pic related, it's the same shit logic as "muh historical debt", its retarded
He has a point
Racism is a joke that has never gotten to its punchline.
Exactly! Instead we should look to our neighbours for inspiration and ideas, not shut them off! Drink the local water, participate in the local customs! You go first OP.
shitty bait
Pay your debts eurofag
Pride in what your parents and grandparends did.
now fuck off
>these are the people who will march for gay pride, which they claim is something they're simply born as and can't help
nice consistency
>go be a nihilist and live depressed your entire life
I'd like to add that I made OP's argument as well when I was 15 years old and indoctrinated through school..
Wasn't this a quote by some hack comedian that's spent his life acting like a scumbag? Nihilism is right, who the hell wants to take life advice or hear discourse on political ideology from these failures of human beings.
Nationalism teaches you to love your nation and your people, and by implication your family and yourself. Nationalism does not teach hate but love.
Nationalism teaches you to take pride in your ancestor’s accomplishments so that you emulate their virtues and continue the progress they began.
Critical theory teaches you to despise progress because other nations were less successful or progressive, even backwards or savage, and the more successful should regress to compensate the backwards and savage and lazy.
Nationalism teaches you that the same potential that allowed your ancestors achieve the things that they achieved is within you as well.
Liberalism teaches you to be ashamed of shit you haven't done and take pride in a cock in your ass.
The way you put in, ntaionalism sounds much more positive.
Nationalism has no value on its own as wisdom begins with the fear of God. All great nations who turned away from God experienced a downturn that coincides with it. Nationalists always make reference to once great nations or regimes but i ask you, where are they now?
Social Justice teaches you to feel ashamed over shit you have no part on and guilty about people you haven't met.
I can do it too.
The left teaches you to be ashamed of things you haven't done and love people you never met, same shit m8
They should be ashamed desu
Nationalism is about having a nation that protects your genetics you dumb fucking CUNT