Why do atheists like to piss me off so much?
Why do atheists like to piss me off so much?
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Cause they are salty kids who have no purpose. They shit on Christianity to a Christians face but are to scared to do the same to Muslims. what faggots.
Because you can't refute what they lmao
“Atheist” is the only interesting part of their personalities, is what separates them from any neckbeard. They must make everyone know about their atheism or else they may rist being seen as a neckbeard. This applies to the “skeptic” community entirely, thank god those faggots are on their way out
>this triggers the race traitor
ive done the same to mudslims
always picked up fights in ramadam cause they were weak as fuck
The actions of atheists made me want to go back to Church. They’re disgusting, angry, and unhappy people. Do not want.
Wait you have muslims?
Because the only people who can't into Bible are religious nuts or atheists. They take the same views on its supposed meaning, kinda weird honestly. They can't into myths or that stories have complex meanings. All they take away is 'kill fags' and 'they want to kill fags'. Paul, who was much less severe than Jesus, although they tell you in pop culture the opposite, wrote Corinthians Ch 13. That man would never throw fags off a building. He'd only would hold people's coats while they do it. See?! Its easy to be stupid. Then there's the rest of the story obviously.
very little here they are like the jews you rarely meet one
i used to live in venezuela and there were a lot there (and kikes also)
They are so bad at pissing people off I almost feel sorry for them.
>i used to live in venezuela and there were a lot there (and kikes also)
Who is the worst? Bolivia or Venezuela?
He lives in Texas bro.
>picked up fights in ramadam cause they were weak as fuck
you're retarded and a liar.
bolivia is a bunch of incas in a mountain pretty shitty nothing to do
venezuela was pretty nice until 10years ago
it devolved gradually until now that its a war zone
how am i a liar?
jelous you didnt get to kick arabs asses as a kid with no consequences?
Because you make it way too easy
So, the first was a mess from inception while the second was brought screaming and kicking into being a hellhole...
I wish I was in Texas too...
The eternal sun guides us.
nowdays venezuela is shittiest of the shit
but if you know ppl there and have dollars you could have a really nice vacation with little money
id be really careful tho
That sticker is right, though. Muslims will want you to die.
Knowing my luck, I'd end up being tied up to a pipe in a moldy basement and having my organs harvested from me while conscious and with no anesthesia.
Christians don't retaliate. They are natural bullies. It's why the love Islam despite being extremely stringent. Because Muslims strike back several times over. It's just instinctive fear that leads them to persecute Christians and coddle Muslims. They are cucks, as well.
>Jealous of things that never happened
Might as well just pretend youre not a virgin and you shoot muslims with your AR-15.
Kinda true; usually Christians retaliate when they have no other options left (and when it's self-defense, usually it's done to protect others we love).
Because they have no morals.
kek ill bite cause im bored
kid at 0:08 was one he also comments on the video
Why are Christians so short tempered?
It's you, your own fault that you can't just
brush shit off, if you're any kind of man, you
should be able to just shrug and let this kind
of crap go, but you can't, because you're a
weak, simple minded ass-hat who needs to
waste his time asking irrelevant, insignificant
questions on a Hungarian Knife fighting board
rather than be doing anything else in his life, and letting shit like this go
Atheists piss everyone off
I hand-typed that out too, can't copy-paste on this platform. It was the book of Jonah by the Bible Project. One of the top comments is by an atheist Jew. I've heard agnostic people I respect tear this book down without even trying to understand it it. If only they read it with alittle instruction.
because you like to generalize and get into arguments about politics
try to be happier user. brush off the childish antics, not everyone is a particular way.
Do atheists actually do shit like that? I was born and raised in the south, in the Bible Belt, and I've never met any atheist before in my entire life and I'm pushing 30. And if I have met one, I didn't know it, I've never heard anyone say that they were an atheist in real life.
To be honest, I only notice atheists on the internet and I only notice people who don't like atheists on the internet. I never hear anyone saying they're an atheist in real life and I never hear anyone shit-talking atheists in real life.
