Why do American Sup Forumstards get so upset when you post a pic like this?
Why do American Sup Forumstards get so upset when you post a pic like this?
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Because its true.
Le funny maymay xddd
Because I literally look like this, I have brown skin, yellow teeth, blue eyes and big ol lips. o wait
Cause the truth hurts
white americans don't care about this meme, the mutts recoil in horror...see themselves in the goblino....>but---butttt my mom says I am handsome!
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we don't, but you keep posting these b8 threads
post all the mutts you want friendo
And yet you're here. Interesting.
I think it's hilarious and I'm always on the lookout for le 56% face in the wild. When you spot one, you can't help but laugh (and cry).
Why don't you fuck off britbong? Some MS paint image won't ever stop is from being the greatest nation on earth. Enjoy your concert bombings
LA CREATURA doesn't like being exposed.
I'm here too, am I triggered?
I'm so upset right now I'm literally shaking
Probably because most American families look like pic related. 100% White. We are actually more European than you are Amir.
Kid on the right looks like he just found his skin suit raw material.
All the boys on the bench look like they have downs, straight out of the potato patch.
All the men in the back row have the goofey teeth.
>We are actually more European than you are Amir.
LMAO. I forget that mutts actually, unironically, say this stuff.
Yes, I'm sure you forget a lot, Mohammad.
I'm sure the children of Rotherham are grateful for your short memory, as are their enrichers.
Sorry, you need to have European blood to be European. A little Paki manlet like you is not and will never be European.
because everywhere i look when i go out in public i see how accurate it is. i went to sam's club last month and noticed that white people were a minority. besides my family there were maybe a dozen other ethnic-europeans and the rest were some mixture of sludgy brown.
Looks like every paki shopkeeper with a suspiciously large selection of top shelf mags.
dios mio
el ogro de las americas
Absolutely SEETHING. Hahaha little mongrels.
Leafs are far more triggered when their >le 53 face is revealed
>whiter than you muhammed