global warming is rea-
Global warming is rea-
Other urls found in this thread:
>not understanding why there is cold weather in europe, the post
>not having comfy north sea temperatures
>Global warning isn't real because I had a cold this morning and it snowed in Europe.
Well... they kinda deserve it for being so pretentious.
>OP isn't a fag-
This morning -7 degrees in Rome,last time it happened was in 1985
how the fuck is iceland so warm?
Please don't make me cry Polen
If you aint purple you aint white
Because hot weather air is currently residing over the northpole to a point where 0 degree celsius was measured over the the arctic a couple of days ago (which is quite unheard of this time of year), that is why Europe is cold - The cold air is getting pushed down.
Because OP is an enormous faggot shill, and ignored the fact that the Arctic is currently experiencing a massive heatwave. Climate change is very real, and its getting bad enough that the lies won’t work for much longer.
>tfw -15 Celsius in winter and 35+ in summer
How the fuck did I manage to fuck up that link?
fuck me, that link doesn't work here, odd
>calls me shill
>links vox article
ok retard
south european education ladies and gentlemen
but dont worry we'll bail you out again
just fuck my shit up
35+ is disgusting weather
>having this saved on your computer
ok cuck
Yeah, comfy
>not understanding that extreme cold weather is a result of global warming.
Cool ! I'll move there then !
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
Europe is the one place Global warming will have little effect on, there is literally no reason to recycle or reduce emissions, should stick to fossil fuels also
user, if it makes you feel any better, know that she paid the toll. This is her in pic related.
Sometimes the weather forecast here is "fire"
-15 to +23 is the White mans weather
crime was real but not the same lady
this kills the nigger
is this one better?
I like to fly back to Thailand during the summer because there is AC there. 30c with air con is disgusting.
Global warming makes the weather become more extreme, not everywhere all uniformly a little bit warmer (although it does in the long term).
32+ is average day in texas
Sadly it don't because they sit inside with tax funded heating systems.
there is basically one weather station up there.
your warming is fake.
You would have more luck looking at the actual warming trend that is nonexistent at the moment than going for the gee ebryding is glimade ghange nau :DDDD approach.
Honest question, what are the statistics on being frozen to death in Russia?
>muh more extreme
try some actual scientific data instead of repeating al gore and his inconvenient truth
I was going to defend this inhumane climate but realized that
>mfw Stockholm syndrome to Winter-chan
Holy shit another pole shift is coming.
I just remote started my 5 litre V8 car in response to all this climate change faggotry.
and your point is?
If you deny all the data for global warming / climate change happening, then what's the point of me posting any about "extreme weather"? You've already passed the stage of being a science denying fruit loop.
God bless
This is btw what the surface temperature of Europe and North America looks like for the Holocene. The last few decades are above the mean for any century during the last 11,000 years.
It's amazing how our technology is so advanced we have real readings from 11000 years ago.
And we didn't cause it.
Plants fucking love CO2 as well.
It's like the Holocaust.
Didn't happen. Should've. Didn't.
>I'm stupid: the post
this is based on high resolution palynological records (pollen assemblages)
Europe will be affected by the invasion of displaced third world people from parts affected by climate change.
So remanence of an effect, but not direct readings of the tempurature itself? Like putting faith in what we believe to be true is what we're seeing with our eyes...? Hmm...sounds familiar...
>tfw cold and wet winters and hot and humid summers
sorry my bad, that pic is taken in Dhaka, Bangladesh and not Malaysia.
This will kill off some gypsies. Also, poor Finland.
you mean like summers and winters are supposed to be?
The fucking polar vortex split in two. There was basically a storm the size of Asia and it proceeded to launch itself into the stratosphere and split into two massive vortices. How fucking retarded are you people? We're watching the planet eat itself alive while we still live here and you absolute fucking retards are arguing about climate change.
Pic very goddamn related
Iceland looking toasty
Global warming is an autistic fantasy.
>pink colder then blue...
iIs there normally plus degrees on the north pole in summer?
in anons pic it says about -10 degrees but 's pic says its +5.1 degrees.
who is right?
i'm confused.
Yes, a whole 0°.
Make it 0,7° however, and we get another ice age, because the vortex gets carved in half.
Falling for a weak bait in 2018
Was about to say
>holy shit that's cold
Oh, that's a bit cool, but it was -10 F for a couple weeks straight in Indiana, that shit sucked.
not her you retard.
Help your homeless in. Leave the sand invaders outside. Nature will finish them in 9 hours.
Oi i'm laffin. Just spent my day off hiking in a national park and could't wish for a nicer weather
are you implying that cold weather is a bad thing
>trust the state more than family
This right here is Orwell-tier dystopia
>Iceland face when
>extreme cold