it towards Britain, after a point they said "fuck it" and left, the consequences be damned