After lurking here for 3 years, you fuckers have successfully turned me into a race realist. I hope you are proud of yourselves.
After lurking here for 3 years, you fuckers have successfully turned me into a race realist...
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Wow, 3 whole years. You must be a genuine retard.
first red pill is the hardest
You are like a little baby.
I wanted to murder niggers before I even knew what Sup Forums was.
I don't think I lasted 3 weeks.
Why did it take 3 years for common sense to kick in when you have reminders every day?
living in a pure white neighbourhood only to have the government by a house and turn it into a community housing and proceed move in a tribe of abos after the previous owners moved out was enough to redpill me from my teens.
>turned me into a race realist. I hope you are proud of yourselves.
Oh no. We said real things that made you a realist. I am just so ashamed of being real.
3 It only took me like 2 months
You've taken your first step, once you can't watch vid related without getting misty-eyed you'll know that you've been fully redpilled. Welcome home brother.
been lurking for 3+ years off and on.
It is the literal cess pool of the internet.
just natsoc larpers, pepe memes, pizza gate and blaming everything on the jews.
Impartial, progressive atheist scientists are the only thing that can help this place.
>imagine having such poor cognition it takes you 3 years of lurking Sup Forums to realize there's a difference between niggers and Europeans
Better late than never I guess.....
Hate of "the other" is a useful tool in the beginning to break the conditioning.... but the more long-lasting and ultimately stronger redpill is the love of one's own.
checks out
Hm, took me like 2 days here. "We're all the same
he might have grown up in a terrible lefty family
sheryl crow?
don't forget you're here forever
>impartial progressive atheist scientists
Please God have mercy on your stupid, stupid children
>This thread again.
It took me like 3 weeks.