>Germany has 244 main battle tanks. Of those, only 105 are in operational condition
>Germany has 121 howitzers. Of those, only 42 are in operational condition
>Germany has 58 troop transport helicopters. Of those, only 13 are in operational condition, and 4 of them are deployed in Mali
>Germany has 0 operational submarines, their last working submarine was disabled in a collision with a rock in October of 2017
>Germany has 40 operational fighter aircraft which are all already occupied by operations around Turkey and Syria
>Germany has 21,000 vacant officer posts
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no fucking shit
the whole Europe is demilitarized just in order to justify the ZOG's NATO expansion in Europe & Area in order to protect "American" interests
what the rush when we are there? Move to poland, when?
So what? The US was defenseless in 1938. It's all about the industrial capacity a country potentially can mobilize.
But since the only real threats to Germany and Europe are open borders and nukes, it is irrelevant.
I don't expect an American to understand though. They've been indoctrinated for 70 years with fake 'threats' to keep the WW2 machine going even in peacetime.
>tfw we have more tanks than germany
don't know mate, maybe to protects its borders in case of an emergency?
can you guys take Cyprus back already? that will start the eviction process for turkey from nato.
Good thing I'm applying for Feldwebel currently
>tfw want to become pentester in the army
But whoever wants into our borders will have to go through the other countries first who need to protect themselves by buying our weapons and getting more american bases.
That's the theory, sure.
>Defence Minister Usula von der Leyen said that Germany's military is not a high priority because "We are surrounded by friends"
For merely closing the borders? I highly doubt it, you would have gotten some strongly worded letters like Hungary and that would have been it, they would appear like tyrants.
yeah, that worked out great didn't it?
Hahaha what a stupid bitch
One of her poster campains was to make the Bundeswehr more child friendly by adding kindergarten places for soldier families.
what if we suddenly decide to take WW2 reparations by force?
you're pretty fucked in that case
The threat it's facing isn't something you can fight with tanks.
>Poles taking anything by force
You already stole enough shit to compensate.
Roastie menace at it again.
>implying Poland wants or needs our mudslime pozzed lands
The US took years to mobilize. Modern war requires high-readiness formations. If you have no high readiness units you will lose before you have time to mobilize.
yup, we are civilized we use force only in self defence
we need to expand living space for Polish nation
Well that was true then, but Germany (and Europe) has quite a large defense industry still even if it's mostly for export, and modern factories can more easily be adapted.
Even so, realistically, which country in the vicinity has the capability you speak of?
A modern standing army is for empire protection/power projection only. And Europe should be more concerned with border defense since the enemy is already within. Amerimutts can keep paying for the MIC instead of health care for all. They're stupid and deserve no better.
>"We are surrounded by friends"
>Enemy State Clause
>mfw WWII was never formally, legally concluded
I can give you a simple three step scenario that will make you never sleep again
>Kamala Harris is elected POTUS in 2020 or 2024
>Putin Zerg rushes to the Atlantic coast
>That same week, a 17 year old black male is shot by a white cop in Alabama while robbing a convenience store
End of Europe.
So you're saying Russia has the capability to conquer Europe all the way to the Atlantic coast within weeks or even months?
MIC agitprop victim confirmed.
Btw I would welcome the Russians personally if this wasn't some feverish fantasy pushed by US jews and their half-cocked slaves.
you could try of course, but that would only mean that Russian tanks will dish into your rear lights.
>So you're saying Russia has the capability to conquer Europe all the way to the Atlantic coast within weeks or even months
Maybe if they drove around Poland
Oi cunt howd you find that photo
>choose a soviet spy as cancellor
>ACT SURPRISED to have a useless army ready for Russia takeover.
>Russian is incompetant drunkard
>Jimmy Mattis, while great as division commander oversaw utter pussification of USMC, and now a typical tranny loving cuck
>Chinese guy is decent but will also end up starting shit in SEA.
None are great.
Hehehe, yes, good
We will ally with niggers and muslims and give them West Germany while keeping our ancient Slavic homeland east of the Elbe for ourselves. Berlin will have to be destroyed like Carthage tho, its cancer
Germany isn't Germany. It's good that the American puppets that occupy our country are getting weak.
The Eternal Slav is at it again.
I don't think even muslims and niggers would want to associate with you.
