(((male promisculity)))

why does Sup Forums glorify and virtue signal Hunter Thompson style male promisculity as a proof of manliness?
dont you know its a jewish trick to destroy society and that whoremongers are as degenerate as feminists (just the other side of the same coin)?

Other urls found in this thread:


do you not realize that its degenerate and that sexual perversion of one sex doesnt happen in isolation, and it translates to other sex eventually?
sexual "liberation" movements (PUA- yes, pick up artists are a sex lib movement, feminism, homos) of one group/sex translate to sexual "liberation" of all and everything.
if you are not married (=/=(((serious relationship))) ), you shouldnt be having sex.

>inb4 brainlet response key and lock therefore it is OK
>inb4 brainlet response sex are dimorphic as is sexual market so its "natural"

partially correct actually, but brainlets dont get that sexual market needs to be channeled not let loose, as previously stated, sexual degeneracy doesnt happen in isolation since you need 2 2 tango.

I have never seen that glorified and ive been here since /new/

Do you post 1000 times a day or is Croatia the most red pilled country?


why pour energy in failures?

Croats are cool, most unproblematic balkanites.

hats of the the oldfag!
A lot of rebpolled bros of reddit are now in our midst so things change. MGTOW and PUA dorks lurk here also.

>Croatia the most red pilled country?

kid of

Jeez, I better stop fucking all those roasties.

Thank you Mr. Jew for the information, without you our nations would crumble.

Whoring is bad! Whatever gender you are

I don't think we glorify promiscuity, rather we all seem to dream about huwhite wives in wheat fields.

There are basically two types of guys. Those who fuck all the women, and those who date a single woman at a time. The guys who get a lot of strange pussy would be getting a lot of strange pussy no matter what. Nothing I say or do will ever change that. Women need to change, not men.

Pathetic. You mutts see the Jew around every corner

>Hunter Thompson style male promisculity

What does this even mean? I don't recall him being all that promiscuous in any of his works. Granted I prefer his political stuff but yeah I don't remember much sex. Do you trolls proofread what you write?

>why does Sup Forums glorify and virtue signal Hunter Thompson style male promisculity as a proof of manliness?
What ridiculous angle are you pushing? I have never seen anyone on Sup Forums glorifying promiscuity.

I fell for the millenial lifestyle meme for a while and it was unfulfilling. Pol helped me come back to my senses and realize whats truly good in life. I have a qt girlfriend now who is a rare decent person and i'm looking forward to putting a perfect white baby in her tummy.

Sup Forums is not one person. Also men have to work for sex (less then they used to) so its seen as an accomplishment. While women traditionally have to be worked for. When they give it away they are devaluing themselves.

>whoremongers are as degenerate as feminists (just the other side of the same coin)?

there is often a kneejerk muh dik reaction in MGTOW/PUA/ROBPOLLED communities to this. but one creates the other.

>Women need to change, not men.

but societies women dont create themselves, rather WOMEN ARE A REFLECTION OF SOCIETIES MEN.

Idk about his promisculity, but he deffo romanticied the bad version of a rebelious male. Also the guy literally made snuff films. The Milo of the Beat gen.

>I have never seen anyone on Sup Forums glorifying promiscuity.

Yet Ive seen plenty of Roosh nod nod wink wink style virtue sign here after Trump election.

all the best we all make mistakes.

>Also men have to work for sex (less then they used to) so its seen as an accomplishment. While women traditionally have to be worked for.

as does a talented stock market skemer have to work for it - no reason to glorify it.

>why does Sup Forums

Sup Forums is one person

Why don't you ask whoever is saying the thing you're trying to argue instead of making some silly strawman to farm (you)s.

your opinion also doesnt matter if /pol is not 1 person.

This is America, they are around every corner faggot. Maybe we should send them all to you.

Sup Forums is not one person, but whore enablers get the rope, too.

Since (You) fucked all the QTs, crobro is going to shame you now.

Hunter Thompson was a homosexual



arrest these whoremongers, cro cop

rly though why pour energy in failures, you just cry yourself to sleep on a pillow.

yes we are all ROBPOLLED bros and we know that masculinity is BASED, but that doesnt mean it shouldnt be properly channeled (not let loose like a bunch of white nogs).





Milo of the 70s, literally.

it isn't. stop making strawman threads.

ah, the good ole days. look at these iq charts stratified by race! were you a tripfag there?

>ah, the good ole days.

tell me about the good ol days bro, I wasnt on chan then

hijacking thread for a /new/ dump


when did /new/ end, how big was it? I heard legends about that place

OP is right
Be the Chad Volcel
Watch reality bend to your whim


Male promiscuity is not glorified and is called out as degeneracy by everyone on Sup Forums except for lolbertarians and civic nationalists (who shouldn't be on here anyway).

However, the charges of male promiscuity is used by tradcucks in order to put roasties on a pedestal and pretend that women can do no wrong. This is a ridiculous attitude and it pisses men on Sup Forums off to no extent as we get enough of that shit in the real world from feminist cunts and their white knight beta orbiters, so we don't need that shit from tradcucks on here too.

early 2011, I think. it lived on another chan run by a Jewish con artist from Australia who had to go hide in Detroit for years until the website died.