And it's not even because we're sensitive about disclosing our religious beliefs, everyone always says you don't talk about your income, your religion, or your political stances, it's in poor taste, but we don't give a fuck down here, we openly talk about anything.
So, I don't know, I've never really thought about it before, but this whole "I'm an atheist"/"I hate atheists" debacle seems to be a purely internet thing since I've literally never seen or experienced in real life.
ITT: fags who want to suck dick for all eternity
mfw religious people think their only purpose in life or death is to tell some supernatural being how great they are
We get into fights with no ceonsequences in school all the time, injuns don't care if you fist fight.
I had one that was sitting in my backpack that I wasn't using so as I was packing my bags to leave and making space I had the idea to leave it in the little safe next to the bed in the hostel
I feel pleased with myself for having that idea and hope it becomes useful to someone :)
>Why do atheists like to piss me off so much?
Because you should be reading the Qur'an
Athiests are weak. They think they ate on some great crusade against faith bit they neglect the real religious threat, Islam. Go get em, boy!
"Atheist"s are attention seeking faggots. Any atheist you met without knowing their an atheist is be ause they werent an attention seeking faggot. I'm one such person. Sure i dont believe in god but i dont need to get all up in your shit about it. At least as long as you dont get all up in my shit about whatever religion you like.
>someone says god loves you
>say thanks and move on
>worships dozens of gods/goddesses
>war god faction becomes prominent
>throw all other deities out
>this is the one true god and has been for all time
>actively works to erase all history to cover up these facts
literally christianity
Get fucked, abrahamic scum.
Not anymore. Now, it's Islam.
lol, abrahamics in a nutshell.
same shit different asshole
So focus on the new asshole then, champ.
>can't respect something that shits all over itself
Nah fuck both of them, and even better Christianity is almost extinct, we just need to push it a little over the edge and then we can fill the void with Paganism.
Christianity is a cancerous Semitic blot on our people. If you're a White European man you are absolutely cucked as fuck for believing in a Jewish faith centered in the Middle East rather than Europe.
Once Christian cucks are gone, then Pagans can take over and expel Muslims. But until Christianity remains, no progress can be done.
Usually they're druggies up here in Ohio. Or unreflective snobs. Met a few smart ones that just had an independent streak to them, which I don't blame them for, was agnostic til 26 (32now) myself, and an atheist for 2 days while 16. You can tell in a matter of minutes if they're in a phase or serious. Most atheists I know or knew were also ex-Jehovah Witnesses too. It's a non-trinitarian sect run out of a NY centralized building. The JW'salso vote 80%+ Democrat, so imagine my shock. Bad experiences with religion can seriously impact a person's life just as much as good ones. They run instead of asking the right questions of the right people, they hide. At least I did for awhile.
All praise is due to YHWH Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.
The Beneficent, the Merciful.
Master of the Day of Judgment.
Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech for help.
Keep us on the right path.
The path of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed favors.
Not (the path) of those upon whom Thy wrath is brought down,
nor of those who go astray.
YHWH Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Jesus is God too.
>work of fiction
They think it's still the mid 2000s and it's edgy.
>lacks historical or archaeological sources to verify existence
Isa the Prophet
They're scummy parasites, but you're a cuc'ky classical liberal who refuses to establish a church which means they can keep doing what they're doing.
>not wanting to leech off a deity's cock for all eternity
That book is repetitive, boring garbage, even Muslims don't read it. I asked Muslims what their favourite chapter of the Koran is and they don't know, they can't even tell what difference there is between any two chapters cos its all a copy paste job.
>muh dik
Com'on man. Your dude thighed a 9 year-old until the earliest possible time he could rape her, allowed pagan worship until he didn't, was in a heretical Christian denomination whose leader repented of, and Jews think Islam is closer to Judism in Israel than Christianity. Islam is the slave child of Hagar, and Edom. Let the Jews build that temple so we can crash this whole thing already.
>literally every holy book ever written
>just take some old crazy bastard's interpretation of a work of fiction written by another crazy bastard with an agenda every time
Peace Be Upon Him
may pigs and goats and tiny children be pleasured by his magnificent rod for millennia
Who in the hell needs paganiam? Imblying it'll be a huge improvement
Like you wouldn't have celebrated it if it was done to some random koran in your hotel room instead.
