why are Italians so dark?
Why are Italians so dark?
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>what is a tan
How is that dark? That’s a typical Mediterranean look.
who? this is the average Italian
La creaturia...
Because white people evolved near the caspian see so primarily only the rich meds could enslave and take pagan nordic wives for sex and genetic bleaching purposes
>what is sun
>what is a peninsula
>what is sea
yeah and it gave you brown eyes too
fuck off
This is dark.
Di Maio is not typical even for a terrone.
Italia getting nervous. I imagine all borderline whites are. We wuz kangz doesn't cut it in current year and a full review is in order.
Because they are arab.
north african and negro admixture. italy is, like spain, a highly mongrelized and thoroughly non-white country.
>find one italian who looks darker than the rest
>hurrrrr why are all italians so dark
muslim rape babies
el goblino
Watch this scene from True Romance, it's explains why Italians are dark.
Negro admixture is greatly exaggerated. My mom is a Maronite Lebanese and has 0% sub Saharan in her DNA but is more closely related to southern Europeans than Saudi Arabians. It's far more likely people who live around the Mediterranean will just look more similar than people from the icy north. No need for nigger DNA to play a role at all. Ocean was easier to traverse than mountain and desert.
No idea
>north african and negro admixture. italy is, like spain, a highly mongrelized and thoroughly non-white country.
don't know if I would
imagine being american, a citizen from a melting pot shithole that had a literal BMWF interracial spawn as their president twice, pontificating with absolutely no evidence about the genes of an European nation
It's wonderful when you realize there was no Renaissance in France or the UK, only Italy, because only Italy had a history to revitalize. Nordicists are fucking clowns.
You're getting shit on, but you're right.
It's all that nigger blood coursing through their veins. Why do you think Italian Americans were always shit-tier thugs and mobsters while other ethnic groups made something of themselves?
Pure nigger blood.
u sound triggered
whiter than you, maometto
Theyre fuckin eggplants thats why
they look like poos
getting called mixed by the literal epicenter of world racemixing is just as ironic as it gets, just that
well i can asure you there was rennaissance in france england and germany
dude open a damn book
or at least read wikipedia first
Southern Italians are actually North African.
Just saiyan.
This is now an amerimutt thread
>literally posts Gypsies
>hurr durr they’re Italians
>I am a retard please rape my face
No wonder you don't show your flag.
That's the point I'm making. The attribution itself is false because the Renaissance was a form of cultural appropriation in a literal sense. They were reviving someone else's history and now their descendants are shitting on the culture that gave birth to the west because they are whiter.
Wow you're a fucking idiot. There was a renaissance in all those countries, Italy's happened to come first.
eh no
only partialy
norht italians are more mixed with germanic tribes
south italians probably have an ethnic cut between upper and lower class i would guess
many lower class people i think were former slaves
but also romans enslaved lots of italians
t. iskandar yegudayev
Oh, did the Gauls bring back burning men in wooden cages and druid sacrifices?
Why do all the mixed race spawns look so ugly? I want to kick them in their faces.
fuck off achmed
how does it feel to be a shitskin?
el monstroso de las salt-o
>u sound triggered
Man, that must stung you pretty close to your coal-black heart.
The worst part of being Italian is you know you're polluted with nigger blood, whereas niggers lack self-awareness.
It's literally the worst of both worlds.
They live in a sunny climate
>pure nigger blood
I want you to go and look at the top 10 highest IQ countries and see where Italy stands. Hint: They are higher up than Canada.
it's about reviving antuiquity and overcoming it
the rennaisance was not about becoming like the antiquity but about becoming BETTER
and even the italiens back then pushed the norsecuck meme at first but then the nordcucks became better than them
build better arms deeper mines larger machines preciser clocks and larger empires in trade and states
The Italian renaissance brought back, through Cicero, the marvels of antiquity.
The French is more aptly described as a cultural explosion of extremely valuable and influential writing, music, theatre, science etc.
We English had Shakespeare and that's about it.
Reminder: The US capital design and political system are Greco-Roman inspired.
Wouldn't know, ask your mum, and open a biology book while you're at it.
