Boy, Girl and the Story of Sagrada 5/5
It was a fun ride
Boy, Girl and the Story of Sagrada 5/5
It was a fun ride
Finally, that means next week will finally be a week without Soma suffering.
>(09/13) Sagrada Reset - 24
Subs are out, in case you are wondering.
And Subs actually on time
>put stuff you like talk returns
Getting some of that nestle dosh.
Alpha as fuck.
GJM when?
Dream world sumire seems to be smaller than real life.
In the end, Kei is fucking faggot. He even dared to deceive Soma with his tsuki ga kirei. Fuck him. Fuck this. Why couldn't this girl just be happy?
The last episode was good, but I'm still fucking mad about all of this. Why would they make such a caring, sweet, devoted and smart girl as Soma suffer so much and lose to some autist? What the fuck is wrong with them?
How many times in this season again? I think its 2-3. The studios must have been conspiring to do this.
I was hoping he'd deliberately answer wrong and choose souma but fucking hell she lost immensely. All that shit with the swamp man and everything else was entirely her lying to herself and suffering endlessly. I can't believe after everything Kei never had a change of heart and still liked Haruki since day one. Haruki even got all of her memories from resets back. How is this even allowed?
Post your face when the entire anime was a Kit-Kat commercial.
>that line
God, he wasn't kidding when he said he was an asshole.
That was a stone cold killshot right there.
Man knows what he wants.Nothing wrong with being selfish.
>cat method was left out
The fuck.I understand the basic but fucking come on, not really mad but pretty impressive to blueball me like this.
Gimme a break! So Soma is like the more depressing version of the Trix rabbit, constantly trying to get Kei's KitKat bar, but failing evey time and crying while he and Haruki eat it infront of her?
Everything is wrong with saying lines like this to the girl who sacrificed herself for his sake and who he still rejected.
Last episode sponsored by Nestle(tm) KitKat.
Also Souma is too good for this world
>hangs around with these two
Getting some pussy for himself.Pretty good. Looks like urachi parents were released from the lock too.
Well being Souma is suffering.
This was a weird fucking show to get 24 episodes but I enjoyed it.
Fuck Haruki. Souma is best
would have been 10/10 if Kei had handed Soma a kitkat bar before she left
>Villain and Seigi no Mikata hanging out together
Wait, is Eri eating a KitKat
>you will never be a little fuckboy for Ukawa and Oka
Looks like it.I wonder what happened since the cake got the crepe but Eri is eating kitkat.Can she creates crepe too? Damn.
No, she's having a break, having a KitKat® by Nestlé®.
The same reason you wouldn't(or at least shouldn't) pick the yandere. Sure the other girls arguably love you less but that's a good and healthy thing.
He's only missing the Bureau's OL to have all the best girls not counting Soma.
Will Vento Aureo fags ever acknowledge where the funds for their shitty anime came from?
Souma's suffering is obviously harvested as an alternative energy source.
She deserves to win
I don't think Seigi no Mikata is a cake
>I don't think Seigi no Mikata is a cake
Yes, I think so too but I cant remember her name nor her power other than it creates stuff.
>that scene with alternative_world Soma suffering was made just with the purpose of Soma suffering more
Fuck. This. Shit.
Would your rather be Haruki or Souma?
>#1 girl, but useless sidekick to the MC
>forever #2, but has the ability to help MC and save the world
It's the choice between being useless but happy and being useful but unhappy. Is there even a point to ask?
That was rather anticlimactic. Everything wrapped up way too neatly and Soma was way too accepting. That long build up of sorrow and bitterness isn't something that just washes all away with a little talk but I guess I'm supposed to believe that and from a teenage girl no less. Kei really is selfish and cruel and not in the comical way with a smile to everyone like it was a joke they kept trying to do with light hearted music playing in the background.
The ride is over.
Where am I gonna be getting my dose of madman now?
I dont think it was washed away, its gonna stay forever until it is not.No resolution on that part for sure since this isnt a romance story.
They must have really bonded over that x-treme ride.
I refuse to watch this episode unless I know that soma wins.
Theres literally no reason for haruki to exist except to make kei suffer.
Soma wins the silver medal
Fuck everything
Fuck Soma.
I would, gently.
