This isn't funny anymore, it's textbook fascism. Trump needs to stop meddling in Syria and overthrow this psychopath.
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remember, it's good and fine when your side advocates mass murder, it's bad when the other side does it though
Do you prefer helicopter rides?
Theyre trying to overtake his govt, should he just let them?
He's a commie himself and is close to the Chinese Mafia.
He's just using it as an excuse to persecute opposition.
Kill yourself you fucking subhuman cunt.
lol Long live Duterte! I hope he gets a lot of takers.
God bless
Slay them all
Ah, the commies sure don't like it when THEY are being put into gulags and are shot without trial. Oh sweet vengance, you come in many forms. May the death of philipine communists be slow and excruciating.
Based af.
Aww, yiss - coming to the USA.
fucking exchange rate
No one cares about flips. And duterte is a controlled opposition fyi.
He's doing all this meme shit to keep people from looking at what he is hiding
Dude, that's a minimum wage in Poland. I need to create my own Death Squad.
I already inquired. No response as of yet.
K, keep me posted.
hey did he kill his son yet who got proven to be connected to drug dealers?
brb taking a vacation to the Philippines
hold up, can a foreigner participate in this? finna collect some pocket change for physical removal services yknow wut eyemsayain
No in fact the title is completely fake news. It is only a bounty rewarded to government officials, e.g. soldiers.
how many commies I have to kill to settle in Philippines?
This is based. We should put a bounty on communist too!
Bull. He has to be somewhat submissive because his nation is completely trapped inside the JEWlluminati financial, market and technological system. No leader on Earth would like his people to experience what the North Koreans experience...yes Norkistan is ultra-based but that comes at the cost of real pain.
What he is doing is to try his best to "unglue" his nation from the JEWlluminati system, that needs time, strategy and pragmatism.
you'd get a horrible sunburn though :-\
commies come in many flavors sadly
well that's not very free market principles
At least Duerte pays his killers, Stalin forced everyone to do it for free
I wish we were raised cool as the Philippines think of all the subhumans wr could eliminate. Communists atheists oh my
These guys in blue cities are in a logistically undependable position. Cut the supply lines into the city, and his "ethnic neighbors" will cut him up and throw him in the stew pot.
Is that what the fake Brazilian "rebellious rightwing" is telling you guys? The Olavo de Carvalho's and all those Zionist tools?
Wasn't the Philippines an American colony once?
Yes, but as a democratic nation, getting rid of extremist supporters of undemocratic ideas is in itself democratic as you defend democracy within the nation itself.
So, fuck you.
>tfw the socialist madman might actually all the commies
kek, stalin was such an ebin shitposter
We won it from the Spanish but let them do their own thing
Reward is doubled if you shoot them in the vagina.
I can't help but smile, good for him
the Philippine-American war was brutal
for every dead burger you took down 5 of us
democracy is shit anyways and not just because it invariably requires and devolves into this sort of thing, it's just shit the whole way through from start to finish
at least ancap isnt democrashitty
>"OP is a faggot" - the thread
Bro, he admits it.
>freedom is best and hard choices :DDD
Back to rebbit
Fuck me, that's some good money.
Is this per kill?
I mean, it's not amazing money, but it's definitely good money for some low tier country.
Right Wing Death Squads gonna become a reality?
He is a fucking psychopath and a ton of innocent people are getting killed in his insane, illegal, arbitrary lynching campaign.
But it is still kinda funny.
> We should stop meddling in the affairs of others
> unless it's leftists being killed, then we need GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION
Leftists aren't people and they deserve to be removed by whatever means necessary. If it makes you feel better about it, consider it an abortion.
I never said democracy is good, in fact I haven't even touched upon the subject.
What I'm getting at is that fact the action in itself is democratic- you projecting, inbred fucks.
no, he didnt kill his son?
oh so this guy is a just a asshole who uses tough talk and actually dosnt stand by a thing he says
Didn't they had some kind of communist insurgency in Philippines or something? Is it still going on?
As long as it's commies and garbage people, can't really say that I care.
we don't even think about it or hardly teach it in schools, not enough room/time for it and drilling ww2 and the holohoax into kids heads
even for older people its never talked about or casually mentioned like say war of 1812, 2nd barbary wars, iran contra gulf war and such
*the act
>drumpf is an evil fascist and needs to me physically removed
>omg drumpf plz halp they are removing commies in philippines
Nice one commie scum, I don't even need a reward, i'd remove you just for the pleasure of cleansing the earth
>340 pounds
shieeet nigga thats like $10000 in the philippines
Trump/Duterte 2020 Emporers of Mankind
This is what a real leader looks like.
Trudeau has a pussy
Trump grabs them
This fucker shoots the pussy right off.
But if you shoot their vaginas, you can't rape them.
>Mass murder
This is just pest control.
Not bad. Getting paid for doing a mitzvah.
>wahh waah Trump pwease help me wahh!
we got BTFO'd too damn hard :-\
the hero we need
I lived in slavlands all my life, some sun won't hurt me more than life already did
but I won't come to ruin your demography and steal your women, although I plan to visit one day and maybe fuck hooker if they are legal
this guy is a weak ass pussy
son got proven to be connected to drug dealers and didnt do shit
I'll match that reward!
(Pics or it didn't happen)
I want to kill commies for a living
Merci, based user
/our guy/
I can't wait until we redpill the Muslims so we can enact the final solution and exterminate leftists together. This muzzie had the right idea
This nigga stabbed a dealer to death. Based mofo.
Well yes, because we're jsut advocating the mass """murder""" of would-be mass murderers.
Murder: The illegal killing of another person
No people are harmed in the killing of communists
Anti-communism is not necessarily fascism, you dickbrain
Do we dare to dream? Can it truly happen? Tens of thousands of pinko swine plummeting through the sky with the sound of rotors all around... hhhhrrrrrnnnnngggghhhhhhh
I unironically have zero problems with this
Yeah because the mob and certain local power brokers with the right to kill totally go after garbage people and not their personal enemies.
Many countries have super strict laws but that's not what's happening here. It's extra judicial and almost arbitrary. Unchecked power totally corrupts.
LIterally threw them out of helicopters. He is /ourguy/
If he's in the business of killing communists, people should honestly point him to El Prime Minister of Canada.
nah, it's just common sense
you beat me to posting it user
>shoot female insurgents in their genitals
Absolute CHAD. We need a Trump-Duterte virgin vs Chad populist meme.
you're a tough white dude then.
brown and halfling qt's will flock you after a round of commie-hunting on the mountain ranges
They don't talk about it because it was a genocidal war.
show us your flag, tough guy. i can see why you are crying over those communist rice thief mother fuckers who lives on the mountains :)
maybe, but its like we feel bad about it so we never ever talk about it out of shame, meanwhile people go on and on about vietnam at the drop of a dime because amrricans got btfo so there's a victimizable angle there that's nascent and tangential but it's there, where as with you guys there isn't, no non-flip american can get victim signaling points from it
What? Trump would suck that guys cock given the chance.
so your ok with witch hunt's?
Mandela effect, it was always "You're going to need another boat." in this dimension.
This mother-fuckea gets it ....
STFU. If Germany had killed more Communists in 1919/20, there would be no need for Hitler.
It's pretty much arbitrary who gets killed. There's no due process in the civilized sense, they just go after enemies.
how do you guys feel about us leafs over there? I was thinking of moving to the Philippines. Where's the best place to live, or rather where does quality of life meet cost of living?
duterte is literally chink hitler.
>tfw no chinkhitler president gf
I'm okay with dead leftists.