>this religion sucks
>we should replace it with another
>wait this religion sucks too
literally all of history
Hell is for ever, user.
>muh dik, again
Are you a literal sodomite, user?
Nothing wrong with pushing away infidels and their things, user., you silly ignoramus.
Sodom and Gomorrah did literally nothing wrong
the world would be a much better place if they were still major luxury orgy destinations
Hide post.
>"Yeah, let's forget Christianity, the only religion that preaches unity and make Europe great in the past. Let's get paganism, a bunch of of many religions with fucking many gods so we can now fight ourselves but now for European ™ gods"
>persecute Christians and coddle Muslims.
>They shit on Christianity to a Christians face but are to scared to do the same to Muslims.
This may be the case for strawman atheists fabricated in the minds of terrified special snowflake persecution victims, but in reality, an actual atheist would not see a dime's worth of difference between any of the Abrahamic religions.
>always picked up fights in ramadam cause they were weak as fuck
Because making fun of the mentally deficient is funny.
The sticker is not wrong. Christfags are killing the West.
>Abrahamic religions.
Maybe the liberal ones who are using wrongly the message of Christ to let in degeneracy. A good Christian would fight for the moral that keeps a society healthy
You're talking to a novelty-seeking loser. He's just scum at the end of the day, lad.
For the lulz
Literally the opposite. Much like how Dems claim to have the more educated voter base precisely because its not true. They'll show some infographic showing that black woman are the most educated group in America though. The only major denomination killing us is Catholics with their 50/50 split.
Sounds oddly specific.
Imagine being a White cuck and worshiping the King of the Jews for 2000 years
And when someone calls you out on your shit...
You double down like a retard
Thanks to the Cheddar heads.
So, the Jews rejected him and you hate him too? With that meme flag?
Kinda makes sense though what with the rampant occultism in Germany at the time. They used to encourage making babies in cemeteries in respect to their ancestors.
if you were actually close to Christ such would not anger you
all you would feel is sadness, fear, and pity for them
rage and anger is for the Lord
about 1 fallacy per 2 words
Reminds me of James 19-27.
really REALLY should be a big old pig instead of a goat
a dead pig
a dead MALE pig
hell's finality is forever
hell's suffering/burning is not
wikipedia: annihilationism
7/10, i keked. Still going to a Church this Sunday to find a qt Christian girl.
>Sodom and Gomorrah did literally nothing wrong
they did, and grave so, on a myriad of accounts, according to the only being that matters
Because you are dumb enough to react to them.
why not go on the Lord's day, the sabbath, instead of the pagan's day of sun worship?
try to show me one single verse where the sabbath is changed
good luck
i know a very well known pastor who will give you $30,000.00 cash on the spot if you can find such a verse
find 3 such verses: get $90k
Atheism is a Jewish ploy to destroy Christian unity in western nations, and its worked too well.
You should not be angry that they do this, you should take this a sign that you are correct. It is foretold in several books of the Bible that Christians would be mocked, injured, even martyred for our faith in Jesus Christ. Take heart that the fact that the atheists must mock you means that they fear your beliefs, they fear a judgment of their immorality and degeneracy that they daily propagate. I'd like to quote Psalm 2 to calm your frustrations.
"Why do the nations conspire[a]
and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth rise up
and the rulers band together
against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,
“Let us break their chains
and throw off their shackles.”
The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord scoffs at them.
He rebukes them in his anger
and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,
“I have installed my king
on Zion, my holy mountain.”
7 I will proclaim the Lord’s decree:
He said to me, “You are my son;
today I have become your father.
Ask me,
and I will make the nations your inheritance,
the ends of the earth your possession.
You will break them with a rod of iron[b];
you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”
Therefore, you kings, be wise;
be warned, you rulers of the earth.
Serve the Lord with fear
and celebrate his rule with trembling.
Kiss his son, or he will be angry
and your way will lead to your destruction,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him."
something like this. It just makes me sad. the only time i get angry about things like this is when they start trying to brainwash children