Just a regular old can of Pringles, right?
Just a regular old can of Pringles, right?
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British version
Does it explode?
They'll eventually remove the english part
lmao, notice the brown vinegar thrusting into that big round white booty and squirting on her
What does it say I don't speak British English
Mind. Blown.
I hope this is just a fantastic work of a photoshop-artist
In what store did you buy this?
Holys hit i saw the little arabic part in the bottom and thought you were overreacting because people do that all the time
But it's actually arabic in the other side
That's depressing
Fun fact: pringles is owned by a jewish company.
Redpill me on Pringles
Yeah, that's just CGI. Now go vote Merkel again, cuck.
It looks like a brown cock ejaculating on a taco.
hello Borat
Once you "pop", the fun don't stop.
You dumb fucks deserve it for letting your government shit all over the native population and allow in hordes of Muslims. No other group of people causes as much trouble or is as lazy or useless. Let in all you want of the Viets, Chinese, Greeks, whatever. They don't cut people's fucking heads off or bomb concerts.
You really fucked yourselves this time UK. There's no getting rid of them now, they breed more than you and when they reach majority, they'll start voting for Sharia laws. This eventually happens in every single country Islam spreads to.
Kill yourself
Vinegar is unironically the best
all companies are jewish
patrician taste
It's bitter and sour. The two worst tastes combined.
Unfortunately not
it tastes like aids
Sissy boy cant handle strong tastes. Why dont you suck on my cock then.
How do people eat Salt and Vinegar chips?
Every time I sit down to eat them, I end up with a painful raw as fuck tongue.
i bet its just like sour cream and onions but without the onion part
>continental europe
>having a worthy opinion on crisps
pick one
I've been to Germany, Poland, Italy, Netherlands and whilst the food is much better than the UK's, your crisps are utter shite.
what a weird way to type best
it says pringles salt & vinegar u should have been able to figure that out from the first pic
>holy bible
Who keeps a bible next to their computer? Especially while browsing Sup Forums?
fun fact
"oligarchs" are callled "CEOs" in the west and are generally praised, like when they steal governmunt funds to launch ads for their shitty e-cars
do you think the uk can get even more cucked?
i wonder how far will all this go
Strong tastes are fine. It just has to be the right tastes. Paprika, Extra Salty and similar tastes are just fine.
Even worse than that.
Was it procured from an arab shop? Because then it might be understandable. If it came from a standard grocery store then you have a problem.
It is especially when browsing Sup Forums and Sup Forums specifically that it's useful to pull a bible quote sometimes.
woah wtf
> Quintessentially British
Is Arabic really the 2nd most spoken language in bongland now?
Nothing new in England
The last census done is 2011 said that it was Polish, which doesn't surprise me. However it very could have changed since then
Its the 1st
Aloha Snackbar
OP should read leviticus before posting
>non-Irish talking about crisps
Lmao, nigga
Those chips are racist against Pollacks then
Which makes no sense since we mostly have crisps/chips from the same companies as you brits do. And while paprika/bell pepper is the standard flavour here, salt and vinegar is also sold here.
oh NO, not the CRISPS!!!!
Da fuck? Its potato chips man. You should know about potatoes right?
Oh the reverse side is written in the language of those white-asians. Nice find.
Send them back to the desert (:
back in the day, the brits made irish chew on "crispy" things as a sort of replacement for food, that's where crisps come from
Nigger, did you suffer brain damage at some point? You need to get your taste buds checked out or maybe brush your fucking teeth once in a while.
And I guess they can't say chips cause that means fries? Cause bongs are fucking retarded?
The taste of dryness, not the feeling mind you, is a type of bitter.
These are chips
what you don't keep the bible on the dash while you're cruising the mean streets of the internet?
just don't talk to pakibongs about food ever, that's what I do
>people sperging out over a tube of bulk discout pringles
The poundland near me has some with hebrew on them and sells them at half the price the supermarkets want.
They don't look like a *chip* of a potato at all. "Crisps" do at least a little bit.
nice hotel bible, get a REAL ONE SON.
Salt and vinegar are the superior potato chip, (crisps to the muslims).
>Jewish language
>Half price
Reminder to bongs, you are the real 56% country. Kek.
gtfo loser
reminds me of that chriton book Sphere where the cunt keeps changing reality to have coke be chinese
it's a (((Jewish))) thing
Sphere is a good book. One of my fave Chrichton books.
Plebs like Jurassic Park. Patricians like Sphere or maybe Congo.
Is there any particular reason as to why importing the chips from Middle Eastern countries would cause them to cost less? Isn't that a much bigger pain in the ass and more expensive than just getting them domestically or from the US?
Jesus Christ be praised!
I hope Pringles will make pork-flavoured chips with arabic font too.
Some Paki makes Pringles in Pakistan, sells them for 20 cent a can. He calls his cousin in the UK and sells them to him for one pound per can. His cousin can now sell them cheaper than regular Pringles go for in the UK.
Because no main supermarket will touch them so they're sold off cheap to places like poundland and dealz.
ur an idiot for buying them in the first place, supporting white genocide.
trash food made by jewish managed company (pepsico). by paying you are paying for your destruction, are you retarded? you evne have the nerve to complain it appeals to subhumans. you are a bit thick
I can buy two cans (the big ones) for 20 sek at le ÖB, plebes thread this stay poor and retarded faggots
So, arbitrage... I’m actually impressed
fucking kek
Racist against Sup Forumsacks.
Congo was fun, all time favorite is amdromeda strain. I remember reading that as a kid from 10 to 2 in the morning. Also 5 patients is a great read.
disclosure is EXTREMELY relevant today. I'd read that one and maybe Airframe too.
The holy Bible completes the jihad
the reason they're in arabic is because it's literally cheaper to import most foodstuffs from abroad - even those made in britain - than it is to buy them directly from british wholesalers
it's not nice to know you're indirectly funding mohammedans, but even worse to know native companies charge you more than foreign muck
Fuck off Paddy
>bitter and sour foods are the worst
lmao poofter
This is just a taste of what's coming if YOU DON'T DO SOMETHING
This. Buy shit from Poundland etc and it's covered in Arabic, heeb or some other subhuman script because they import it from the 3rd world. But ofc that's no reason to stop Sup Forums sperging out because apparently 95% of people who post here now are spastics
Charles approved.
How many mo/ham/mads does it take to sink a small island into the sea of genocide?