Germany hate thread

hate on this shithole here

Other urls found in this thread:

Just bring back the kaiser

isn't this the new turkey flag?

fuck germany

worse shithole than poland

Austrians are superior germans. Prussia and unification of Germany was a mistake.

so what is germany's end game? roll over and die?

Mfw living in germany back in 95 and witnessing grown german men getting harassed and pimpslapped by turkish teenagers on a regular basis.

Get out of my country, traitor.


your an idiot. Bismarck can be compared to a underage plebbitor on a massive powertrip because he is surrounded by people circlejerking him saying muhh emperor. he wasnt really a special person when it came to ruling. certainly i wouldnt choose him. he didnt listen to his generals just like hitler didnt later on in the war. his war also didnt have any clear stated objectives and he abandoned Russia out of spite because he was butthurt instead of manning up and recognizing a true threat. absolute manchild 1/10.
if he were on Sup Forums today he would be considered a shill.

im literally unable to hate you, just pity

>current state of poland
>not controlled by jews
choose one

>Germany hate thread
>fuck germany
>worse shithole than poland
>grown german men getting harassed and pimpslapped by turkish teenagers on a regular basis.

>mfw poland is slowly becomming chinese puppet and poles are fucking idiots and don't oppose this, because our goverment claims to be nationalist and catholic ;---))))
I'm fucking ashamed of the current state of my countrymen.

Henry for a better and Christian Germany !

>this thread



>autistic screeching, the thread

imagine being a poor diaspora-virgin

wrong name.


Then stop buying proxy servers here
>1 Post by this ID

Remove Luther from this image right the fuck now

this divide and conquer shit doesn't help anyone, it's exactly what (((they))) want
I have nothing but love for the Krauts

Fresse alman

Martin Luther led Europe to constant religious wars which pretty much gives the argument of 'muh religion is evil lets let them in' mentality.


Luther saved Christianity.







i'm ok with this


It's creepy how the left parades these things like they are accomplishments in and of themselves


Stop hating yourself. Hate immigrants and turks instead.

that's the thing though, Bismarck was pretty gud

muh moral highground muh diversity and the like I guess





Kek do you have a link for this?

I'm not german retard

>the gay died of cancer
>the vietnamese was fired by incompetence

It's ok, they will just confiscate more homes to pay for their failures in government. And they will virtue signal until they die. I suggest you see to that being sooner than later.

You forgot to change your flag muhammad

These massacres used to happen once every few years. Now the murder and rape is so common that it's not even worthy of remembering unless at least a dozen people were killed.

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.



It’s okay to be German.

Luther was Sup Forums tier before the internet. I was just reading the Large Catechism last night and couldn't stop the lulz.

Read what he says about the 5th commandment
>But the cause and need of this commandment is that God well knows that the world is evil, and that this life has much unhappiness; therefore He has placed this and the other commandments between the good and the evil. Now, as there are many assaults upon all commandments, so it happens also in this commandment that we must live among many people who do us harm, so that we have cause to be hostile to them.

>184] As when your neighbor sees that you have a better house and home [a larger family and more fertile fields], greater possessions and fortune from God than he, he is sulky, envies you, and speaks no good of you.

>Thus by the devil's incitement you will get many enemies who cannot bear to see you have any good, either bodily or spiritual. When we see such people, our hearts, in turn, would rage and bleed and take vengeance. Then there arise cursing and blows, from which follow finally misery and murder. Here, now, God like a kind father steps in ahead of us, interposes and wishes to have the quarrel settled, that no misfortune come of it, nor one destroy another. And briefly, He would hereby protect, set free, and keep in peace every one against the crime and violence of every one else; and would have this commandment placed as a wall, fortress, and refuge about our neighbor, that we do him no hurt nor harm in his body.

Greentext version
>Here's why we need the 5th commandment
>Your neighbor will be jealous of you and act like a bitch
>This will piss you off
>God generously intervenes and prevents you from killing that shithead

Luther then goes on to say that being a shithead that provokes people to want to kill you is also a violation of the 5th commandment.

> For where murder is forbidden, all cause also is forbidden whence murder may originate.

>ITT: Blaming Germany instead of the real (((Problem)))

You do realize the kikes have run Germany since 1945 and making Germany to the focal point of their plans as well as your hate is part of their revenge.

We had jews in Poland for over 1000 years and somehow we didn't start any of the world wars. I fucking love Sup Forums's mental gymnastics.

Woman's liberation ladies and gentlemen. We gave them an inch, they took a mile, and pissed Western Civilization away in one generation, that generations of white men worked for and built for them.

The Jews are low-hanging fruit at this point, easy mode. It's time to start talking about white women.

hamburg and berlin are bumbsterfires by large proportions
they jumped over the edge a long time ago

you just have to avoid larger cities and larg urban areas and germany is fine

>someone who lives in the capital of the northernmost state

found this

>not aids
this could've been so much more




your genes created the goyims worst enemy. Ashkenazis its hilarious. jews were not a big deal till you fags mixed

verräter und versager, wenn du dein land hasst verpiss dick oder mach was

Germany needs to start gassing the polish subhumans asap

nice try faggot, he just pandered to the public
meanwhile in reality

maybe he had aids but cancer was faster


Yeah having half of the HRE to flip protestant and then having practically all of them declare war on Austria making them waste their manpower on a pointless war which led the Muzzies walk right in to Europe is what saved Christianity.

Think of it this way. Who do you think is right a Church that was founded by the apostle of Jesus Christ himself or a church founded by a man 1500 years after Christ's death?

Tearing down the Berlin Wall was a mistake. That period was when Germany was the least destructive.

Heh thank you user

Wie kommst du drauf dass ich deutsch bin, ich will euch leiden sehen

What happens at full equality?

Catholic church has nothing to do with Christianity. First churches founded by the Apostles were independed from each other.

thats the first time i see someone being proud to be non-white


63% of children in germany have a migratory background

i'm just going to leave this here kek

Women realize they want to do stereotypical women stuff.

Gas the Krauts race war now


The original Church was the Nicene council before then it was just a faith that was taught from generation to generation and from missionaries who took the Mediterranean by storm. They took to Rome and used the established holy order there founded by Simon-Peter to be their linage conforming to their rules and traditions. Catholicism and Orthodox are the only church's that have stayed true to Saint Peter's holy order. Besides Coptic's, Nestorians and some forms of Christianity in India all other forms of Christianity were started by men who claimed they knew more about what Christ wanted then the holy order of the man who knew their God.

Literally impossible.


But only after germany finish to pay her reparations.

"Germany increases reparations for Holocaust survivors"

we will pay when the us pays china

wrong. fertility bracket is a killer for dumb faggots like you that dont understand.

then fucking leave mutt.

you have to go back, roach

probably extinction

holy fucking shit, and people flamed me for saying that it will be 60% in a few years
it's already worse

Mutt? In opposition to you guys i'm not a soviet rapebaby :^)

to be a shitskin is so much better

thanks for the bump retard

thanks for flipping my burgers ahmed


>flip burgers
why would he work when he can just live on welfare?

Merkel: ‘No-go’ areas do exist in Germany & we have to call them by name

cuz they don't know that welfare stops at one point in life

Kill yourself faggot.

Poor, cucked and a history consisting of nothing but warcrimes. Is there anything good about this country?

not even the AfD is a solution

Fuck off greekroach