As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union (English)
- RACEWAR CHRONICLES - 1/3 of Italians would like to expel all non-EU citizens from Italy "32% say they would never want to get in touch with immigrants, either in the workplace and in the sphere of friendships" (Eng Translate)
Vast Majority of Under-35 Italians Oppose Mass Migration (English)
Swastikas on wall for a leftist association in Mestre (Eng Translate)
Gunshots against refugees camp in Enna (Eng Translate)
Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples (Eng Translate)
Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now" (Eng Translate)
Nation Election Day: 4 March 2018 LAST OFFICIAL POLL [16/02/2018]
Forza Nuova [fascists] 0,3%
CasaPound [fascists] 1,9%
Right Wing Coalition: 37,6% - Forza Italia [conservatives] 15,3% - Lega [identitarians/nationalists] 14,8% - Fratelli d'Italia [nationalists/fascists] 5,5% - Noi con l'Italia [christian democrats] 2%
Globalist Coalition: 25,6% - Partito Democratico [liberals/globalists] 21,9% - Più Europa [globalists/progressives] 2,1% - Insieme [greens/social democrats] 0,7% - Civica Popolare [classical liberals] 0,5% - SVP [South Tyrol identitarians] 0,4%
Movimento 5 Stelle [populists/greens/pirate party-esque] 26,8%
Liberi e Uguali [progressives/social democrats/SJWs] 5,3%
LGBT activists launched their agenda and Liberi e Uguali agreed in push it when they will be elected.
Their agenda:
>Marriage for everyone Marriage is a religious ritual, atheists, faggots and dykes can have a private contract if they want to regulate their relationship.
>Give the option to fags and dykes to grow childrens Kids need both a mom and a dad to grow up as sane persons. Absolutely degenerate.
>Laws agains homophobia and transphobia The fuck this even means? The State decide who can I hate and who I cant? Nonsense, also this would be incostitutional.
>Artificial insemination law for lesbians These people must be insane. Kids happens because penis in bagina, not because science magic tricks. You know this since 5 years old.
>Remove the transgender status of mental illness So they wanna make me believe a dude who think he's a girl born in the wrong body isnt a mental retard? This is absolute nonsense.
Spread it like fire, we need Liberi e Uguali outside the parliament (under 3%). I dont want people who agree with these nonsense near any Istitutional building.
Reminder Grillo shills for a future of mutts and EL CINEGRO
Thomas Morgan
Giorgia Meloni is my goddess
Parker Butler
Jaxson Miller
you simply can't stop the cinegro
Kevin Taylor
Noah Rodriguez
wasting quads
Kevin Collins
Liam Moore
>9999 >cinegri infermabili
Mason Moore
Sebastian Lopez
saslvini approved
Connor Moore
Which is more superior: Lega Nord or Fratelli d’Italia?
Oliver Hall
Italy NEEDS a Queen
Gabriel Nelson
2 threads 2 quads, first tonio cartonio now el cinegro. Kek is here among us, praise him!
Brandon Richardson
Hail, people of heroes, Hail, immortal Fatherland, Your sons were born again With the faith and the Ideal. Your warriors' valour, Your pioneers' virtue, Alighieri's vision, Today shines in every heart Youth, Youth, Spring of beauty, In the hardship of life Your song rings and goes! And for Benito Mussolini, And for our beautiful Fatherland, In the Italian borders, Italians have been remade Mussolini has remade them For tomorrow's war, For labour's glory, For peace and for the laurel, For the shame of those Who repudiated our Fatherland The poets and the artisans, The lords and the countrymen, With an Italian's pride Swear fealty to Mussolini No poor neighbourhood exists That doesn't send its hordes That doesn't unfurl the flags Of redeeming Fascism !
Dylan Gomez
What do you, Italians of Sup Forums, think of groups like Ianva and Skoll? I like them, even if I do not think they are truly Fascist but rather linked to either Futurism (Skoll) and D'Annunzio (Ianva).
Hudson King
Another quads and we get a free happening ala Luca Traini
Jaxon White
Memes aside, hows the situation there?
Jordan Russell
Luis Williams
The real question is: is the right-wing candidate pro Israel?
we never gave a shit, our policy so far has been to jew everyone involved
Angel Young
I want more Tonio Cartonio quads tho
Benjamin Parker
This. The jews fears the Italian conman
Ian Martinez
>ligurians >borderline terroni Nope, you are periferia piemontese
Austin Ramirez
They are "only": 45 000
Josiah Rogers
>kek ma basta co sta pagliacciata a cojoni
Gabriel Hernandez
Highest murder rate in western Europe, highest rape rate in western Europe, highest suicide rate in western Europe, highest robbery rate in the world, highest corporate tax in Europe. 1 out of 5 Flemings are of foreign descent.
Draw your own conclusions.
Isaac James
Hey I have a question for you guidos. Since Italians look so physically similar to jews, how come you never try infiltrating and subverting them?
Noah White
checked again
Robert James
Andrew Smith
No thanks? I do not hate them, but I think we are different from them.
Ethan Ward
> ma basta co sta pagliacciata a cojoni a-user... are you trying to censor us?
Who doesn't praise KEK shall perish
Grayson Howard
My town is turning into Congo, not far from Brussels so that probably explains it. It is spreading and no one is doing anything to contain it.
Thomas Foster
Outlawing antifa is a mistake.
Cooper Gonzalez
reminder of the electorate's composition
Christopher Cook
Yup. 68.3% of children in Antwerp aged 0-5 yrs old are of foreign descent. Nothing has been done.
Gavin Scott
Jews that don't want to destroy Europe combined with Piemontesi
Wyatt Lee
We should do what the Genoese did in the past...load a ship with free weed and booze, wait for all the potheads and illegals to get on board, close the ship and, once in international waters, sink it...with no survivors.
Jaxon Wright
Leo Cruz
DUUUDE, does history taught you nothing? we are fucking lazy
Alexander Russell
They are already well connected and do illegal shit with great care. The only difference it would make is that theyll have greater problems with funding.
Michael Myers
Kick vee
Adam James
Ryder Perry
Mostly in Genoa, desu...
John Johnson
lega so salvini can beat il berlusca
Elijah Wilson
This country is so fucked. I need to get out
Camden Barnes
what a terrible waste of a ship
Parker Martin
milano is already terronia
Ian Hill
Henry Scott
Alexander Hughes
you know we have this common saying "conci come il belgio" in italy (it means "fucked up like belgium")
Christopher Martinez
They killed all the poor people in the city at the time; we could sink a ship and kill all the lefties in Genoa (and, as someone who once every year or so goes back home and spends a day or two there, that could turn the city into a Right wing stronghold).
Adam Ward
Outlawing them will give them the mistaken impression that Italy is a fascist state, and imbolden them. It's better to keep anitfa out in the open, than underground where it's harder to track. Just enforce the current laws against vandalism and shit. An insurgency is the last thing Italy needs.
Luis Edwards
Leo Gullotta Cinegro
Joseph Turner
I know. I'm from Domodossola, get on my fucking level