Fucking christ this level of projection and delusion. North Americans are positively nuts. Have you faggots taken a look at yourselves in the past 20 years? Italians are by and large majority pure European stock, originating from this content, you guys are the ones that are a bunch of fucking New World mystery meat and continuously getting overrun by Chinese, Mexican and African immigration.
His dad was literally an evolian style fascist. Guy is OK
Guy looks like a Syrian refugee that I know.
Really makes you think
the more a nation is demographically fucked, the more they tend to vent their butthurt on others I noticed
can't wait to see the jewsa go into full brasil mode
some leafs just deserve to be raked
Of course they do. We have fucking pajeets such as yourself dragging the national average down.
neck yourself - the average iq of the country will skyrocket.
Fine but in a literal sense it was not a rebirth but a birth. It might have been superior but future iterations should be.
I don't mind calling it a cultural explosion but I'm not going to respect people shitting on the origin point of the west culturally as inferior because of skin tone that's silly shit.
yeah, you are a real Italian alright
Cuomo infestation
ok slant Ivan
Italians aren't polluted with anything. Having been to Italy and Canada, the former is markedly more white, more European and feels more safe to be in than your shit hole country. I saw tons of blue eyed and fair haired people in Italy whereas all I saw in Canada were Chinese and Muslims. You guys are in fucking love with sandnigger semen.
>be bong
>talk about 'pure european stock'
sure fucking thing, achmed. Sure fucking thing.
>implying we have room to talk
We shot ourselves fifty years ago.
>why are Italians so dark?
Various niggerish races invaded and raped every cunt they could grab in southern Italy. This explains why Sicilians are so pissed off all the time.
>italian's are white
yep. stung hard.
Much like that nigger dick did to your grandma.
reminder, that was before they were arab/kike/negroid goblin spawn.
Europe please fucking answer for this medshits. I live in a place with a lot of Portuguese americans and they all look like this motherfucker.
You have your own mutt problem, and it is severe!
you forgot the germans who revolutionised production protoindustrialised iron industry, and mechanics also german agriculture and forestation
the reichwälder of nürnberg were a marvel of their time first human planted coniferen forest on earth
>Chinese and Muslims.
So, we're a bit more multicultural than just you muslims.
Got it.
Now, go bomb a market somewhere - it's been a few days.
BTW, I've noted that the arc of civilization has trended northward for the past several thousand years starting in Mesopotamia. Just something I've noticed.
Far be it from me to shit on either Italy or Greece, considering they gave us pretty much everything we had.
It really depends on what part of Italy you're in.
If you're around Milan, Turin or close to the Italian alps people are white and look Swiss.
If you're in Sicily, yea of course people are going to be brown. So many Americans think of Italians as brown because of the huge influx of Sicilian immigrants who moved to New York in the 19th and 20th centuries.
I will tell you a little secret you may have learned if you finished elementary school: darker caucasians have not been created by Islamic scientists, nor have boats and other means of transportation, which have existed even before alphabets and civilizations.
I'm not at all studied in German history unfortunately, though obviously you had a pretty much equal impact to France and Italy.
And who is that supposed to be?
>a dogeater ranting about racial purity
>That’s a typical Mediterranean look.
No, he is dark even for Terrone standard
>Southern Italians are actually North African.
North African-Arabian or North African-African?
reverse search the pic
pic related is who is hiding behind the memeflag, not surprising
those mixed race abominations really have a butthurt boner towards us
Di Maio is shitskin even by the darkest terrone standard
That’s because literally are poos/Gypsies, they’re clearly not native Italians. You’re one to say any European looks like a poo. Take them back.
always been that way, there is a range
>reverse search the pic
Did that, came up with nothing.
In ancient times, a lot of slaves were brought to the Italian peninsula to extend the empire's lifespan; this intensified the natives' already dark skin color. This alteration was never really reversed. Next is the Arabic diaspora in Sicily, which further darkened the population.
good god do niggers get offended easily. And project...oh man, the projection.
rome was founded by fleeing Tory Turks
>the projection.
As if you could see shit throught your slanted eyes lmao