German domination of the EU means it has conquered without war, and signing up to the EU is signing up to the Fourth Reich. Germany is at the geographic heart of the EU. It is also at least for the next two decades likely to remain the continent’s largest economy and most populous country.
Ask the Greeks if you think I exaggerate: Germany runs Europe without firing a shot. It forces far weaker partners to stay in a currency zone that is crippling them, and uses its economic muscle to dictate immigration and other key policies.
We have learned our lessons and today we focus on destroying europe again with our influence and economic power.
What did you expect?
A friendly germany? A germany that got no influence anymore? On nothing?
Great products with the stamp "made in germany" are superior to your inferior products.
We hold europe, if germany gets destroyed it will influence all other states around the world. We won this war.
What our soldiers couldn't achieve is what our ruthless economics achieved.
Destroying germany means destroying every other state in europe immediately and others in the longer run.
>implying we need modern weapons
Hans al-Grug smash you with club.
>Berlin will have to be destroyed
All of Europe is thanks to (((Globalisation))) and reliance on foreigners.
NATO is a meme. It's simply the American Foreign Legion in service of the ZOG.
Turkey is threatening to invade and occupy 20 greek islands, its already violating Greek airspace, ramming Greek coast guard vessels and moving troops onto Cyprus.
It's also demanding back the defected officers that fled to Greece after the failed coup in a Turkish army helicopter.
Our weakness is a political item. Nobody wants a capable german army, so they put idiots (Von der Leyen) at the helm who are willingly destroying any semblance of combat readiness we ever had.
That cunt is too busy hunting "nazis" and making sure 50 % of the officers are women or some shit to actually care about anything else.
that makes them absolutely offenseless, which is a good thing, because of muh history
Thanks umma Merkel.
Give me some german qt's, drugs and I will defend it
Germany is ripe for picking, east germany goes to poland, southern parts to austria western germany to netherlands and belgium and as is our historic right Schleswig Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern belong to Finland.
Not only that..
>pic related
They do have a massive industry though and NATO (USA) to protect them.
>the netherlands is better equiped for war than goymoney
Poland you reading this? spitroast Germany for shits and giggles when?
half of germoneys turks dead instantly
as a side effect, they kill all the traiterous politicians and lefties in berlin
economy increases because berlin is a drain
If you kill your enemies, they win Polan.
You'll just end up getting your ass handed to you once again. The Finnish Defense forces alone could beat your sorry ass army at the moment. But being Germans you'll still push everyone else to that point instead of realizing what will ultimately happen.
>hahaha look guys i blasted my fucking brains out but the spall killed other guys aswell. aint i the greatest!!!!
Looking at this picture -
Why don't Russia, USA, and China just take over everything and everywhere? Fuck everyone else.
That Polish dude is downright frightening.
good. i hope they disarm and give their weapons to the civilians so they can overthrow merkle
he is no longer MOD
now he rules from shadows, officially Błaszczak is new MOD
Turkey has the largest army in NATO outside the US, Greece can't do it alone.
What should we have to pay back?
>while keeping our ancient Slavic homeland east of the Elbe for ourselves
we wuz germanics an shieeeeeet
It's even worse than that, equipment and numbers are not that relevant.
See, Reichswehr was small and under-equipped too, but they retained the best officers and NCOs from German army, and actively (and clandestinely) improved on their doctrine.
It formed a core from which Wehrmacht was built, and Wehrmacht performed very well in WW2.
Now, they even lack that, it's been 30 years since Western armies (ignoring Americans) were turned into a joke, and political and social climate further aggravates this problem.
Russians would savagely rape anything Europe could throw at them, in a hypothetical conflict.
>itt Americans who don't get that military protection is the only influence the United States still has on western Europe.
I mean, yeah? You burgers are responsible for the demilitarization of Europe and Germany especially.
Don't act surprised
How did this happen? I though team Kuromorimine was strong...
German industry alone could change that in one year span IF only there was will and any action but alas, momma Merkel is cucked beyond help.
While germany has a good industry, I find it rather questionable whether it really could put out it's maximum amount, as the problem around civic nations still exists -- If you want to rally your people to defend against a common enemy, how would you do that? Considering the "Tafel"-Problem that's currently top-news around german-speaking-EU, I rather wager that most people would rather just flee the country.