No. Magazines will still be relevant.
Interesting approach. For something that has a lot of volumes that would be cheaper, while still looking like a regular volume. Double page spread is also preferable for manga. I wonder how batteries will hold up though, you flip pages a lot faster than reading a book.
It's still kinda pricey, it will only work for series that
I read manga on my ereader and the battery drain is not that bad. Worse than just books sure, but still good enough that i dont remember last time i charged when it starts dying
I haven't had trouble with battery life reading manga on my kobo. Surprised they went with AAA batteries instead of an internal lithium ion thing.
I don't like tying it to a specific series. 33,000 yen could fine for the device alone.
I'm watching the anime right now, which episode is the best point to stop? I heard it becomes retarded after Raoh
Now we can easily check how poorly the translations are
An official digital version will be sweet since the scans quality is not too great.
I can't defend that price at all
This thing is a real niche and collectors type item and really paying that much is just for the quirkiness of having the device.
I mean for that much you can get an 8.4 2560X1600 OLED tablet that lets you read thousands of series while letting you do more.
None of the parts in this device demand anything close to their suggested retail price.
Don't get me wrong it is cool, but if the plan is too charge $300 per series like this, I couldn't support it.
Also wondering if it'd be possible to wipe the files on the device and load up your files onto it. Something like that would be very useful.
man, the cover looks awesome
>I mean for that much you can get an 8.4 2560X1600 OLED tablet that lets you read thousands of series while letting you do more.
This thing has two eink 155x113 screens with 300dpi which converts to about 1830x1350 each.
Compare that to $250 for an Kobo Aura One with one 1872x1404 screen.
If they added an SD card slot so that you can load your own files it would be amazing but just for one series it seems like electronic waste.
At the very least, those color pages better be in color
It's a novelty item that's worth owning for that alone, if you have the cash to spare. I suppose it helps save space?
But really, who is the target audience for this? It's Eng/Jap; Japanese people don't care about the English version (and can buy the entire series for about $10-15 at most book store chains in Japan), while the raws have furigana so anyone with low intermediate knowledge of Japanese could easily read it.
What's the point? Providing a service to those who are studying translations? The translations themselves looked dumbed down from the brief flashes I saw in the video.
I just don't understand the point.
Obviously they are trying to get Japanese and not-Japanese to buy it at the same time.
That's cool, is this the first series to oficialy do something like this? I think i'm gonna get it even if they made the dumb decision to make it use batteries.
Why does he laugh as if Hokuto was a comedy? They should have gotten a bodybuilder for this part.
It upsets me that retards will actually fund this. Would rather just get English re-prints.
He found the "You are already dead part" and is having a chuckle.
What's wrong with batteries? Other e-readers come with 1-2 Ah and this can take 4 AAA which handle 1 Ah in rechargeable or 3 in non-rechargeable.
this looks quite funny without context
I can't tell if this is cool or retarded, most likely both.
Good points I must say.
whats that.
the things this thread is about
This legit solves my problem with e-book readers as moronic as it sounds. I can't stand the feel of just having a tablet in my hand while reading manga - or books in general.
I watched the entirety of HnK2, and the only thing I liked about it was the opening theme.
Don't make my mistake.
I just want Hokuto no Ken available in English again. An omnibus release would be nice.
Engraved in a book vs specifically made support for 2x screens. I appreciate the thought but it's different.
You can just do that process with a dual screen e-reader, there are plenty around.
Damn really?
What happened?
To be honest I wanted to know how this story trully ends, that's why I watched 93 episodes in 3 weeks
Just the form itself is cool desu. Wonder if it can be pirated and filled with other manga.
Kinda cool desu.
This is cool, desu.
I really like this! Super neat idea! What I want to know though, is can I actually put other manga on it and will it include an SD card? I know this is specifically for First of the North Star but it would be really cool if I could put anything on it. I own a Gen 4 Kindle and a tablet but this already seems like a lot better
Maybe they'll use an internal SD card for storage like Kobo did so you can replace it with your own.
Problem might be a lack of UI. This thing appears to have a few buttons to change pages and one to change the language but no touchscreen or other way to interact.
It must have something, otherwise how would you change chapters or skip ahead if the battery runs off?
Are there? All I can find is ancient shit with a combination of eink and LCD. No recent models with two eink screens.
Only if it sells well
then not yet-.
>Tfw no Tezuka ouvre version with every single one of his works.
Maybe someday, the device itself is fucking nice, will most likely make a bootleg version for myself kek.
This is the most relevant post in the thread. What's a bit funny is that despite them boasting about a 300 dpi screen, if the dimensions are 155x113, the image is still going to have to be scaled down or cropped wrt to height since most Japanese tank size is 174~182 x 112~128. If they're using the bunko versions, then they wouldn't need to scale the images though (148x105.) It sounds ridiculous to make people pay $250 for digital versions of the bunko, but I wouldn't past them to try something like that.
But yes, unless it's hackable in some way to add an SD card and some charging capability, this is nothing more than a pricey novelty item...
The format itself is great, does anyone have a guide for a DIY version of something similar? I'm talking mostly about dual screens.
Guess you can always get a really big one have it in double page mode and use it like that, you obviously can't fold it but works the same as the one on OP. Also you coul put whaver you want there.
Really curious to see how this works after it officially gets released. It's pricey for a e-reader but as a e-reader and a whole 18 volume but at the same time cool concept. I wouldn't mind a blank, easy to use version where you can upload your own manga, books, and etc onto it. I can see this becoming more popular if they release more complete bilengual sets of manga