And also to add on, FYI women are not as truthful as men and will not admit to the true number of sexual partners as men. Women on average claim to have slept with half as many partners as men claim - so clearly, as it takes two to tango, someone is lying here.

better representation of what happened. this is what he actually he said.

after /new/ got asked, a prolific tripfag from Texas drove six hours to Austin when joot was visiting there to punch him. unfortunately he got very drunk and forgot his mission, and joot escaped Austin unscathed.


>However, the charges of male promiscuity is used by tradcucks in order to put roasties on a pedestal and pretend that women can do no wrong.

this is the part I never encouraged and where I actually agree with MGTOW/PUA fraction, no good pollack should marry others leftovers, nor is that kind of marriage advisable. Whores should pay the price as is the actually trad tradition.

My issue with MGTOW/PUA is that they nowhere adress the causes of whoredom (its caused by whoremongering toghether with other causes) and in mayn cases they actually encourage whoremongerign and thailand trips which pushes them almost in the enemy box.

>FYI women are not as truthful as men and will not admit to the true number of sexual partners as men.

no need to underestimate me like that.

but how did he let Sup Forums run loose after he shut down /new/ ? pol probably did far more crazier shit in time where joot was the mod than what /new/ did...or did they?

Time was a human-waste-of-skin-man could fuck woman after woman and then when they got pregnant there was no way to prove it. Nobody felt sorry for her for being a slut while he got off scot free. Being a slut was therefore something bad for women to be. Bad men got away with it often lying to themselves that she must be a bigger slut than she really was so the kid likely wasn't his - human-wastes-of-skin avoid feeling guilt this way.

Nowadays tech's reversed the roles of male and female:

Women can use birth control and fuck who they will. Men must use condoms to have any assurance they don't leave sperm in a fertile pussy. Women on the pill mostly complain if men try to keep using condoms if they are on the pill and in a relationship (not a one night stand thing) - females use the pill so they don't HAVE to use condoms.

If a man does leave sperm in a fertile pussy, then the man is compelled to support his offspring - and even if that were not the case any decent man would support his own offspring.

A woman has the option to abort, or to keep the baby even if the man does not want to be a father.

So women can in good conscience be sluts. They can get on the pill and fuck as many men as they want bareback risking only their own health. If somehow their first line of birth control should fail, they have the saving throw of getting an abortion.

Men must use condoms to morally fuck sluts. And because women have traditionally been the gatekeepers of sex ( due to the olde tymey pre-birth-control game shaping tradition ) they feel insulted if having gotten on the pill, a man would continue to use condoms.

And condoms aren't a great only form of birth control anyway - they can slip off, splashes happen.. Sex is wet, messy and liable to that sort of thing.

So this selects against responsible moral men being mates. Women prefer male bimbo sluts.

The upright would-be-gatekeeper-men, are analogous to the olde tymey good-girl-who-wouldn't-put-out.

iirc this was a breakdown of the last stick thread /new/ ever had, the 2011 Tuscon shooting

when did joot hand over Sup Forums to hirosimoot? I don't remember. anyway Sup Forums has done way more with political activism.../new/ was actually mostly left-wing than right-wing, whenever polls were conducted. but /new/ was a lot more fun and generally more intelligent imo.

anyway, I think he started Sup Forums because /new/ was essentially a containment board, and certain other website was losing traffic, and it was spilling back into other Sup Forums boards.

Nobody is gloryfying promiscuity in Sup Forums, maybe you are confusing this board with /s/ or /hc/

we had some good artists on /new/

Sup Forums doesn't, as far as I've seen; they call it degenerate

>I think he started Sup Forums because /new/ was essentially a containment board

and Sup Forums isnt? Sup Forumss containment reaches out of chans. Im surprised it still exist f a m. Probably some kind of honeypot already.

early ron paul period?

some things never change.

You assume men don't lie and make up fanfic about how often they get laid

You don't live in reality, you live in a bubble

I mean /new/ unintentionally came a containment board. and when he axed it, they mostly moved to other chans. when they started to come back, Sup Forums was intentionally created as a containment board. he said he'd axe it if it turned into Stormfront 2.0, but he never did.

oh yeah, we actually got raided by the JIDF during the Gaza Flotilla debacle.

wish there were more virgins?

Well maybe men should stop going around trying to fuck everything.

basically this, but Im not tradcucking here, women have to be controlled also.

And just as easily as a woman can say no, so can a man. I know you’re not talking about yourself but you’re basically saying these men have no accountability

And men make babies they can’t provide for. Do you think that’s okay? Or is it the responsibility of women to keep a man’s dick in his pants?

femanon? hi.

The thing about responsibility in whoredom, is that it needs 2 affirmatives.
First affirmative comes from men, but last one comes from women (since women control sex).
So in the end women have more responsibility in controling sexuality and rightfully get more shame for wrong choices, but that is no reason to glorify male whoremongers.