You can't really do it gently when she's not willing.
Why wouldn't she be willing? It can't be hard to comfort her.
Drop this around episode 6. Is it worth it to binge it? It looked fun but too long to take off.
She gonna be willing after seeing the future if she stays unwilling.
Probably,you missed all the speculations though, but it should be easier to understand the story arcs.
The ride is worth it, I rate it kitkat/10
So does this cover the base novel completely?
I honestly can't believe I lasted through it all the way from ep1 when it aired.
As if that's even worth mentioning when the show has Yuuki Aoi and autist HanaKana among other things.
Soma fucking set them up together. If she wanted Kei, she should have kept Kei away from Haruki.
The unconventional use of autism and the acting (or the lack of) was a good bait, compared to usual loud introduction of anime series nowadays. My only fear weekly were spoilers, fake or not. I dont mind the speculation.
I can't believe I watched it all and I still don't really get what happened.
>Soma fucking set them up together. If she wanted Kei, she should have kept Kei away from Haruki.
If she was selfish - sure.
I'm a bit sad this is actually over. I wasn't a huge fan of the first few episodes but it really did get better and it's a decently interesting concept. Love some of the voice actors and there were some pretty good episodes throughout.
One more best girl lost. It's actually sad.
I pity the ADHD fools who dropped the best anime of the season after episode 3.
Guess she had to sacrifice a cat or two.
No more risetto
i want to fuck Haruki even more after this ep
I dropped it around 8, and I'm glad I did seeing as autist and MC seem like fags.
I'm glad I did. We probably won't get an anime like this one for a long time.
I dropped it at episode 3 I think because of a plothole that didn't seem was going to be explained further on.
What was it?
I don't remember in details but it was related to when they deceived the guy at the park then reset time. If my memory isn't failing me, it was the fact that the students over at school that were listening in through their phone retained their memory of this confrontation happening despite the reset, for some reason.
Or maybe it was't a phone but some guy's special ability. Can't really remember but this should be close enough.
Poor Soma.
Dude's ability can change the time of delivery, they probably used it to send the message to the past.
I want to make Souma happy.
I want to make Nono happy.
What a ride this has been, this episode was not excellent but in the end this is a very good show, definitely hidden gem material.
I really wished for another kissu between kei and haruki.
It was pretty entertaining show although at times it could make me feel stupid because of Kei's keikaku. Im glad I watched it live with these comfy threads. Kei and Haruki's confession was so cute and how 2 years ago Kei rewinded time just because that it seemed awkward Haruki didn't like the kiss but she was happy. It was a nice moment when Haruki put her hands on his shoulders and said she wanted to grow her out again because Kei said he liked it that way.
Kei you're an awesome guy for finally giving Haruki her character development to show her emotions. And I hope Soma live happy with another goal in life.
Too bad I didnt think about buying a kit kat for the finale
I remember really thinking there were going to be some androids. But I guess Soma felt herself to be an android?
I still do not understand, in the end, she was always Souma or not?
Soma Sumire ;_;
Yes, why wouldn't the messages get to her if she wasn't? She just thought of herself as an instrument created by dead Souma.
So did they end up sacrificing a cat to unlock Urachi's parents?
Kei you monster. I thought he'd self-sacrifice himself in the end.
What's with Japan and always choosing the damn retards for main heroines? Really this is a fucking disease.
Do the fans really agree with this and prefer the idiots as love interests? How can they even do this after making Soma suffer so much?
I will miss the autismos.
Im really going to miss the 1rst ed more. And kei doing weird shit like this scene was cool
Do the LNs, manga or live action adaption (I think there was one) have an alternative ending where Soma wins?
Please say yes
Does Haruki remember this scene now?
This line was pretty cute.
If that was it, then how was Sakuin's power mocked?
She didn't think of herself as Soma Sumire, By dissociating herself from Soma, when asked if she was going to stop the plan, she wouldn't be lying. That was the whole point of her sacrifice.
She herself refused to believe that she's the real Soma and not a mere clone, even after hearing the messages. because to her, the real Soma died two years ago.
Ah, that was it, I got confused at the thought that Sakuin's power was objective and not subjective.
It's not a lie if you think you're telling the truth
Should've played the first ED at the end. It was way better.