I can't argue with the common sense of not eating that which readily produces milk and eggs fit for human consumption...

I can't argue with the common sense of not eating that which readily produces milk and eggs fit for human consumption. it shows a lack of restraint and gluttony. all other animals are very much fair game, i suppose (except for dogs. i love my dog. she's a good dog. yes she is!)


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Does she do this so you put benis in her heart?

but most animals produce milk and/or eggs

Is this a vegan thing, because ink isn't vegan.

you already agree that consuming animal products is morally wrong, live in line with your beliefs user

Looks like henna

foot jobs are kind of weird, and that's coming from a foot man.

ducks, pigs, rabbits, cows, chickens, sheep, turkeys and all other animals (including fish) share the same sentience as your dog and a conscious want to keep living.

Sup Forums has strong opinions on the holocaust but are still brainwashed or willfully ignorant when it comes to the ongoing animal one (56 billion per year)

you can get milk from pigs, but momma pigs generally are violent bitches when you try to milk them. cows just stand their and eat their grass.

You sound like you have man boobs

>a conscious want to keep living
Unsure if true.

because obesity from eating meat doesn't lead to having manboobs... hmm...
you can get milk from almonds, too

show me an almond with titties and i'll believe you.

Almond milk is awful for you m8

with the wonders of modern day technology we don't need to forcefully inseminate animals to steal their lactation anymore, plus we get to live longer healthier lives from it!

boy or girl feet ?

Do you unironically believe that almond milk is good for you, or you just baiting ?

Cow's milk is >>>>> almond milk, but both of which should be consumed in moderation.

almond milk is:
>low in calories
>low in sugar
>high in vitamin E
>a good source of calcium
>enriched with vitamin D
>naturally lactose-free
>cruelty-free and vegan
>low in Phosphorus, with a moderate amount of potassium
>very easy to add to your diet

i don't think a dude would get something like that.
and holy shit. never seen iran flag before.
پشتیبانی:من ناشناس هستم و حزب بشریت

thats almost entirely subjective

except for the parts of it regarding physics of nutrition

it is good for you

Possible retard detected.

The only calcium in almond milk is fortified (added artificially, to explain it simply). That goes for most of your other nutrients too.

Lower calories ? Who cares, just consume less.

Lactose free ? Stop being a nigger or a mongoloid Jew. True whites have no issues with lactose

Its a good alternative (among others) for a cruely-free diet user, and its still better than artificially inseminating animals at such a mass-scale as we are. Enjoy your obesity and heart disease!

