No she.
More people voted for Xi Jin Ping than for Trudeau
>american democracy
Sore. Loser.
>constitutional republic
Fake and gay, saged and reported.
Do not respond to shill slide threads.
>European education
You win by getting counties not people.
Imagine if 90% of the population lived in California, they'd take every election. Why even be part o the union at that point?
I'm so disappointed in you, Sup Forums
that's what makes the tears more delicious
she'll be there in 2020, pedro
But that's not how it works, faggot.
The electoral system is designed to prevent populous states from dominating the political system.
She. Didn't.
Why the homophobia?
why ain't she presiwoman then?
>constitutional republic
Representative Federal republic retard
Might be something worth looking into regarding our own federation, unless you're satisfied with the non-elected commission who's running pretty much the whole show.
Repit after me
He is my President
We are a constitution representative republic. What makes you think we’re a democracy ?
What is the Electoral College.
Lurk more, faggot.
Wait until Trump get's impeached or he resigns, we'll see what you Trumpfucks have to say then
As Mueller relentlessly continues with his crusade eventually the GOP will figure out it's best to ditch Trump and faggoty cronies.
Then stop calling yourself a democracy, mutt. The literal definition of a democracy is that everyone holds 1 equivalent vote. In US (((democracy))) the shills and useless rednecks decide who wins
democratic REPUBLIC, you fucking commie shill
Dems flooded shitskins into major cities within blue states, someone in the past knew major populous cities shouldn't dictate elections and each state in the nation gets representation. So the electoral worked exactly as it should have.
CIA sliding threads
Even after subtracting votes by illegal invaders and the dead?
>a real country
pick one and only one mayonaissenigger
How is being a republic relevant? Shouldn't you emphasize the united states part?
>Why the homophobia?
So you started a thread on Sup Forums about "hillary was supposed to win" and your only reply/post is this?
great job leaf.
If you remove the 5.3 illegal immigrants who voted, Trump won the american vote
Fuck off Achmed, don’t you have an airport to blow up?
Drumpf fags can't give over the fact that Hillary actually won.
@Muricans: how does it make you feel when i tell you ur country is led by crooks and shill like
Leaf you are a disgrace India just blew you out because they don't even respect you nobody cares what you think you are the most irrelevant country on this planet other than New Zealand
both of those numbers added together are still less than the wealth controlled by one family apart of the 1%
>The literal definition of a democracy is that everyone holds 1 equivalent vote.
In what? Belgian brainlet dictionaries? I'm more interested in older Greek definitions of democracy. Only 125+ IQ persons who can pass two tests, one on economic literacy, and another one on recent events.
Fuck off Juan, don't you have a school to shoot up?
Shes months away fom jail
>6 000 000 undocumented felons voted for her in California! It was her turn!
economics literacy is for greedy retards. it needs to be pure mathematical logic and knowledge of scientific facts.
Can illegal immigrants vote?
Nice system
>Only 125+ IQ persons who can pass two tests, one on economic literacy, and another one on recent events.
>another one on recent events
Sounds like something that will totally not be corrupted into a correct opinion test.
But if that was the case, (((white))) americans wouldn't be able to vote at all. wel at least not the goat fuckers not living near the coasts
america population 323 million
>128 million voters
what the fuck happened to the other 195 Million
> land of the free
>free to do nothing.
only partial democracies work.
Full democracy will turn you into another Polan